Guest post by Dereth
I tend to struggle with motivation in the winter — especially this winter. In fact, I recently searched for Crystal’s post: 4 Guaranteed Ways To Wake Up More Excited About Your Day when I realized I rarely wake up excited through the winter.
I think for me, it’s a combination of lack of sunshine, snow days, and just needing to open up some windows to let a fresh breeze in!
Whatever the reason for your winter funk, I have found 5 simple (and FREE) ways to beat it –I know I notice a big change of my mood and motivation when I try even a few each day.
1. Get enough sleep.
Crystal talks about this a lot… and I completely agree. Try keeping track of how you feel after you sleep to determine how much sleep you should get (I like using this daily sleep diary printable). I find that if I make sleep a priority in my life, my days will be much more enjoyable — no matter the season.
2. Get basic housework out of the way by 9 am.
If you work outside the home try getting it done by the time you leave for work. If I do this, I’m not spending all of my day dreading an unpleasant task. I just do it first thing and I don’t have to think about it anymore.
For me, this these tasks include: starting laundry, wiping down the bathroom, dishes, and a 20 minute pick up.
3. Do one small activity you love every day.
Make time to do it each and every day – even if it’s just 15-20 minutes! Whether it’s listening to music, doing crafts, doing a crossword puzzle, or taking a hot shower — fit it in.
I like to write. When I take time to write in a journal or do a writing exercise for 20 minutes, I feel like I’ve given myself a gift.
4. Choose your entertainment wisely.
This is huge for me. I tend to hibernate with a good book or TV show on Netflix until it’s finished. Doing this can put me in a black mood for days because my reality seems dull in comparison! What I read and watch matters to my emotions.
5. Have meaningful conversation every day.
Whether in your own home or outside of it -- the need to make connections with other people is part of what makes us human. Take time to talk to people, ask meaningful questions, and really listen to what the person has to say.
You might have noticed eating right and exercise didn’t make my list. I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a funk it’s difficult to be motivated to make nutritious meals and get moving.
Think of this list as beginner steps to taking care of yourself. When I am doing my best to incorporate this list into my day, exercise and eating right seem much easier.
How do you combat a winter funk?
Dereth Atkins is a stay-at-home mom trying to figure out how to balance life with three active kids. She enjoys trying new recipes, advocating for children with disabilities, reading, and playing board games as a family.
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