Monday, April 23, 2018

Save on the brand new MAGNUM Ice Cream Tubs at Target! and more...

{This post is sponsored by Mirum. Read my disclosure policy here.} Do you remember when I won the Cool Mom Award by introducing my kids to the MAGNUM Ice Cream Bars? Well, ever since then, our family has been huge fans of […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Save on the brand new MAGNUM Ice Cream Tubs at Target!

{This post is sponsored by Mirum. Read my disclosure policy here.}

Do you remember when I won the Cool Mom Award by introducing my kids to the MAGNUM Ice Cream Bars? Well, ever since then, our family has been huge fans of MAGNUM Ice Cream Bars and we buy them on occasion as a very special treat!

A number of weeks ago, the folks at Mirum contacted me to let me know that MAGNUM was launching a new ice cream line. They wondered if I’d be willing to try out the ice cream, write a post on it, and share a special coupon for it at Target.

Um, I had to think long and hard about that one. I mean, I wasn’t sure if I was up for all the “work” involved with buying ice cream and taste-testing it.

Life is rough sometimes, y’all. 😉

But I want to serve my readers well, so I said I would. And because I’m very dedicated to you all and because I wanted to do a thorough job of this post, I decided that I probably should go to the extra effort of taste-testing all four different kinds of ice cream.

It was a lot of work, but I psyched myself up for the task, put on my big girl pants, and powered through all that taste-testing. What can I say? I am a very committed blogger. 😉

All sarcasm aside, this ice cream is the BOMB (and I don’t even care that people don’t really use that phrase anymore, it’s true!).  If you’ve tried the MAGNUM® Ice Cream bars, you know that they use only the finest premium ingredients, including silky vanilla bean ice cream. They are the only ice cream bars made with Belgian chocolate, for the ultimate chocolate indulgence.

They are hands down the very best ice cream bars ever invented and Jesse and all three kids wholeheartedly agree. So I had really, really high hopes for the MAGNUM® Ice Cream Tubs.

And they did not disappoint. Not at all.

MAGNUM® Ice Cream Tubs offer an indulgent experience unlike anything else. This ice cream is made with Belgian chocolate from the highest quality cocoa beans that are sustainably grown on their Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms.

Each tub is literally covered in chocolate on the top and sides with a unique outer cracking chocolate shell. You can actually hear the outer shell crack when you squeeze the sides of the ice cream tub. This is the very first scoop-able ice cream product to be fully encased in chocolate!

I can tell you firsthand that this ice cream is unlike any other ice cream I’ve had! It’s every bit like having MAGNUM® Ice Cream bar in a tub.

And it’s A-MAZ-ING!

I will say that it’s super rich. You don’t need to eat much to feel completely satisfied and like you had an incredibly luxurious ice cream experience!

There are four different delicious flavors to choose from:

  • MAGNUM Milk Chocolate Vanilla — Velvety vanilla ice cream and thick chocolate shards encased in a cracking milk chocolate shell. (This one was my very favorite!)
  • MAGNUM White Chocolate Vanilla — Velvety vanilla ice cream and thick white chocolate shards encased in a cracking white chocolate shell. (I’m not a white chocolate fan, but I still thought this ice cream was delicious!)
  • MAGNUM Milk Chocolate Hazelnut — Chocolate hazelnut ice cream with hazelnuts and milk chocolate shards, all surrounded by a cracking layer of milk chocolate. (If you love hazelnuts, you are going to absolutely love this one!)
  • MAGNUM Dark Chocolate Raspberry — Raspberry ice cream with thick dark chocolate shards, all surrounded by a cracking layer of dark chocolate. Made with 65% cacao dark chocolate, it's luxury in every bite. (The dark chocolate is so rich and delicious!)

Save on MAGNUM Tubs!

Want to try out the MAGNUM® Ice Cream Tubs for yourself? Target is currently offering a Cartwheel coupon to save 15% off your purchase!

Go here to grab your Cartwheel coupon to save on MAGNUM Tubs at Target.


What I Read & Watched This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year

(Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

Silas and I went to two different movies this past week! We went to I Can Only Imagine — which I thought was very well done. It was more raw and real than I expected and an inspirational story. Not entirely factual, but mostly factual.

