Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Why I Did a Happy Dance at Dollar Tree + My Amazon Order and more...

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:: Why I Did a Happy Dance at Dollar Tree + My Amazon Order

My Dollar Tree Shopping Score

I ran into Dollar Tree with the kids last week to pick up a few things for Jesse’s birthday (yes, we’ re all extravagant like that! ;))

I hadn’t been in that Dollar Tree yet since we’d moved and decided to peruse the aisles to see what they had available. Imagine my absolutely delight when I rounded the corner of one aisle and saw an end cap completely stocked with Nature’s Own bread for $1 per loaf!

My family loves this bread for sandwich bread and it made me feel so very much at home to discover that Dollar Tree in TN carries Nature’s Own bread just like our Dollar Trees in Kansas did.

Our freezer is now well-stocked with sandwich bread for the next few weeks! It’s often the little things that can make a new city feel like home.

I also picked up a spray bottle for some homemade cleaner I wanted to make, some sandwich bags that were marked down to $0.50, and some brown rice.

Also pictured: my coconut flour that I ordered from Amazon using some of my Swagbucks credit. I’m excited to try it out in some new recipes.

Have any of you used Coconut Flour before? Have any recipe recommendations or tips on how to use it?


:: What are your favorite WAHM/home business resources?

I want my next book to be really rich with resources on making money from home and running your own business successfully. I have compiled a list of many different resources I love, but I’m sure I’m missing some fantastic other resources.

So I thought I’d pose the question to you all to give your input: What are your favorite books, podcasts, sites, or blogs related to working from home, being a working mom, or having your own business?

Share them in the comments or email me at crystal @ I can’t wait to check out the resources that you share!


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