Got up at 6:30 a.m. — yup, I had every intention of getting up at 5:30 a.m., but it just didn’t happen!
Read my Bible, wrote in my blessings journal, and started a load of laundry.
7:00 a.m. — I got a little distracted checking email for 15 minutes (bad girl, I know!).
7:20 a.m. — Silas got up and I helped him take a bath, get dressed, and ready for his soccer camp this morning.
After that, I set up the diffuser with Peace & Calming & Lavender… I love diffusing these two oils together! So soothing and refreshing!
7:35 a.m. — I headed down to the garage to get in a quick run on the treadmill while Jesse made breakfast (bacon & eggs this morning — yum!)
{I snapped this picture, because I thought it was a great example of what I’ve been learning in life over the past few years. Sometimes, it’s okay to be happy with just getting a job done, even if it’s not close to perfect. I can stress over having things perfect or I can give myself grace and just do the best I can do!}
7:45 a.m. — After running, I packed a quick lunch for Silas and got him out the door with Jesse. And then I ate breakfast, cleaned up our room, made our bed, switched the laundry, and cleaned up the kitchen while the girls got around and ate breakfast.
Then it was 8:30 a.m. and time to tackle my morning computer work.
I’m off to watch a movie and fold this pile of laundry with the kids. I hope you have a great afternoon!