Note: There are a few dramatic scenes involving an abusive father that might be scary to kids. Silas was a little scared in one part, but overall, he said he was really glad that he went to the movie.

Silas and I also went to see Sgt. Stubby — which was an animated film based upon a true story of the most decorated American dog.

I had never heard about Sergeant Stubby before and now I want to get a book on him to read to the kids. The movie — while animated and clearly for kids — was interesting and fascinating! (I found this long article that detailed a lot of the true story that would definitely be worth reading after you’ve seen the movie.)

I’m reading No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert right now. I’ve read and enjoyed some of her other books and so far, I am very intrigued by this one and have no idea how it will end up!

It touches on some really hot button topics — like race and class — and I think it’s going to be a very thought-provoking and worthwhile read. The Amazon reviews alone made me want to read it! I’ll keep you posted!

When I Find Time to Read

People are always asking me how I find time to read. Honestly, it's because I love to read, because I've chosen to prioritize it, because I don't have a lot of other hobbies, and because I can't not read. Also, when you love something, you usually can find ways to get creative to find time to fit it in — even if it's in the little nooks and crannies of life.

I wrote a post on 3 ways to find more time to read — even when life is busy. And here are 7 more ways to find time to read.

What did you read and watch this past week? Any books or movies you really think I need to read or watch?


I was TERRIFIED of live video!

live video

“I wish I could be as comfortable on camera as you!”  

This has been said to me over and over again in recent months.

You guys, I need let you in on something… something that might surprise you quite a bit: I WAS TERRIFIED OF LIVE VIDEO when I first started.

(And yes, I’m using all caps. But that statement deserves all caps! Some people are terrified of snakes or spiders or tornadoes… Me? I would have chosen to kill a snack or spider or live through a tornado over going live on video any day!)

I Avoided Anything LIVE for Years

I avoided anything to do with live for years. Live presentations, live TV, live radio, live video… if it didn’t have an edit button, I was OUT.

I turned down lots of opportunities because of this fear. And I let it hold me back.

But, slowly ever so slowly, I decided to punch fear in the face and started getting brave and doing things like public speaking, despite the fact that it made me ill for weeks in advance. The more I did it, the less it freaked me out and the more comfortable I got with it.

I was still scared, but I had moved from the vomiting-inducing terror level to just being shaky and having a pit in my stomach.

Talk about progress! 🙂

So, with this newfound confidence, I ventured into a completely new territory… live video!

It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was actually only a few years ago (live video hasn’t been around that long, after all!)

I Worked Up the Courage to Go Live

After watching some various online entrepreneurs use live video so effectively, I challenged myself to get brave and hit the “go live” button

Now, I need you to know that this wasn’t just a decision I made one day on a whim.

Oh no! Trust me, I’m not that brave at all. In reality, it took me a full month of watching other live videos to work up my courage to actually go live myself.

And when I finally did work up the courage, my hands were shaking, I was a nervous wreck internally, and I was super uncomfortable the entire time I was live.

I Committed to Do It Every Week Day for a Month

But I had made a commitment to stick with it for 4 weeks and, so that I wouldn’t chicken out (!), I publicly told people I would go live every single weekday morning for a month.

It’s a good thing I had made that commitment, because, let me tell you, I sure wanted to chicken out!

Just like anything in life, live video takes practice to get comfortable with. But unlike many things in life, when you practice live video, you’re practicing in front of a LIVE audience! And that’s quite scary!

I Stuck With It — And I Couldn’t Believe What Happened!

But I did it… I stuck with my one-month commitment to go live every weekday morning. And I’m so glad that I did, because something big happened that month.

I started getting emails from longtime readers saying things like, “I’ve read your blog for 8 years and I’ve never connected with you like I have in the past three weeks I’ve been watching your live videos.”

OR, “I always felt like you were so perfect and I could never be like you. But then I started watching your live videos and I realized that you’re just like me! I love you so much!”

And on and on the emails started pouring in.

I’m Still in Shock at How Effective Live Video Is

Not only were the emails pouring in, but we started noticing a marked uptick in our engagement online and in our sales. When I would promote something on live video — be that a deal or one of my own products that was launching or just a link — people were responding to those types of things in droves and begging for more!

