Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life is meant to be enjoyed and savored… and more...

Money Saving Mom

Tyndale Christmas Store

Here's What's New

:: Life is meant to be enjoyed and savored…

Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

Have you purchased your copy of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode yet? Get the book here!

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

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:: Sponsor Spotlight: Motivated Moms

Motivated Moms

We're excited to have Motivated Moms as one of our sponsors. We had the opportunity to interview them and get to know their company a little more recently:

Tell us about the history of Motivated Moms.

Deann Polanco and Janet Russell created and collaborated for several years on the Motivated Moms chore planning system. They first started selling the planner as a physical planner — copies placed in a binder and mailed to customers. Later they moved to the ebook format.

Beginning in 2005, Janet wanted more time to spend on other interests and Deann took over the business. I (Susan Cramer) met Deann at an online message board for Dave Ramsey fans several years ago. We had a lot in common — both Texans, born the same year, even owned the same model first car! She was my dear friend.

In early 2012, when Deann realized she was likely losing her battle to ovarian cancer, she asked if I would be willing to buy Motivated Moms. My husband had started programming the app for her a couple of years earlier so we were already very familiar with her product. I said yes: I was happy to carry on her legacy.

Motivated Moms Chore Planner

Can you tell us more about how the Motivated Moms Chore Planning System works?

Motivated Moms is a chore planning system designed to make housework easier for anyone, not just moms! It is a preplanned checklist of chores covering most common household tasks.

Each day has a manageable list of chores to be completed. Just do that day’s tasks, check them off, and you’re done for the day. If housework has been hit or miss for you, within just a few days of following the system you will notice the difference, both in your home and your sense of accomplishment.

The system is available as an ebook (several variations available) as well as an app for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch and Android (including Kindle Fire).

How can the Motivated Moms Chore Planning System help save you money?

Motivated Moms is a product that helps users to quickly accomplish necessary household tasks, freeing up time for other endeavors. There are even coupon-related tasks listed to remind you to stretch your dollars. In addition, Motivated Moms costs just pennies per day — it’s easy on the budget!

Do you have any new products or promotions coming up?

In the 2014 ebooks, we have added versions that have a touch of color to coordinate with our new logo.

We have just added a sync feature to the iOS app allowing users to share their task list with other iOS devices in their household. Our next step is to add this capability to the Android app and to make the list shareable cross-platform between iOS and Android! Syncing is our most-requested feature so we are thrilled to begin implementing it.

As for promotions, we currently have a coupon code good for $1 off the ebooks: SAVE1. We’re also planning a sale for Mother’s Day.

What would you most like your customers to know?

I want them to know that I love to hear from them! I love answering questions, hearing suggestions, getting feedback. We are delighted when someone finds our product helpful. It is really a joy to communicate with you!

We work hard to provide outstanding customer service because we want you to have the best possible experience with Motivated Moms — we stand behind our product 100%.

Is Motivated Moms just for stay-at-home moms?

Motivated Moms is used by all kinds of people: stay-at-home moms, work-outside-the-home moms, dads, grandparents, people with no children: really, anyone who wants an already-figured-out-for-you plan to get their housework done.

For people who work outside the home, we recommend they look at the week as a whole and move the bigger tasks to the days they will fit best for them.

If you have children, we highly recommend assigning tasks to your children. They will learn valuable life skills and they enjoy checking off their chores, too.

It takes time to teach them how chores are to be done, but it’s worth your time! For the printed version, different colored highlighters work great – just use a different color for each person. Similarly, the app gives you the ability to color code different people’s responsibilities.

Anything else you’d like to share?

One principle that guides me daily is that if I have the opportunity to do good, then I should do it—based on Galatians 6:10. Motivated Moms gives me the chance to do good every day and make every day count.

Interested in becoming a monthly sponsor or advertising with us? Find more details here.

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The post Sponsor Spotlight: Motivated Moms appeared first on Money Saving Mom®.


21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Freezer Cooking in an Hour: Butterscotch Brownies, Cinnamon Roll Cake, Baked Chicken, and Taco Meat

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

Kaitlynn and I did some freezer cooking earlier this week.
Freezer Cooking in an Hour

I made a triple batch of Taco Meat and stuck some chicken in the oven to bake for some baked chicken.

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

The finished frozen Taco Meat and baked chicken.

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

Then, mixed up a Giant Cinnamon Roll Cake.

Freezer Cooking in an HourThis was fun to make and so, so good!

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

In fact, the pan never made it to the freezer. :)

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

Kaitlynn helped me mix together the Butterscotch Brownies.

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

And the Butterscotch Brownies were also a huge success — so delicious!

Recipes Made:

Butterscotch Brownies
Giant Cinnamon Roll Cake
Baked Chicken
Taco Meat

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:: “I’m Stressed & I Know Something Needs to Change!”


Carrie Willard is working her way through Say Goodbye to Survival Mode and posting about her progress along the way.

Here’s a small snippet of her progress:

Seriously though, there's more to my decision to buy this book however. For the last few weeks I've been feeling unusually stressed, and I know something needs to change. I'm just not sure what. (I'll explain more about this in a later post, as well as what I intend to do about it.)

I'm hoping the book will help me – I'm not usually in "survival mode", and I normally have a good grasp on my life and my time, but I am feeling tired and overwhelmed in a big way right now.

As I re-read through the book, I have decided to document my thoughts and notes here and invite you to share those with me. What do you think?

Read the full post.

Still wondering if Say Goodbye to Survival Mode is something you should read? Take a sneak peek at the introduction and first chapter here.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

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The post “I’m Stressed & I Know Something Needs to Change!” appeared first on Money Saving Mom®.


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