Saturday, June 18, 2016

5 Tips to Start an Online Business While Working Full-Time and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

5 Tips to Start an Online Business While Working Full-Time

online business

Guest post from Monica of Redefining Mom

As a mom who had a stressful corporate career, I learned really fast that trying to build an online business while maintaining my full-time job was going to be extremely difficult.

I started blogging in 2013, as an outlet to vent my frustration about how hard it was to maintain a corporate career and be a mom after I had my daughter in October 2012. As I became invested in the online business and blogging community, I was blown away by other moms making a full-time income while being at home with their kids. It seemed like the answer to my prayers!

But how would I ever find the time?

I spent at least 10-11 hours of my day commuting to work and sitting in a poorly lit cubicle where working on my blog was not considered acceptable. On top of that, when I wasn't at work, I wanted to spend as much quality time as I could with my family.

I quickly learned that to be successful and earn an income from my blog, I was going to have to become a time management ninja!

Here are three tips I've implemented in my online business that enabled me to bring in a part-time income from my home while working full-time at my day job:

1. Schedule dedicated time to work on your business.

The most important part of scheduling the time to work on your business is to write it down on the calendar, let your family know, and set proper expectations for this time being uninterrupted work time. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Wake up 30-minutes earlier
  • Schedule a night in a hotel room by yourself
  • Escape to a coffee shop on a Saturday morning
  • Go to a networking event for entrepreneurs or a blogging conference

2. Find an accountability buddy or mastermind group.

We've all heard the saying, “it takes a village”. Well, online business is no different. Trying to do it alone will set you back months, if not years.

This is one piece of advice I wish I had listened to early on in my blogging career. I always hated networking in my corporate career. I thought making the time to network with other bloggers would only take up more time that I didn't have.

This couldn't be further from the truth! The online business community thrives on partnerships and you'll come to learn that it truly is WHO you know.

Put yourself out there. Join Facebook groups, lend your expertise, ask questions, and get to know your fellow business owners!

3. Realize that you can't be everything to everyone.

When I started blogging, I talked about a lot of random topics. One day I was talking about the business trip I just went on and the next I was giving advice on how to lose weight.

While there is nothing wrong with writing about a lot of different topics, it's not an effective way to build a business. If you want people to keep coming back to read what you have to say, they need to identify with you. That means your topics need to be dialed in and your messaging needs to be clear.

While it may seem counterintuitive, the less you focus on, the more people will come! That's because the people who do come will feel emotionally invested in what you have to say.

4. Consider Yourself a Business Owner from Day 1

Don't downplay what you are building when you are talking to family and friends! The best way to succeed in your business is to believe in it. That confidence will help you to believe in yourself even when it gets hard and you feel like quitting.

5. Don't be afraid to get started.

I know that finding time to work on an online business while you have a full-time job can be intimidating, but it's also so much fun. Don't let fear of the unknown stop you!

You have something amazing to offer, so let's see it!

Monica Froese is a mom, wife, marketing director, and entrepreneur. She has an MBA degree in finance and blogs at Redefining Mom, a site for empowering working moms. Her passion is to help other moms build online businesses through her free 7-day e-course, Busy Moms Building Online Businesses.

Note from Crystal: Want to start your own business? Check out my FREE 5-day course on How I Make a Full-Time Income From Home.

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