Tuesday, June 2, 2015

BIG NEWS… and a crazy deal that you don't want to miss! and more...

Money Saving Mom

Survey Spot

Here's What's New
BIG NEWS… and a crazy deal that you don't want to miss!
33 Things I Do Almost Every Day That Make My Day So Much Better
Why We're Ditching Mainstream for an Airstream

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:: BIG NEWS… and a crazy deal that you don't want to miss!

BIG NEWS -- and a crazy sale you won't want to miss!

After months of planning, brainstorming, writing, editing, tweaking, filming, more editing, more tweaking, and lots and lots of effort, I couldn't be more excited to finally be announcing the launch of my brand-new course - Make Over Your Mornings!

I've never invested so much $$ or time into any project as far as I can remember. But it was worth it, because the finished product is amazing. Truly. I've never been more excited about something we've put together.Introducing the Make Over Your Mornings Course

What Is Make Over Your Mornings?

Make Over Your Mornings is a 14-day online course that includes videos, a workbook, and step-by-step projects.

This 14-day course is designed to help you revolutionize your productivity, streamline your routines, invest your time in things that truly matter, and find more joy and peace in the process.

If you've ever wished that you could figure out how to get more done, have more organization in your life, and find time to spend on things you love, the Make Over Your Mornings Course is for you.

It's not about following a one-size-fits-all system (because every woman and family is different!), but about creating a morning that is in line with your life, your strengths, your family's needs, and your unique situation.

BIG NEWS... plus a crazy sale you won't want to miss!

What Do I Get When I Purchase This Course?

When you purchase this course, you'll get immediate access to all of the following:

  • 14 high-quality videos with motivational encouragement from me - one for each day of the course.
  • A behind-the-scenes peek into our everyday home and lives via short video clips throughout the course.
  • A comprehensive workbook with 14 chapters filled with practical ideas and inspirational encouragement.
  • Daily projects to guide you on your 14-day journey and help you implement and apply what you learned from the daily video and chapter.
  • Printable worksheets to walk you step-by-step through some of the projects and motivate you to follow through.
  • Additional links and resources for each day, if you'd like to dig deeper on a subject.

The course videos and materials can be accessed via any desktop computer, laptop computer, smartphone, or mobile device. You can choose to print the workbook or download it to your computer or phone.

This course is self-paced and you have lifetime access to all course downloads. You can begin it at any time and you can go at your own pace!

14-Day Online Course

How Much Does It Cost?

In all honesty, knowing how much we invested in this course, my team wanted to charge more for the course. And I know we could. But I am very committed to making this course affordable and accessible for every woman - not just those who have a lot of wiggle room in their budgets to invest in online courses.

So, the course - including all the videos, the workbook, and the projects - will regularly retail for just $17. However, because I wanted to do something really special on launch day, we're going to kick off this course with the following special prices - some of these are the lowest prices you will ever see on this course. Period. So get 'em while you can!

The Crazy-Can't-Miss-Low-Low-Low Launch Sale Prices:

Make Over Your Mornings

25% Of All Sales From Our Site Today Will Be Donated to South Africa!

You all know that when I visited South Africa in January, I left part of my heart there. But I also came back so stoked because I realized that we could use opportunities like this Make Over Your Mornings course launch to make a huge impact in the poorest communities there.

So here's the deal: the greatest needs right now are for a two-classroom facility and two Enviro-Loo toilets at the Reagoboka Centre (read more about our visit there here). The cost of both of these combined is $14,000.

For 24 hours, beginning at midnight tonight (June 2, 2015), during this crazy, once-in-a-lifetime deal, we will be donating 25% of ALL direct purchases from our site to the the ministry in South Africa.

And since I'm a big, big dreamer, I am praying that, with the sales through our site, we'll raise $14,000 for South Africa. Will you join me in praying for this?

That will make every single long hour and day poured into this project so very worth it. Best of all, I hope it encourages you to know that by purchase the course, you're not just making a difference in your own life - you're helping provide basic necessities for some of the neediest children in South Africa, many of whom don't have parents and are barely eeking by.

What Are You Waiting For?

Go over to MakeOverYourMornings.com to find out all the details on this course and then be sure to take advantage of the crazy low-low-low prices we're offering today only!

P.S. Not sure if this course is for you? We designed it with every woman in mind - whether you're working, stay at home, married, single, or have kids or not. If you purchase it and find it's not what you expected or doesn't live up to your expectations in any way, we are offering a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked! So, there's literally zero risk in purchasing this! Go pick up your copy here.

