Monday, October 13, 2014

5 Things to Remember When Bartering

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:: 5 Things to Remember When Bartering


Guest post from Meagan of More Than a Coupon Queen

Our family has lived on a tight budget for a long time. My husband works for a non-profit ministry and I homeschool both of our children.

I have always wanted my children to enjoy the things we couldn’t afford without breaking our budget. This is where the idea of bartering came into play. I may not be able to pay cash for something but I have a few skills I can trade.

If you’re interested in bartering, here are 5 things to consider…

5 Things to Remember When Bartering

1. Don’t be afraid to ask.

I have bartered with people I never would have expected to. Sometimes a Facebook question such as, “Looking for someone to help us with a stopped up toilet. Willing to do a photo shoot for you in exchange for your time” can end with a great partnership.

2. Make sure the value matches.

I have seen people trade services worth a lot for something small. Make sure your trade is even. Examples of this would include trading 1 hour of babysitting for a full photo shoot or trading 1 hour of yard work for 3 hours of house work.

The only way bartering will make you happy is by making sure that both people are getting the same value.

3. Put terms in writing before you start.

In order to avoid disagreements later, establish the terms of your trade before you start. You don’t need a lawyer and a contract but having something in writing will prevent either of you from feeling taken advantage of.

4. Put a timeline on your trade.

Don’t give someone something with the understanding that they will someday pay you back. Instead, say “I will do this for you by this date if you will do this for me by this date.”

Not only will this give both of you a clear deadline, it will remove a potential disagreement over when something should be done.

5. Realize your Strengths.

I went to school for photography, I work well with children, and I know how to do some basic business cards and branding. When someone is looking to trade with me I will offer these things as options.

What are you good at? Are you good with children? Do you know how to work with Photoshop or an excel spreadsheet? Are you good at cleaning? Knowing your strengths gives you something to barter.

Bartering is a great way to take care of your family without spending cash you don’t have. I highly recommend giving it a try!

Have you ever bartered for something you needed? Did it go well for you?

Meagan is a Sci-loving homeschool mom from Central Florida. She blogs with her husband at More Than a Coupon Queen. If you visit their site you are sure to find money saving tips, homeschool ideas, and Central Florida fun. Meagan hosts a weekly Science link up and offers a monthly Doctor Who inspired printable.

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