Friday, March 21, 2014

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #15 and more...

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:: 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #15

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

I've set aside the month of March to really focus on organization in my home and life. And I'd love for you to join me!

Day 15 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there's something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life!}

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don't have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}

::Clean your computer.Wipe down the screen and keys with a damp cloth, organize files, delete emails, etc.

::Set the timer for at least 15 minutes and do something you really enjoy and that relaxes and rejuvenates you. If you need ideas, here are a few: read, write, call a friend, pray, exercise, bake, play with your children, laugh with your husband, stop by the bookstore and browse the book selection, work in the garden, or take a nap! Take some time to just stop and enjoy life today!

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.

Note: If you work outside the home or have a really busy week with little time for extra projects, just do the bolded project above.

Get Your Free Ebook + Printable Checklists

I put together an ebook with encouraging articles, all the daily assignments, plus printable checklists so you can know exactly what’s planned for the month and to allow you to work at your own pace, if you’d like.

To grab your free ebook so you can participate in this challenge, just fill out the form below with your name and email address. You’ll need to confirm your email address and then your free ebook will be sent to you instantly.

Are you planning to join us today? If so, leave a comment below!

Gathr Playroom saves you 52% on kids games, toys & shopping—click here to get $10 off.

The post 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #15 appeared first on Money Saving Mom®.


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:: 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #13 (update)

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

I'm so excited about how many of you are joining us for the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge! If you missed today's assignment, you can find it here.

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

Ah, the utensil drawer… as is obvious, mine needed some serious help!

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

I pulled everything out and wiped it out.

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

Much, much better!

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

I found a few utensil that were extras and that I no longer needed. I also found two sweaters to stick in the Goodwill pile.

How you do on Assignment #13? I'd love to have you share your progress and success with us so we can be inspired. Either post a link to your blog post below or leave a comment with your update.

Gathr Playroom saves you 52% on kids games, toys & shopping—click here to get $10 off.

The post 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #13 (update) appeared first on Money Saving Mom®.


21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: 5 Tips for Better Time Management


I’m honored to be guest-posting over on Andrea Dekker’s blog today sharing 5 Tips for Better Time Management. Here’s a snippet of the post:


It's something we all have the same amount of, but something that very few of us feel like we have enough of.

With three children and a successful (and ever-growing) home business, I've learned quite a few different tips and tricks that have helped me to be more productive and efficient over the years.

Here are five of my top tips for better time management:

1. Create a Prioritized List

A few years ago, I set up a time budget for my daily activities. This has been revolutionary for me!

I include everything on this plan — from showering to making dinner to homeschooling to work projects. I try to cover all of the bases and leave 2 hours of margin time for those inevitable interruptions.

Gathr Playroom saves you 52% on kids games, toys & shopping—click here to get $10 off.

The post 5 Tips for Better Time Management appeared first on Money Saving Mom®.


:: Freezer Cooking in an Hour: Cornmeal Pancakes, Cinnamon Sugar Oven Pancake, and Homemade Pizza Dough

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

I just realized I forgot to post about my recent Freezer Cooking in an Hour session! As happens often, I had a very willing and eager helper! :)

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

We mixed up the Cornmeal Pancakes together. I was surprised that the recipe didn’t call for any sweetener! Despite that, I thought these turned out really well. They were beautiful pancakes with a great texture.

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

Then, I supervised while Silas helped make some of his own pancake creations. He had so much fun — and he kept excitedly telling me what shape each one was. It cracked me up what he came up with — from a rocket to an elephant and more!

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

Oh, how I love this boy! He is not only so precious, but he guarantees that there’s never a dull moment at our house. :)

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

I also mixed up a batch of our favorite Homemade Pizza Dough. This is SUCH a great recipe. If you’ve not tried it before, you must. The best part about it is that it freezes so well!

Freezer Cooking in an Hour

The Cinnamon Sugar Oven Pancake was sadly disappointing. It just didn’t taste all that delicious. I guess that’s maybe because I much prefer traditional pancakes?

Recipes Made:

Have you done any freezer cooking or baking ahead recently? Have you discovered any fantastic new recipes recently? Tell us in the comments!

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