Monday, March 31, 2014

Stretching the Grocery Budget with Eggs

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:: Stretching the Grocery Budget with Eggs

stretching the budget with eggs

Guest post from Tanya of  Springs Homestead

Eggs are not just for breakfast, they make great snacks and delicious dinners. Although the price of a carton of eggs has increased some; they are still cheap and healthy. Plus, they are loaded with protein and vitamins B12, A, D, and E.

If you’re looking for a simple way to stretch your grocery budget… here are some ways eggs can help you do just that!

Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs can be served in numerous ways for breakfast. There is the basic scrambled, fried, and poached. Or, if you would like to get really creative try a frittata, omelet, or soufflé.

Eggs really are a great way to start the day and there are numerous breakfast egg recipes.

Snack Time

I like to keep hard-boiled eggs in our fridge for anyone looking for a snack. They can be packed into lunch boxes for school, work, or for us on-the-go homeschool moms. Eating a hard-boiled egg after a rigorous workout can also give you that much needed protein boost.

Snack time, with eggs, can be simple, nutritious, and kind to the wallet.

Dinner with Eggs

During the spring and summer, my hens lay many eggs. In order for my family not to grow tired of eggs, I have amassed quite a collection of egg recipes. I never knew there were so many ways to serve them. Even if you are buying your eggs, these are very economical dinners.

Here is a recipe that we particularly enjoy.

What are your favorite ways to serve eggs?

Tanya married a farm boy named James and together they are restoring his family farm after 20 years of neglect. When Tanya is not homeschooling their three children or working on the farm, you can find her concocting something in the kitchen or writing on her blog  Seven Springs Homestead.

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