Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 Books You Should Read This Summer (June edition) and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
4 Books You Should Read This Summer (June edition)
5 Things I'm Loving This Week
Gretchen's $60 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan
I'd love to meet you in Atlanta next Saturday!

Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 12.20.40 PM


:: 4 Books You Should Read This Summer (June edition)

4 Books You Should Read This Summer

{Read the story behind this picture here.}

So, I know I've not been posting much about books recently. It's mostly because I've kind of been up to my eyeballs in this thing called launching a course and, oh yeah, finishing up my own book.

I've still been reading, but I've been reading a lot more of my own words a lot while doing edits for the course and my new book and that's been keeping me from voraciously being able to read as many of other peoples' words as I'd love to.

But, the good news is that MY NEW BOOK IS ALMOST DONE!!

Yes, for real. Let's pause for a moment of silence for that. Because, y'all, writing my third book has sort of gutted me. In a good way.

I feel like some of my lifeblood was shed in the writing of it. And while it may have aged me by a few years, it may have caused my eyesight to go down a little, and it may be the cause of why I now have arthritis in my hands, but it was worth it because I'm thrilled with how the final product is turning out.

(When my chiropractor broke the news to me that the pain in the joints of my hands is actually arthritis I wanted to holler out, "But wait, how can that be? I'm only 17!" And then I remember while I might still think I'm 17, I'm actually almost twice that age!! Yikes!)

4 Books You Should Read This Summer

At any rate, I have the next-to-the-last proof right now and am reading every single word to make sure it's exactly just so. It is incredibly gratifying to be so close to the finish line with this manuscript.

We're now in the middle of all of the fun stuff - planning out the marketing campaign, lining up media opportunities, and planning some exciting things for the launch. I can't wait to share more once September and October roll around (the book hits stores November 3, 2015!)

So all that said, I'm finally coming up for air again and back to reading a lot more of other peoples' books… and oh how I have missed it!

When I read Lisa-Jo's Summer Reading List a few days ago, I was inspired to write one of my own. However, I thought maybe it'd be fun to break it up into a few different installments. So for the next few months, I'll be sharing a post each month with 4 books you should read this summer.

These will be some of my very favorite recent reads, including read alouds our family has enjoyed. I hope it inspires you and gives you some new titles to request from the library this summer. And maybe you'll even fall in love with them as much as I have. :)

4 Books You Should Read This Summer

4 Books You Should Read This Summer

Hands Free Life

Okay, so I'm sort of jumping the gun on this one since you can't read this one this summer (unless you got a pre-release copy to review like I did!). But I just couldn't help myself!

This book spoke to me at a deep, heart level. It challenged me to stop hurrying through life, quit worrying about what other people think, and start savoring the ordinary, everyday moments. I smiled through parts, cried through other sections, and came away from the book with fresh resolve to make each day count - not in more efficient productivity but in more meaningful relationships with others. Highly, highly recommended!

Note: Hands Free Life doesn't come out until September, but I encourage you to go pre-order it or ask your library to order a copy. And while you're waiting, be sure to read Hands Free Mama, if you haven't already.

Me Before You

This book made it in my Top 10 Books I Read in 2014 list, but I had to share it here, too. This was one of the most heart-breaking, compelling, and thought-provoking books I've read in a long time. I thought it was very well-written and found it hard to put down. In fact, I read the entire book in one day!

Caveat: This book is not written from a Christian perspective, has quite a bit of language, and the plot line deals with suicide in a very raw form. I didn't agree with the outcome of the book, but it made me dig deep and think hard… and books that do that are ones I feel are very worth my time.

4 Books You Should Read This Summer

Dear Mr. Knightley

Ever read a book that you just don't want to end and when you finish it, you want to meet the characters in real-life? That was this book for me.

The first part of the book starts out slowly, but once I got to about page 40, I couldn't put it down. Lisa-Jo highly, highly recommended it and now I know why!

It delves into some deeper issues of how past hurts and rejection can wound people so deeply that they hide their real self for fear of further pain and rejection. It's a beautiful story of healing and redemption and of how to love and reach out to hurting people.

