Saturday, May 28, 2016

Good enough is good enough

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Here's what's new:



Good enough is good enough


"If I could be just like her."

How often do we say that?

"I want to be her! I want to look like her! I want to be able to have a house like her! I want to be in her circumstances! I want to have her husband! I want to have her kids! I want to walk in her shoes! I want to have her job! I want to have her energy!"

We can say that in so many different ways, but the guaranteed way to kill our happiness to say, "If I could be just like her."

In The Happiness Dare, Jennifer Dukes Lee says:

"This statement is at the root of so much unhappiness among women. We battle perfectionism, insecurity, comparison, or a combination of all three. The results is this; we give away so much of our happiness when we hold ourselves up to fictitious standards that no one can meet.

“When we try hard to be someone we're not thinking it will make us happy, we end up more cheerless than we were in the first place.

“Here's the good news, if you want to be happier, you can stop wishing for someone else's life, and you can discover happiness in the one you have. You can stop striving to be just like her and live into the fullest version of yourself. You can live by the principle of good enough instead of rat racing your way to the A+.

“Say it with me – Good enough is good enough."

I’ve been camping on that… that good enough is good enough.

It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be amazing. You don’t have to have you ducks in a perfect little row.
Good enough is good enough.

And if you are feeling today like you don't measure up, if you're feeling today like you are not her and you wish you could be her, if you are feeling like you have failed, if you are feeling like today was just a rough day and you made so many mistakes and you just can't seem to get your act together – I'm here to tell you today that good enough is good enough.

Stop striving for perfect and start being okay with good enough.

Because good enough is good enough.

photo credit: Jennifer Dukes Lee


21 Days to a More Disciplined Life


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