Friday, September 9, 2016

The 5 Books I Brought on the Flight to South Africa and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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The 5 Books I Brought on the Flight to South Africa

As I mentioned this past week, we left yesterday for South Africa. I shared more here in this video how excited I am about the trip and some details of why we’re going and what we’ll be doing on the trip.

I’ll be honest, it was really hard to leave my kids this time. I’ve not done much traveling this year and I’ve gotten so used to our quiet, simple life that saying goodbye was really hard — especially since Jesse is coming this time and we’ll be gone for 10 days! But I know I’m where I’m supposed to be and I know that they are going to have a wonderful time with my mom.

The getting to South Africa part is always an adventure! If you don’t want to have a layover in another country, you can take a direct flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg — which is a 15 to 16 hour flight! That’s a LONG time to be in an airplane seat. 🙂

But since this is my 5th time to make the flight (and my 7th long international flight in the last 2 years), I can tell you that it does get easier. In fact, I told Jesse as we were boarding this time, “I realized that I spent more time preparing for the actual trip instead of for the flight.” 

That’s worth celebrating because it shows that I’m getting over some of my anxiety of being in the air for that long!

This time around, I’m super thrilled because they actually had wifi on the flight! WOOT! It definitely helped to pass the time for me to be able to get some work done and get all my emails caught up!

I spent the flight sleeping, listening to music and just enjoying the quiet, watching a movie, catching up on emails and social media (since I was offline almost completely the last 2 days because I wanted to enjoy some quiet family time before the trip), writing two posts, making sure to eat good food and drink LOTS of water (one of your big friends on long flights — even if if means you have to keep getting up to go to restroom!), and reading (of course!).

Even though a 15-hour flight seems like such a long flight, if you’re prepared, the time goes by pretty quickly and it can actually be really enjoyable! (Here are some of my tips for what to bring on long flights.)

The 5 Books I Brought to Read on My Trip to South Africa

One of my biggest dilemmas before any trip — especially a trip where there’s 35+ hours of time on airplanes involved! — is what books will I bring?! It took me three tries and a lot of back-and-forth inner dialogue before I pared the book stack down to these 5 to bring on the trip:

My goal is to actually get all five of these read on the trip! We’ll see if that actually happens. I’ve been trying to read Big Little Lies since last trip to South Africa! I already started it and am hoping it actually gets finished this trip!

Want to follow along with our trip? Be sure to follow me on Instagram.

Related Posts:

10ThingsIAlwaysBringWhenITravel (1)

10 Things I Always Bring When I Travel
4 Books I'm Bringing on the Flight to South Africa

How I Packed for a 10-Day International Trip in a Carry-On

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

Why We Stepped Off the Crazy Train & Are Taking the Slow Lane


Slow. It’s a word that has come to describe our family’s pace of life (most days) and I love it.

We had to fight for it. We had to cut back and streamline and let go and say “no” a thousand times over the last 6 months to make it happen.

And we’re all happier for it.

It means we have time to talk. Time to hang out. Time to enjoy the smells, sights, sounds, and tastes of life. Time to really listen. Time to notice the little things. Time to breathe. Time to plan ahead and prep ahead and think about further ahead than just the next fire we need to put out.

It means that we’re able to really savor those things that we say “yes” to, we’re able to go deeper in relationships, we’re able to love more sincerely, we able to sleep more peacefully, we’re able to take time to feel pain so we can heal from pain, and we’re able to live more purposefully.

We don’t always do it perfectly and sometimes we get sucked back into the rush… And we use those times as warning signs that we need to step back and re-adjust. Because crazy busy is exhausting and unfulfilling to me now.

This Year of Rest has been a wild journey and it’s forever changed my productivity addictions in powerful ways. And I’m grateful. And deeply happy.

P.S. The book shown is a new release by my friend, Monica, and I’ve been loving reading it! You can get a copy here


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