Monday, October 1, 2018

3 Books I Read + 1 Movie I Watched and more...

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year.  (Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

3 Books I Read + 1 Movie I Watched

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year

(Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

The last few weeks have been incredibly full and I have had very little time to read, as a result. And oh how I have missed it!

Things finally slowed down to a much more manageable pace last week and I was able to start fitting in my regular reading again and it felt so good! I’m hoping to still finish out the year hitting my 100 books goal. It feels a little far-fetched right now, but we’ll see! 🙂

Anyway, if you’ve missed my Monday book posts, the reason I haven’t posted them is because I just haven’t had much to report recently in the way of books read. But I’m hopeful that is changing… starting this week!

Here are the three books I finished this past week:

1. I’d Rather Be Reading

It’s only appropriate that I finished this book the very week I’m lamenting about not having as much time to read recently as I wish I would have had! If you are a reader or a lover of books, you'll enjoy this book.

I especially loved the section where she talks about how we need to stop apologizing for not liking a certain book or not wanting to read a certain book. I’ve always felt like a fraud as a reader because I’ve not read certain classic books and haven’t really had the desire to.

2. Slow Down, Mama

This book was sent as a gift from the author. It has a lot of practical advice and suggestions for living more intentionally. I found that most of it was refresher type of material since I’ve read a lot of similar books.

However, there was one part that stuck out to me and will stay with me a long time and it was on writing a reverse bucket list. I’ve always heard people encourage writing a bucket list… but a reverse bucket list was a new idea to me. The author asks the question, “What is it I hope I never become or do?”I thought it was a profound question to ask! And I’m still pondering what my answer would be.

3. The Newsmakers

I listened to this free audiobook on the Libby app and had high hopes for it. It started out well and intrigued me… but then I felt like it fell completely flat.

I wanted so much more from it and was sad that it ended just as I’d guessed it would. I kept listening because I was sure there was going to be some plot twist and really great surprise ending. Nope. I should have read the reviews on Amazon before listening to it.

Jesse and I went and watched this movie. It was the sequel to Unbroken and very worth seeing, if you loved the book. Have you seen it? I’d love to hear what you thought!

When I Find Time to Read

People are always asking me how I find time to read. Honestly, it's because I love to read, because I've chosen to prioritize it, because I don't have a lot of other hobbies, and because I can't not read. Also, when you love something, you usually can find ways to get creative to find time to fit it in — even if it's in the little nooks and crannies of life.

I wrote a post on 3 ways to find more time to read — even when life is busy. And here are 7 more ways to find time to read.

What did you read and watch this past week? Any books or movies or shows you really think I need to read or watch?


Top Things to Stock Up On in October

Frugally Blonde put together a list of Top Things to Stock Up On in October.