:: 33 Things I Do Almost Every Day That Make My Day So Much Better

33 Things I Do Almost Every Day That Make My Day So Much Better

Crystal, how do you stay motivated to get up and get moving each day? Do you generally have a positive attitude about your days? May I ask how you cope or stay on task when you're tired or discouraged? -a reader

Want to know the truth? While I'm generally a very positive person, this positivity is something I've intentionally decided to choose:

  • I try to choose to go through life looking for blessings, even when there are hard and heavy burdens.
  • I aim to choose to go through life looking for the good to praise, instead of pointing out the things there are to criticize.
  • I always try to choose to believe the best about others, even when I sometimes want to be frustrated and hurt.

I don't always do a great job of this. There are days when I wake up feeling overwhelmed. When I feel tired and behind before my feet even hit the floor. When I just want to roll over and go back to sleep because my to-do list is too long and the night was too short.

When I wake up feeling discouraged and tired or when I start feeling down or want to wallow in frustration, I've found a number of solutions to help me get back on track and have more of a cheerful, upbeat attitude.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

Over the past few days, I compiled a list of 33 different things I do almost every day to make my day so much better. Here's my list:

1. Get Up a Little Earlier - Even if I can't get up really early, I have found that getting up just 15 minutes before my children do makes a world of difference in my day. I start the day out with more clarity and purpose, I'm more organized, and I'm a much more cheerful and relaxed mom.

2. Make a Cup of Coffee - Need I say more? I love me my fresh-brewed coffee with half and half. And I look forward to waking up every morning so I can drink my piping hot cup!

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go So Much Better

3. Light a Candle - I love the look and smell of a candle burning, so I light one just about every morning when I come downstairs to brew my coffee. It's often the little things that can make such a difference!

4. Take Time to Brain Dump - Either at night before I go to bed or first thing in the morning, I write down everything I need to do that day or feel like I need to do. Getting it all out of my head onto paper is such a helpful exercise.

5. Create Time Blocks for Tasks - Once I create my "brain dump list" of what I think I need to do during the day, then I go back and put those tasks into time blocks. Which basically means assigning times for each tasks - such as do x, y, and z from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., etc. I try to also schedule in at least 2 hours of margin each day.

33 Things I Do Every to Make My Do Go Better

6. Delete Some Unnecessary Tasks From My Day - By creating time blocks for the tasks of my day, it helps me to figure out whether the tasks I think I need to do during that day are realistic or not. Often times, I'll have more tasks than time, so I will cull some of the unnecessary items from the list freeing me to focus on the most important tasks for the day.

7. Write Down My Blessings - The practice of recording my blessings each day has transformed my attitude. I dare you to try it! Start your day with listing 1-3 things you are thankful for and I can almost guarantee that it will help you begin your day with a boost.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

8. Read My Bible - As a Christian, spending time in God's Word feeds my soul and encourages my heart. I'm loving doing the She Reads Truth studies right now and spending time digging deeper into God's Word as a result.

9. Turn on Music - I love music and, never fails, if I'm feeling down or discouraged, when I turn on uplifting music, within 10-15 minutes or less, I'm smiling and humming along.

10. Clean Out My Inbox - I'm kind of a fanatic about keeping my inbox cleaned out, so I usually start my morning blogging time by quickly going through the emails in there and dealing with them - either responding, filing, delegating, or deleting them. This helps me to make sure I don't get behind on tasks and stay organized as a business owner.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

11. Find Something to Smile About - I love to laugh, so I'm always looking for funny stories and cartoons to share to make other people smile, too. I usually post a few of my favorites on the Money Saving Mom® Facebook Page each day.

12. Write a Blog Post - Writing is cathartic for me, so I've made a habit of writing something every single day. Sundays are the only day I take off from blogging, so every other day, I usually write at least part of a post or a full post. I often outline the post one day and then come back to it the next day or a few days later to finish the bones of it.

13. Hug My Kiddos - We're generous with the physical affection at our house and I know everyone benefits as a result. Plus, it's hard to be frustrated with someone for long if you are hugging them regularly! :)

14. Kiss My Husband - I've read things about the importance of a 15-second kiss at least once every day. We aim to go above and beyond that every day… and we're big fans of not keeping things G-rated.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

15. Get My Heart Pounding - Exercise stimulates my brain, makes me feel more energetic, and helps me stay fit and healthy. Even if it's just a brisk walk at a store or stair-climbing or a quick 5-minute run, I try to do a little something every single day. A little bit is better than nothing at all!

16. Take a Shower - I'm a grouch if I don't take a shower and shave my legs every. single. day. There, now you know more than you needed to know about me. :)

17. Dress in Something I Love - Take a little time to put on an outfit you love, a little jewelry, and a little makeup. It's amazing the difference this can make in your energy and productivity.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

18. Read Aloud with My Kids - I love, love, love reading aloud to my kids. So I try to read at least a few pages - if not a few chapters - every day with them. It fills me up and they love it, too!

