Friday, July 8, 2016

When it feels like there's nothing we can do… and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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When it feels like there’s nothing we can do…

When it feels like there's nothing we can do...

My husband and I stayed up late last night watching the news unfold in Dallas on a livestream online. And our hearts are heavy over all of the events of this past week. So heavy.

It feels like there’s nothing we can do. And yet, I woke up this morning realizing that there IS something we can do.

We can choose to be peacemakers. Right where we are.

Who will join me? We might not be able to change the world at large, but we can make a difference in our little piece of it.

Instead of holding grudges and dwelling on the negativity, let’s reach out with open arms of compassion to ALL whom we come in contact with today.

Let’s choose love, forgiveness, and kindness. The world is in great need of this… and it doesn’t cost us a penny to give it. But it just might radically change someone’s life — including our own!

P.S. I encourage you to read this post by Jen Hatmaker and also watch my periscope video from this morning. 


2016 Back to School Walmart and Target Stock Up Prices

Check out this 2016 Back to School Walmart and Target Stock Up Price Cheat Sheet.

Are you gearing up for back to school shopping and wondering what is a good deal to pay on all your school supplies? Check out this comprehensive 2016 Back to School Walmart and Target Stock Up Price Cheat Sheet.


The Best Organic & Natural Coupons & Deals This Week

The Best Natural & Organic Coupons & Deals

Here are the best natural & organic deals with thanks to Andrea from The Greenbacks Gal for compiling them:

Top Coupons to Print: This week’s hot coupons include $1.00/1 Cascadian Farm Granola and $1.00/1 Stonyfield Organic YoKids Yogurt. Get the complete list of Natural and Organic Coupons.

Amazon Under $5: These Natural and Organic Subscribe and Save items are all under $5! This massive list includes popular items such as Earth’s Best Hot Cereal, NatraCare pantyliners, and Van’s The Perfect 10 Crackers.

Silicone Teething Necklace: Moms wear it, babies can safely chew on it. This silicone necklace comes in several colors and is marked down to $14.93.

Costco: There are new Costco coupon deals for the month of July and they include an excellent deal on Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn.

Raw Honey: Get the health benefits of real raw honey made in the USA.

Target: Stock up on any travel sized products you may need with this great sale.

Vera Bradley: These Vera Bradley Market Totes are perfect for carting home groceries or heading to the pool. Plus, they are a bargain at just $8.00 each!

Andrea Green of The Greenbacks Gal is a green living expert. What if you could find affordable organic and eco-friendly products on a budget? Eco-friendly moms need affordable solutions. Andrea finds the best green deals, helping hundreds of families save on the frugal, green lifestyle. Nothing makes her happier than to help people realize being organic doesn’t have to cost more.


Love the life you actually HAVE instead of wishing for the life she has

For 15 days, we're exploring the topic of making our health and well-being a priority as part of the 15 Days to a Healthier You series. You can read Day 1 here and Day 2 here

The #1 Way to NOT Be Happy

We can stop trying to be someone we're not. Happiness begins in that moment, when we look within and say, "I was not created to be her; I was created to be me". Happiness is an inside job. You don't find happiness by being the best version of someone else; you find happiness by being the best version of you. –The Happiness Dare

If you want to succeed at not being happy, I've got the guaranteed path to accomplishing that: try to live someone else's life.

Spend your days comparing yourself to her. Wish you could be her. Do everything you can to be like her.

This will make you feel so unhappy. You'll probably feel frustrated that you just can't do it like she does. You'll probably beat yourself up over the fact that you're not as good as her. And you'll stress over not measuring up.

Or, you can choose to be YOU. To focus on making the most of where you are. To intentionally cultivate the ground right where you are. To do all you can to be the best version of you.

I loved the encouragement in The Happiness Dare to stop trying to feel like we had to try to do what makes other people happy and fulfilled and instead find our own happy spot.

Don't look at others and think, "It makes her happy to garden, so I should do that, too!" By all means, if the thought of planting and weeding and harvesting sounds amazing to you, go do it (even if that is just with a little container garden on your porch!).

But if the whole gardening thing sounds utterly boring and exhausting to you, please give yourself the grace to not feel obligated in any way to become a Master Gardener. Unless you want to be miserable.

You have to figure out your own happy spot, instead of thinking that what will bring someone else joy and fulfillment is also going to bring you the same joy and fulfillment. Don't try to be her, because you aren't her.

Loving the Life I Actually Have

I’ve wasted much of my life pining away for a different time, a different season, a different set of circumstances.

No more.

I’m committing to love my actual life. The one I’m really living. Right here. Right now. Today.

It’s sometimes messy. It’s sometimes disorganized. And I rarely get everything done that I hope to in a day, but that doesn’t mean I can’t embrace it, savor it, and fall in love with it.

It’s a gift. All of it. And the more I choose to see it as such, the more I notice the gifts and the beauty all around me.

So many people have asked me in the past week after reading this post of mine, “How do I figure out what makes me come alive and feel happy? I don’t even know where to start. How did you figure out what to even try and experiment with?”

If you feel like that, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions:

  • What makes me feel happy?
  • If I had an entire day to myself and napping wasn't an option (!), what would I choose to do?
  • What are some of my happiest memories?
  • What do other people say to brings life to me and puts a smile on my face?

As I've been taking the Happiness Dare, I'm realizing that there are so many beautiful things all around us, but often, I've been too busy and focused on productivity that I've missed them. This dare has really challenged me to look around my world and find the happy. To add more shots of joy into my every day life. To wring the delight out of what might seem ordinary.

I'm letting myself take time to slow down and enjoy a bike ride, to buy those discounted flowers, really be in the moment in a conversation, to savor the beauty of the ocean, to slowly enjoy books, to eat more ice cream, to wear colors I love, to stop saying to myself, "That's not who you are!"

My daughter said to me the other day, "Mom, you've been laughing a lot more recently!" I know she's right.

By intentionally seeking to do things that make me smile more, I have a lot more joy in my life. And I think this joy is becoming contagious!

We can't change who we are, but we can make the most of our situation. We can't choose the personality we are born with, but we can choose to be thankful–even in the midst of difficulty.

And we can choose to be intentional and purposeful in how we live our lives so that we make the most of all that we've been given instead of wishing we were someone else.

Loving My Actual LifeNote: Want to talk more about this with me live? I'd love to have you join me on Periscope (around 8 to 8:15 a.m. CT) and Facebook live (around 8:30 a.m. CT) every morning where we'll be discussing each day's topics more in-depth and you can bring your questions, chat with others, and we can share together what we're learning! (You can watch today's Facebook Live video here.)

Day 3 Project

  1. Look around you. Really look around you. Notice the wonderful things in your life. Let yourself stop and really savor those blessings. Don’t take them for granted!
  2. Ask yourself the following questions (if you need extra help, ask your spouse or a close friend): 
    • What makes me feel happy?
    • If I had an entire day to myself and napping wasn't an option (!), what would I choose to do?
    • What are some of my happiest memories?
    • What do other people say to brings life to me and puts a smile on my face?
  3. Based upon your answers, what’s one simple way you can seek to cultivate more happiness in your every day life today? Tell us in the comments! I can’t wait to hear what you come up with!

Resources to Check Out:


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