Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Courtship Rules + Our First Kiss (a really vulnerable podcast episode)

I loved your responses to last week's podcast episode on hospitality! You all inspired me by how you shared various ways you are committing open up your home. And some of you even told me you were going to get brave and join me in my commitment to open ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.


Here's what's new:


Courtship Rules + Our First Kiss (a really vulnerable podcast episode)

I loved your responses to last week’s podcast episode on hospitality! You all inspired me by how you shared various ways you are committing open up your home.

And some of you even told me you were going to get brave and join me in my commitment to open our home up every week! That just made me so happy… and so inspired to continue on opening up our doors.

(That’s us during our courtship, in case you couldn’t figure it out! Jesse with his too big jeans on because he was so skinny that they didn’t really make jeans small enough for his waist and me with my home-sewn jumper and thrift store Birkenstocks and too small sunglasses that looked like goggles. Also, were we supposed to be posing or walking in this picture? I’m not sure! ;))

Speaking of getting brave, I’ll be honest and tell you that this week’s episode is a little vulnerable for me to put out to the world. In fact, after we recorded it, I had to set aside my fears and insecurities of what you might think when you listen to this.

Like I told you in Episode 1, our love story is unconventional… and today’s episode where Jesse and I share more of our story certainly proves that! (And it’s okay if you think it all sounds weird or crazy after you listen!)

But I hope it gives you more of a peek into our history and background… and might help you get to know us a little bit better!

In This Episode:

[01:02] – Want to know a secret? I was really scared of having older kids, especially teenagers. It hasn't been at all how I expected!

[03:56] – I’ve fallen in love with the Libby app — and I’m not even much of an app person! I tell you why I love it so much and how I use it (including my tip for listening to books a little faster!)

[07:32] – Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron is a book I can’t stop talking about. Even if you don’t care a thing about CrossFit, you should read this book!

[10:12] – In the first episode of my podcast, my husband, Jesse, joined me as my guest. He's back today to share the story of our unconventional courtship and engagement!

[14:41] – Jesse and I discuss the rules our parents set for our courtship, the pros and cons of a long distance relationship, and how we wished we could have gotten married sooner.

[22:41] – We talk about how weird it was to not have a parent chaperone with us at all times after we got married.

[24:45] – Our first kiss was on our wedding day… but technically not really at our wedding ceremony. You’ll have to listen in to hear the whole story!

[25:52] – I usually answer a question at the end of the podcast by myself, but today, I have Jesse help me answer a question about how we make our marriage a priority with our kids and businesses.

Links and Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

How to Listen to The Crystal Paine Show

The podcast is available on iTunesAndroidStitcher, and Spotify. You can listen online through the direct player we'll include in the show notes of each episode. OR, a much easier way to listen is by subscribing to the podcast through a free podcast app on your phone. (Find instructions for how to subscribe to a podcast here.)

Ready to dive in and listen? Hit the player above or search for "The Crystal Paine Show" on your favorite podcast app.

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