I felt like I uncovered this goldmine of possibilities for connecting with my readers in a way I never though would be possible! And, as I continued to go live, I’ve slowly fallen in love with the live video medium.

I love it not just because it’s so easy to produce content (and I can often then re-use this same content for YouTube videos or other posts!), but mostly because it’s been one of the most effective tools ever to fostering deep trust and relationship with my audience.

I Want to Help You Succeed at Live Video, Too!

I want you to discover the same incredible power that I did that live video will give you for building your audience, boosting your engagement, and increasing your income.

And that’s why I’m teaching a class on 10 Strategies to Master Facebook Live next Thursday evening. It will be a 2-hour class where I’ll pull back the curtain and share all of my best tips and tricks and tactics for being successful on Facebook Live.

Trust me, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way… and I don’t want you to have to make the same mistakes I have!

I’ll be a completely open book in this class and will likely share things you’ve never heard shared before anywhere. Because I’ve discovered a lot of things that I don’t hear anybody else teaching or talking about — and they really work!

You don’t want to miss it! Sign up here.

I hope you can make it! And, more than that, I hope it will inspire you to find the same success and joy from live video that I have found!

What You Can Expect From This Class

I won’t be trying to sell you anything in the class! It will be two hours of me sharing my best tips, my hard-won strategies, and my top-secret tactics — most that I haven’t talked about anywhere else until now!

There will also be time for me to dive deep into your questions and give you proven help to make the most of your live videos!

Register for your ticket to this exclusive class here. 

(Oh and everyone who registers will get a really cool bonus PDF with lots of extra goodies, too!)


A Peek Into Our Life This Past Week (+ an update on my 2018 goals)

Welcome to my weekly post I share a peek into our lives, talk about things I'm loving, share links to interesting articles or helpful ideas I've collected throughout the past week, and just talk about whatever is on my heart! 🙂

This was a much quieter week for me compared to the last 4-6 weeks. And it was fantastic to have more down time, to get completely caught back up on sleep, to have some great family time, and to get to multiple get-togethers with friends, too.

I got some GREAT deals at Kroger this week! I’ve been sharing most of them in my Instagram Stories every day (I’d love for you to follow me there if you aren’t already!)

I’ll be sharing a detailed post on Tuesday with what deals I got in the last week + our menu plan for this week. I’m loving getting back to deal shopping and planning our menus based upon what I get on great sales.

We had a water leak in our upstairs bathroom and ended up having to tear out some of the ceiling in our main floor bathroom. 🙁 We’re hoping to get that fixed this week!

Kathrynne convinced me to go with her to a Women’s Self Defense class at the place where she and Jesse do Krav Maga every week. It was my first experience in a martial arts type of class and it was definitely outside my comfort zone, but also a really beneficial and educational class to attend.

I think this is an important topic and it’s definitely something I would highly recommend all girls and women look into taking in your local area. And it made me so happy that Kathrynne is learning Krav Maga — I loved getting to see her in her element!

I’m so excited to be participating in the Just Open the Door Book Club, starting on April 30, 2018! Here are more details on it:

We'd love to invite you to join us as we kick off a book club featuring our new book — Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation, by Jen Schmidt!

Grab your neighbors and girlfriends, or get a quiet moment by yourself, and tune in to listen to Jen and a few of her friends chat their way through the themes of Just Open the Door.

Starting April 30th, we'll share a Facebook Live video at 9 p.m. ET (8 p.m. CT/7 p.m. MT/6 p.m. PT) every Monday in our very own private Facebook group. Not on Facebook? Not to worry! We'll email you the videos every week during the book club.

Here's a schedule of Jen's friends who will be joining us as we unpack the book:

We can't wait for you to meet them! These are dear friends of Jen and some of our favorite writers and speakers. They live out biblical hospitality in their own lives, and we can't wait to learn all their secrets!

Whether you're a seasoned host looking for renewed inspiration or a nervous newbie not sure where to begin, Jen and her friends will give you their best practical ideas that are easy for anyone to implement! You'll come away with tools for simple food prep, cleaning made easy, creating a welcoming ambiance with what you already have, and guiding meaningful conversations without a ton of stress.