The Cricket in Times Square

This book was a huge hit at our house with all the kids. It starts out a little slowly but quickly picks up into a fast-paced adventure that all of our kids loved.

They would beg me to read extra every day because they enjoyed it so much. And we were very sad when we finished the last chapter.

What I'm Reading Right Now

4 Books You Must Read This Summer

What are YOU reading right now? What would be on your list of 2-4 books someone must-read this summer? Tell us in the comments!

:: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week

It was another full week, but such a good week! Here are 5 things I'm loving this week:

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

1. Getting To Meet My Readers & Hear Their Stories

I spoke at a homeschool conference in Virginia yesterday and was so, so blessed to get to meet so many wonderful readers! Thank you to those of you who came to my sessions and came up to meet me afterward. Your kind comments and words of encouragement truly uplifted me.

The woman on the left in the picture above came up to me with tears in her eyes and told me that she'd met me at a conference a few years ago, bought my book, and 4 days later, their house burned to the ground. The only books that survived the fire? Their wedding album and my book! She wanted me to sign the somewhat charred copy… How cool is that?

The little girl on the right was utterly precious and came up to me after a talk (where I shared about teaching our kids to be givers) and said she was going to give all the money in her piggy bank away to people who need it!

Both of these stories were incredibly touching to me! Being away from my family at least a few days each month for speaking is always hard, but it's oh so worth it for the chance to get to meet amazing readers and hear their stories!

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

2. Comfy Pants

I flew home from Virginia this morning and the above picture is what my afternoon looked like. The first thing I did after hugs and kisses? Change into my comfy pants. I would likely live in these all the time if I could! :)

3. Baked Oatmeal

Jesse made Baked Oatmeal while I was gone and brought me a bowl of it warmed up and topped with berries and whipped. Pure deliciousness! That man knows how to woo his woman!

{No, my suitcase was not unpacked yet in the picture above… Curling up with a good book took precedence this afternoon.}

4. Heart-to-Heart Talks With Our Kids

Recently, we've been having such good conversations with our kids. Oftentimes, they are the result of hard issues and situations - all part of the growing up process.

I'm grateful to have the opportunity to teach, nurture, train, and pour into them. To have these heart-to-heart talks and discussions. Being a part is a big job and sometimes it feels exhausting and overwhelming, but when you get to have deep and meaningful conversations and see your kids soak it up, it makes all the effort worth it.

5. Friends Who Allow Me to Be 100% Honest

This week, I had a conversation with a good friend that was really hard. I'd honestly been dreading it for days. I knew I needed to address a situation and bring up a tough subject and I was almost sick to my stomach about it (I avoid confrontation if at all possible!)

I'm so humbly grateful that this friend received my words with grace, listened and accepted the honesty and heard my heart behind it. And it opened up the door for a restored relationship as well as a deepening of our honesty in our friendship.

What about YOU? What 5 things are YOU loving this week? Tell us in the comments.


:: Gretchen's $60 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan



1 pkg Roma Tomatoes - $0.99

1 Cauliflower - $1.69

1 loaf Bread - $0.99

1 pkg Tortillas - $1.19

1 Half & Half - $1.89

1 dozen Eggs - $1.84

1 pkg Rice Cakes - $1.29

1 canister Raisins - $2.89

3 cans Green Beans - $0.48 each

Total with tax ($1.02): $15.23


1 Old Orchard Juice - $1.35, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - $0.35 after coupon

1 pkg Blue Bunny Ice Cream Bars - $2.85 - used $1/1 printable (doubled) - $0.85 after coupon

2 Hershey's Chocolate Caramels - $2.09, used $1/1 coupon from the 5/31 SmartSource insert (doubled) and $1/1 printable (doubled) - $0.09 each after coupons

1 pkg Baby Carrots - $0.89

1 Dannon Activia Yogurt - $1.59, used $1/1 printable (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 Suave Bodywash - $1.50, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - $0.50 after coupon