19. Do Something for Someone Else - The less you can think about yourself and the more you can invest in others, the more fulfilled you'll be. Look for ways to bless others - whether that's a word of encouragement, a quick text to tell someone you're thinking about them, sending a card in the mail, or just stopping to listen to someone when you run into them at the store.

20. Take Some Time to Breathe - I try to take a little time each day - even if it's just a few minutes - to do something that fills up my soul. Whether this is soaking up quiet while driving, meeting a friend for coffee, reading a little bit from a book, or watching a movie with my husband.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

21. Savor Another Cup of Coffee - And yup, this is highly important. I love my afternoon cup of coffee, too. Almost as much, or maybe even more, than my morning cup of coffee.

22. Eat Healthy Food - I try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies plus good protein every single day. This gives me fuel and helps me feel more energetic.

23. Drink Plenty of Water - Water is one of the best liquids you can give your body. Many of us don't drink enough on a regular basis, so I try to always have a glass of water or water bottle handy to encourage myself to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

24. Take My Vitamins - I take a few different vitamins every day and can tell a pretty marked difference in how I feel and in my energy levels when I don't take them.

25. Clean Up the Main Living Areas - We do a quick clean up of our main living areas twice a day - once in the mornings after breakfast and in the evenings after dinner. This helps our home always stay pretty tidy and never get out of control or become too overwhelming.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

26. Do a Load of Laundry - Doing a load of laundry from start to finish every day helps me to stay {mostly} on top of the laundry and never get too far behind. This is a practice I'm still working on, but have made huge strides in over the last few months. Yay!

27. Listen to or Read Something that Makes Me Think - I think it's important to be stimulating our brains on a daily basis, so I try to read at least a little from a book or listen to part of a podcast.

28. Post on Instagram - I try to post at least one post {almost} every day on Instagram. I love documenting our life this way and it's a great way for me to also focus on the good and beautiful things in our daily lives.

29. Text a Friend - I love texting - it's a great way to keep up with people on a regular basis and to share a little of what's going on in our lives. I have a few friends that I text with at least a few times per week and we often share funny and encouraging things which make me smile.

30. Have at Least One Meaningful Conversation - I'm a huge fan of deep, meaningful conversations and don't last very long without them. So I make it a point to have at least one every day - whether that's with my husband, with my kids, with a friend over coffee, or on the phone.

33 Things I Do Every Day to Make My Day Go Better

31. Clean Up the Kitchen - A clean kitchen makes me so happy. So I make it a point to go to bed with it clean and then to have it completely cleaned after breakfast, too.

32. Hang Out With My Family - I love spending time with my people so much. I just can't get enough of them. So we try to spend at least a little time every day just hanging out - talking, laughing, teasing, working together, and/or doing something fun together.

33. Go to Bed at a Decent Hour - This is highly important. Turn off the electronics, wind down early, and go to bed. A good night's sleep will do wonders for your energy, productivity, stress levels, and overall mood.


Want some practical help with setting up your day for success? Be sure to grab a copy of my brand-new online course, Make Over Your Mornings.

This 14-day online course includes videos, a workbook, and step-by-step projects and is designed to help you revolutionize your productivity, streamline your routines, invest your time in things that truly matter, and find more joy and peace in the process.

If you've ever wished that you could figure out how to get more done, have more organization in your life, and find time to spend on things you love, the Make Over Your Mornings Course is for you. Find out more about it here.

Survey Spot

:: Why We're Ditching Mainstream for an Airstream


Heather from Queen Bee Coupons shared a post today on why they are ditching mainstream for an Airstream. I think some of you will really enjoy reading it. Here's a snippet:

In just a couple week my family and I will say goodbye to our traditional home and move into a 180-ish square foot Airstream trailer. Not just for a weekend camping trip - but for a year. And we'll take that shiny, tiny home all around this beautiful country.

That's right. We're ditching mainstream. . .for an adventure in an Airstream.

I know this sounds crazy. Let me explain. . . .

We've spent the last 12 years pursuing the American Dream - a 2,000 square foot house, two cars, two full-time jobs, a couple vacations a year, kids in public school and preschool - we worked extremely hard and were very happy, grateful and blessed.

Life was good but we wanted something else. Something different.

We were sick of the stuff, the excess, the clutter. A life dictated by a 9-5 job. A rat race that had us thinking if only we had a bigger house, more storage, more money - things would be easier and/or we would be happier.

We spent the last year talking about buying a new house or moving to a new part of the country. We spent a year looking at big, beautiful houses - dream houses, really, but nothing felt just right. Even if we could afford it, we kept asking ourselves - will that gourmet kitchen really make us happy? Will that waterfront property really bring us joy? Maybe. But for how long? And how hard will we have to keep working to keep up with that dream house?

Read the rest of the post here.

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