Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Peek Into My Life This Past Week (+ win a stack of books from me!)

Welcome to my weekly Sunday post where we take a break from money-related posts and I share about what I'm loving right now and give you a little peek into our life from the past week. So, this was a […]

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A Peek Into My Life This Past Week (+ win a stack of books from me!)

Welcome to my weekly Sunday post where we take a break from money-related posts and I share about what I'm loving right now and give you a little peek into our life from the past week.

So, this was a bit of a rough week. I tried out something new in regards to our schedule (exercising and showering in the late afternoon/evening instead of the morning like I’ve done for most all my life) and it sort of flopped on its head and I felt out of sorts most all of the week.

We also declared this week a Screen-Free Week at our house for the kids… because watching movies or playing on devices was becoming too much of a default.

The first 24 hours are always a bit rough, but it’s amazing how creative they become after we make it through the initial boredom and whining!

Silas said this afternoon, “Remember that peanut butter apple dip you used to make? I wish you could make it again!” I realized we happened to have all of the ingredients, so I suggested he make it.

A little oversight and 25 minutes later, this boy had made some apple dip for dinner. And he was beaming with pride at doing it almost entirely himself! (Note: Here’s the Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Apple Dip recipe in case you are interested.)

I think this Screen-Free thing might be sticking around for longer than a week!! I can’t believe how much calmer and happier and industrious everyone has been this week as a result!

(Note: Our only exception to the Screen-Free declaration is for family movies/shows watched together. We love to watch 1-2 movies/shows together each week and we decided we’d continue to allow that this week!)

Then, I ended up coming down with some sort of sickness mid-week (congestion, fever, headache) that decided to hang around for a few days).

In all honesty, I struggle with frustration when I’m sick. I don’t like to be down and out. I don’t like to be needy.

I used to get sick almost every month because I wasn’t taking care of myself and was running myself ragged. Now, I’m so much healthier, but anytime I do get sick, I start hyper-analyzing my life and wondering if I’m overdoing it.

I’m trying to remind myself that sometimes — despite your best efforts — you just get sick. It’s okay. Don’t stress over it. Just let yourself be grateful that you can cancel and rearrange some things in order to rest. And then just truly rest.

What I’m Loving

Having a rough day? Or feeling a little on edge?

I have fallen in love with these Calm-a-Mama products!! And they really do seem to work!

They are made with herbs and flower essences and taste and smell great! You just take a few drops when you need a little pick me up!

Funny story: I was having a rough day the other day and someone close to me (who shall remain nameless!) helpfully suggested I just try drinking the whole bottle of one of these! 😉

(A big thank you to Megan Tietz from Sorta Awesome for recommending these! I got mine from Amazon. Here’s the link. You can also read more about them directly on the company’s website.)

What I’m Reading

So. I’m going through tell you something I never thought I’d say again: I’m writing another book.

Yup. For real.

After my 3rd book launched, I felt like there was a good chance I’d never write another book. I was all “book-marketed” out and felt like I’d given all the book words I had to the world.

But something has been stirring inside of me over the past few months and when I read Published I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was supposed to take up book-writing again. I tried to talk myself out of it. I tried to convince Jesse that it was a bad idea.

But we both knew I needed to act on it — especially since it’s my Year of Yes!

I’m self-publishing this time and plan to take it slowly — just writing for 15 minutes every morning after my morning run (when I’m always crazy inspired!) I’m excited about it — especially because I won’t have the publisher deadlines this time!

Anyone else want to write a book with me? Or are you thinking of maybe writing a book some day? If so, you MUST download this book. It will inspire you that you can actually do it. Yes, you. Even if you don’t have a writing background, a marketing degree, a social media platform, or even love to write.

This book is FREE through midnight tonight!! Just sign up for the free video here and you’ll also get a free download of the ebook! And leave a comment to let me know if you are planning to try to follow the book’s outline to write a book in 90 days!

In addition to reading Published, I also read Be RealHope in Front of MeThe Cozy Life, and I Got This. (I was able in get in more reading time since I was sick!)

This week, I'm reading: Answers to Prayer (an old Christian reprint), No More Faking Fine (a spiritually encouraging book), Gathering Blue (a story-driven book), and Chasing Slow (a book on life improvement).

I'm hoping to finish Answers to PrayerGathering Blue and Chasing Slow this week. I'll let you know how that goes next week! {See my Reading Goals for 2017. Also, see the 20 books I've read so far in 2017 here.}

What I’m Pondering

In the past few weeks, I’ve wondered a lot whether I have what it takes to parent my kids. I’ve worried that I’m failing them. That I’m messing up in a big way.

One child has been going through a really stubborn phase. Another child has been struggling with their faith and questioning a lot of things. And then there’s the child who had to go to the principal’s office recently.

I’ve made a commitment to never publicly talk negatively about specific kids online. But just because you only see the good and the beautiful that I share doesn’t mean there’s not plenty of hard behind-the-scenes.

My husband and I have been crying out to God for wisdom on how to parent these kids and I’m realizing anew that there are no quick fixes or 3-Step Formulas.

But there is this that my Heavenly Father keeps whispering to me: “Love them like I love you. Don’t shame them for their mistakes. Don’t let it be about your reputation. Don’t parent to please others. Don’t parent for behavioral modification. Focus on their hearts. Forgive. Heap on the grace. Walk with them. Love them where they are at. Celebrate the good and the beautiful. And always point them to Jesus and the Gospel.”

I don’t have what it takes in my own strength, but He does. “Love through me, love of God.”

In Case You Missed It

My Posts From This Past Week:

My YouTube Videos From This Past Week:

Also, I’m back to doing my Morning Show on Facebook Live between 9 and 9:15 a.m. every week day morning. I’d love for you to tune in on Facebook and join me live. I share some inspirational encouragement + we talk about deals. And I often take questions live or just share a little peek into my life, too!

Want to win this stack of books?

I thought it would be fun for me to do a give away here every once in awhile on Sundays — giving away items I’ve been sent two of, or books I’ve already read and want to pass on, or other item I have that we no longer need!

To win this stack this week, leave a comment letting us know what you are reading, loving, or pondering. I’d love to hear!

I’ll choose one winner from all of the comments and will email that winner personally + post the winner next week on my Peek Into My Life This Week Post.



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