Thursday, January 31, 2019

Organizing My Purse & Bathroom (this is embarrassing) + a giveaway!

I told you all that I'm using the Organize in 5 Diary in 2019 to whip my house in shape. It's a digital download that gives you a 5-minute organizational project for every day in 2019. Each of the projects (that can be done in 5 minutes or less) ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Here's what's new:


Organizing My Purse & Bathroom (this is embarrassing) + a giveaway!

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

I told you all that I'm using the Organize in 5 Diary in 2019 to whip my house in shape. It's a digital download that gives you a 5-minute organizational project for every day in 2019.

Each of the projects (that can be done in 5 minutes or less) help you work through your entire home and set up better systems and habits. It covers almost all aspects of your life:

Psst! If you haven't purchased the Organize in 5 Diary, you can get it for just $9 here.

I tackled two decluttering projects yesterday — one that was part of the Organize in 5 Diary and one that I was inspired to do because of the Organize in 5 Diary

Yikes! I’m embarrassed to show you this. But here’s some real-life for ya!

I see this every morning when I open the cupboard to pull out things to get ready in the morning and every night when I pull out things to wash my face and get ready for bed.

And every day, I think, “I really should make time to organize it.” And every day, it doesn’t happen.

Until yesterday.

I was supposed to go to the kids’ school for morning chapel and then to discipleship group at church, but school was delayed due to weather and discipleship group was cancelled due to weather.

So I got inspired and tackled this mess of a cupboard!

I pulled everything out, put things that didn’t belong where they needed to go, put some stuff in the Goodwill tub in the garage, threw some stuff out, and re-organized what remained.

SO much better! And it made me so happy to open up the cupboard last night and this morning and see the above.

I even brought Jesse into the bathroom to show him how amazing it looked. (Please tell me I’m not the only weird person who shows off their accomplishments to their spouse like that!!)

Next up, I tackled the Organize in 5 Diary upcoming project (I’m a little ahead on the projects right now!) to clean out my purse. Er, diaper bag.

But let’s pretend it’s a purse. (I almost always carry a big bag because I often am lugging my laptop in it, too! Well, and I may also be a Boy Scout type personality and go for the “Always Be Prepared” slogan in most of life, too.)

I dumped everything out, wiped out the inside of the purse, and went through the contents. I put the items away that didn’t belong, I threw out the items that were trash, and found a few surprises along the way (see below!)

And then I made sure I had all of the essentials and put everything back in in a much more organized fashion…

That feels so nice to have my purse re-organized. And maybe it will last for a few weeks — or longer! We’ll see! 🙂

Want to Win My $100+ Rite Aid Gift Card?

I discovered a $100+ Rite Aid gift card in my purse that I had completely forgotten about (along with some great coupons that I can’t wait to use!). Rite Aid had sent it to me to make purchases for a post I did with them quite a long while ago.

The card still has $100+ on it and I’d love to gift it to one of you since Rite Aid is way out of the way for me to go to and I’d rather bless one of you with it!

To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post telling me what you’d spend it on. I’ll choose a winner on Monday and will send you the gift card!