Wednesday, October 3, 2018

How to Professionally Clean Your Teeth at Home

Guest post from Liberty: When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? How about your kids'? If you're like many people, you find it challenging (particularly on the budget) to faithfully book teeth cleanings for each family member every six ...

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How to Professionally Clean Your Teeth at Home

Guest post from Liberty:

When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? How about your kids'?

If you're like many people, you find it challenging (particularly on the budget) to faithfully book teeth cleanings for each family member every six months.

The average cost of a regular teeth cleaning is $137. Multiply that times a couple of children, plus parents, and you have a regular six-month monstrosity of a dentist's bill!

It can be difficult enough living on a tight budget without worrying about a huge extra bill, or the worse alternative. an outbreak of cavities (bigger cost alert!)

We all want to provide the care our kids need to enjoy clean, healthy teeth for a lifetime, but sometimes it's harder than getting your six year old to eat shrimp at your friend's dinner table!

The good news is you can professionally clean your entire family's teeth at home for less than the cost of a new crockpot!

My grandmother, a dental assistant for 30 years and only recently retired, taught my family how to clean our teeth ourselves.

I grew up cleaning my teeth at home (and watching my mother clean my teeth when I was younger) and neither I nor any of my siblings have ever had a cavity.

Every once in a while, we'd visit our grandmother and she'd offer us free teeth cleanings at the dentist's office. But she always ended up saying, "I don't even know why I do this, your teeth are just so clean!"

The best part about cleaning your teeth at home is that it's unbelievably easy and extremely cost-effective, in addition to causing other health benefits you may not expect. Teeth cleaning is so easy teenagers can do it — and that's saying a good deal!

There are four simple steps to give your teeth the same level of professional cleaning you receive in the dental chair (possibly even higher — it all depends on your dentist!).

1. Floss thoroughly.

Run the floss between every tooth twice: once up and down on one side and once up and down on the other side.

2. Scale and scrape.

Gently scrape your teeth with a scaler along the gum line, between your teeth, and over the flat surface of each tooth. Be sure to gently scrape out any grooves you may have in your teeth, and to avoid widening cracks.

You'll want to use a professional-quality, stainless steel scaler — they're actually quite affordable. Don’t use one of those cheapie Walmart teeth-scaling kits.

3. Polish and brush.

Put a small amount of pumice polish on your toothbrush and give your teeth a good brushing. Pumice whitens your teeth and removes plaque and tartar at the same time.

Brush with side-to-side, up-and-down, and circular strokes. Make sure you brush along the gum line as well as the surface of the teeth themselves.

4. Replace your toothbrush regularly.

The pumice polish ruins your toothbrush’s regular cleaning capabilities, so buy yourself a new toothbrush each time you clean your teeth at home.

Yes, even replacing toothbrushes every six months doesn't raise the cost to more than a fraction of the cost of a crockpot!

It can be intimidating to clean your teeth the first time — you may want to begin by cleaning your family's teeth at home, and still going in for a cleaning occasionally to see how well you're doing. Get x-rays. Ask the hygienist if there's much of a buildup on your teeth. Make adjustments to your home-care routine accordingly until you have the process mastered.

You'll still save money without worrying about sacrificing the health of your teeth in the process.

DIY teeth cleaning is a cost-effective, rewarding experience!

As you run your tongue along your teeth and feel the newly-smooth surface (the rough plaque having vanished along with the pumice), smile big and show your teeth as you think of all the things you can do with the money you saved.

Legal Disclaimer: As you've guessed, I am neither a dentist nor claim to be. This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for obtaining professional dental advice. Please use at your own risk.

Liberty is so fascinated with effective DIY teeth cleaning that she wrote an eBook about it: Goodbye Dentist! Professionally Clean Your Family's Teeth (in Under $20). You can download your free copy (opens in Dropbox) of this step-by-step, pain-free, detailed guide to becoming your own dentist and saving hundreds of dollars.