Saturday, July 23, 2016

5 Lessons After Becoming Debt Free and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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5 Lessons After Becoming Debt Free


Guest post from Kelly of Kelly Cox At Home

The culture says that debt-free living is not possible. I absolutely disagree. Yes, the goal to live free from debt takes work, is not the easiest path… but it IS worth it.

My husband and I are debt free! This didn't come easily, but our diligent efforts, faith, and dedication have paid off.

Over the years, we have learned valuable lessons about being debt free… today, I’m sharing 5 of those lessons with you!

1. Being debt free allows us to give more.

Since we have no debt, my husband and I have been able to give more. God has led us to give in several areas and we feel blessed to be able to do so.

2. Being debt free lets us make ‘Plan A Decisions’.

Since we don't have debt, we are able to make, what we call, "Plan A Decisions." We are able to decide what is best for our family without our finances and debt being an issue.

For example, since the beginning of our marriage, we felt strongly that I should stay home full time when children came along. We created a budget to be sure that was possible and stuck to those parameters.

We've been led to adopt and when we get the call that will make us instant parents, I will be able to stay home with our child full time. Since we worked hard to avoid debt, we are able to live on my husband's salary.

Plan A is a blessing. We felt debt-free living was both scriptural and important to pull off this goal.

3. Being debt free means money talks are less painful.

As budgeters, we set up how we plan to spend our money in the form of a budget. This has been helpful when it comes to money talks.

Without debt, it is easier to figure out if we are able to afford something or not.

4. Being debt free affords us more wiggle room.

We have wiggle room in our budget. In other words, when we budget for the month, our money is dedicated first toward tithe, then bills and savings.

Since we've eliminated debt, we've got a little more wiggle room to buy things and to give more to others.

5. Being debt free fueled my blog.

I blog about debt-free living and budgeting because I'm passionate about these topics. This lifestyle is attainable despite what the culture teaches. I'm excited to be able to share via this crazy blog journey!

Debt-free living rocks! We are proof that it's possible. My husband and I are not from wealthy families and do not have trust funds.

Instead we worked hard, believed the scriptures about money, and have been blessed to see the fruits of our labor.

Bottom line, debt-free living is possible!

Kelly is a Christ follower, blessed wife, mom to be and a lover of all things home. She blogs over at Kelly Cox At Home about her journey at home and passion for debt-free living. She hopes to encourage others in that goal, while sharing tips on how to manage and enjoy all things that make up HOME! 

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