Sunday, September 18, 2016

We're HOME after 10 days in South Africa!!

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We’re HOME after 10 days in South Africa!!

10 Days in South Africa

Jesse and I were blessed to get to spend the last 10 days in South Africa with an amazing group of people who applied through my blog to join this trip and be advocates for the work that is being done in South Africa through Take Action Ministry and Help One Now.

10 Days in South Africa

These individuals came from all over the US and Canada. None of us had ever met in person. Most of the advocates didn’t know a soul on the trip.

But they invested money, made many family sacrifices, flew halfway around the world, and gave up 10 days to spend time learning about the work in South Africa.

10 Days in South Africa

The week was a dream come true for me. To get the opportunity to share about one of my greatest passions in life with others and to have them experience it firsthand was an incredible thing!

I wasn’t sure what it would be like to travel with a group of people whom I didn’t know beforehand. I wondered how it would work…

Would people get overwhelmed by the long days? Would everyone get along? What if some people had bad attitudes or complained? What if people got sick? What if personalities clashed — especially while we were in such tight quarters for long van rides?

10 Days in South Africa

I just have to say, this group was amazing! They came with gracious spirits, flexible attitudes, the willingness to jump outside their comfort zone, encouraging words, and great senses of humor.

Even though there was a lot of diversity among us, the camaraderie was incredible. By the end of the trip, we had experienced so much together and had really gotten to know each other very well.

10 Days in South Africa

We’d laughed together, cried together, prayed together, encouraged each other, listened to one another, had our hearts broken together over the need, saw God show up in powerful ways together, worshipped together, and also done a lot of teasing of one another.

I’m humbled and grateful and will cherish the memories of this trip for months and years to come!

What would you love for me to blog about?

We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I’m still working on catching up on sleep, time with the kids, and laundry, but I’m excited to share many stories and pictures from our trip in the next two weeks!

What would you especially love for me to blog about from our trip? I’d love to know as I’m planning and outlining upcoming posts!


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