1 Old El Paso Refried Beans - $1.79, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - $0.79 after coupon

2 Hormel Bacon - $2.49 each, used 2 $1/1 printable (first one doubled) - $0.99 each after coupons

Total with tax ($1.03): $6.19



1 gallon Milk - $2.50, used $0.20 Ibotta rebate - $2.30 after rebate

1.41 lbs Organic Broccoli - $2.66

1 Lettuce - $0.99

1 Kroger Mouthwash - $1.59, used Free coupon that was mailed to me - Free after coupon

2 pkg Tyson Chicken Drumsticks - Marked down to $2.38 and $2.40

2 KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce - $1.25 each, used $1/2 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert - $0.75 each after coupon

2.11 lbs Bananas - $1.24, used $0.20 Ibotta rebate - $1.04 after rebate

2 pkg Strawberries - $1.25 each

1 pkg Raspberries - $1.25

1 pkg Kroger American Cheese - $1

2 Larabars - $1 each, used 2 $0.40/1 printable - $0.60 each after coupons

8 Clif Bars - Marked down to $0.25 each, used 2 $1/4 coupon from Mambo Sprouts Spring Savings booklet - Free after coupons

Items a part of the Mega Sale (Buy 5, Save $5):

2 Clorox Bleach Toilet Cleaner - $0.99, used $1/2 printable AND $0.50 Checkout 51 rebate - $0.24 each after coupon and rebate

3 Oxiclean Laundry Detergent - $3.99, used 3 $3/1 printable - $0.99 each after coupons

2 U by Kotex - $1.99 each, used 2 $1/1 printable - $0.99 each after coupon (Plus received $2 catalina)

2 Edy's Ice Cream - $2.49, used $1.50/2 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert - $1.74 each after coupon

2 Barbara's Puffins Cereal - $1.99 each, used 2 $1/1 printable - $0.99 each after coupons

1 Kashi Cereal - $1.99, used $1/1 mailer coupon - $0.99 after coupon

2 Shout Stain Remover - $1.99 each, used 2 $1/1 printable - $0.99 each after coupon (Plus received $1 catalina and $1.50 catalina)

1 Gogurt Yogurt - $1.49

Total with tax ($4.42) after coupons and rebates: $38.99 (and received $4.50 in catalinas)

Total for all grocery items: $60.41

Menu Plan for This Week


Cereal & Juice x 3

Toast & Eggs x 2

Oatmeal x 2


Cheese, Crackers, Fruit, Veggies x 2

Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches, Carrots

Tuna Sandwiches, Fruit

Macaroni & Cheese, Fruit Salad

Baked Potatoes with Steamed Broccoli



Chicken Drumsticks, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans

Hamburgers, Corn

Chicken & Rice Casserole, Broccoli

Salad Bar, Homemade Bread

Venison Roast, Carrots, Potatoes


Out to eat

:: I'd love to meet you in Atlanta next Saturday!


Our team is so excited to be putting on a special one-night Say Goodbye to Survival Mode event next Saturday (June 20, 2015), in Acworth, GA (near Atlanta)!

This evening will be encouraging, inspirational, and actionable. I'll be sharing from my heart and giving you practical steps to take to:

  • Stop living life feeling stuck, exhausted, and overwhelmed
  • Determine your most important priorities & find time to invest in what really matters
  • Break free from the lie that whispers "I'm not good enough"
  • Move past loneliness and build authentic friendships with other women


If you could use a boost to live with more intention, joy, and purpose, you won't want to miss this special one-night event!

Find out more information about this event and purchase tickets here. We have a discounted group rate for those who'd like to invite a group of women to come.

Say Goodbye to Survival Mode Live Event

And if you're planning to attend, be sure to RSVP on the Facebook Page here and then share the link with others you think would love to attend, as well.

P.S. Want to have us bring this one-night Say Goodbye to Survival Mode event to your church or women's group in late 2015 or 2016? We'd love to chat with you about that! Just fill out this form here and we'll be in touch with more information on dates we have available and how we can serve your church or women's group.

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