It's completely free to join this book club, but we need you to sign up so we can add you to our private Facebook group where we'll share those weekly videos and other encouragement (and you need to sign up if you're not on Facebook too, so we can email the videos to you). We can't wait to get comfy and get real about hospitality — together!

Click here to join the Just Open the Door Book Club!

Some of you have mentioned recently how happy I have seemed this year. I'm so glad that the joy and wholeness I feel in my heart has spilled out through my posts and pictures online.

Because, y'all, I just truly can't remember when I've loved my life so much.

And it's not because everything is roses and rainbows (I've walked through some really sad, painful, and heartbreaking stuff the past year that I've not been free to talk about online).

I feel like I've finally stopped living under the stress of needing to make other people happy. I didn't even realize until last year that I was living under this. And it was a huge weight on me that I carried around.

I've also stopped feeling like I need to apologize for or explain every little thing to people — just to make myself feel better or to be reassured by others that I'm okay.

I've stopped trying to hide and suppress my strong and bold personality or feel like I need to hold back my strengths as a leader.

And I've stopped believing that I'm not a good friend and that I'm a disappointment to people.

Instead, I feel FREE — free to love other people well and to be loved well by others, free to be okay if I disappoint someone or if my strong personality just isn't for someone, free to be honest and real, free to try new things and fail or succeed at them, and free to lean into my gifts and embrace who I was created to be!

I'm 36 years old and I feel like my life is just really beginning in some ways… and I'm so excited for the future!


Speaking of happiness… I recently had a really insightful conversation with one of my kids:

"Mom, I'm so much happier now that I stopped trying to get people to like me."

The words tumbled out unexpectedly from my child. This same child who has struggled with relationships and agonized over feeling invisible and left out.

I realize that this child's journey has been my own, too.

Like I alluded to earlier, I lived so much of my life worried what others thought, how they perceived me, how I would be received, how I could exceed their expectations and impress them.

Newsflash: it didn't work. I struggled in relationships and constantly over-analyzed what I did and said, worried that I came across wrong.

My child went on to say, "I realized that when I just stop trying to fit in and be liked and do what I think other people want me to do and waste so much time worrying about what other people think of me, I have so much freedom and joy!"

I looked at my child and said, "I'm so glad you are learning this now — and not when you are in your mid-30's! The other thing I'm finding out is this: when you show up as YOU (not the version of you that you think you're supposed to be), then you know that the people who actually become your friends are truly your friends!"

Here's to more of being our honest selves and not hiding behind masks or holding back out of fear of what people might think!

Register for my Facebook Live Class on Thursday!

Bloggers & online entrepreneurs! I’m teaching a class on 10 Strategies to Master Facebook Live next Thursday evening.

It will be a 2-hour class where I’ll pull back the curtain & share all of my best tips, tricks, and tactics for being successful on Facebook Live. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way… & I don’t want you to have to make the same mistakes I have!

Go here to register for this class.

2018 Goals Update

Personal Goals

1. Read 100 non-self-help books that will build me up/encourage me/inspire me/recharge me. (Fiction/story-driven/biographies/inspirational living books/devotionals.) See the list of 44 books I plan to read this year.

**Progress: 19 books read so far this year

2. Read through the entire Bible.

**Progress: I'm using the Robert Murray M'Cheyne plan and am all caught up— yay!

3. Write one handwritten note to someone every week.

**Progress: 16 notes written so far this year

4. Run 500 miles.

**Progress: 138 miles run so far

Marriage Goal

5. Go on an overnight trip with Jesse without the kids.Jesse and I went to NYC together in January.

Family Goals

6. Read 10 books aloud with the kids.

**Progress: I've finished one book so far.

7. Take the kids to South Africa.

**Progress: We nailed down dates for our trip!

8. Go on a family road trip.

Financial Goals

9. Save up to pay cash to finish off an office for me and workout room for Jesse and me in the basement in our new house.

10. Replenish our Emergency Fund (we dipped into it to replace my car when it got totaled because of the carpet beetle infestation.)

Business Goals

11. Increase our gross income from the business by 8%.

12. Launch 5 new courses.

**Progress: We launched 4 Weeks to a More Productive Life launched in January, Content Creation 101 in February, 4-Week Blog Coaching Program in March, Email List Setup 101 in March, and Make Over Your Mornings LIVE in April.