Sunday, July 10, 2016

5 Things I'm Loving This Week (+ get a FREE box from Rocksbox jewelry!)

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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5 Things I’m Loving This Week (+ get a FREE box from Rocksbox jewelry!)

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

1. Free Coffee at Panera

I didn’t get the free coffee at Panera all month long offer on my card, but a friend of mine did and she’s not drinking coffee right now so she gave me her card to use all month long! So it’s given me an excuse to sneak out to Panera for some quick coffee breaks — by myself! (Something that this introvert needs to do every once in a while!)

5 Things I'm Loving THis Week

2. Family Walk in the Rain

I’ve been working on being more intentional to be a “fun mom”. It’s not something that comes naturally to me, but it’s something that’s important to me and that my kids love.

So one night this week, I suggested we take a walk as a family and then come back and have a dance party. While we were walking, it started raining… which made the walk that much more fun and exciting for the kids. 🙂

I won’t be sharing any photos or video evidence of our dance party, but I will tell you that it was pretty epic and filled with laughter — especially when Jesse and I started having a dance off. The kids thought it was utterly hilarious!

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

3. The National Museum of United States Air Force

We traveled to Ohio for Kaitlynn to compete in a figure skating competition this weekend. We went a day early so we could go to the National Museum of the USAF. I’m not really a big museum person — especially when it comes to looking at airplanes for hours! — and honestly wasn’t really excited about going.

But you know the fun mom thing I just told you that I’m working on? Well, I decided to just have a good attitude about it since Jesse and the kids were really excited about it.

I ended up loving the museum! It was a hundred times better than I expected and I didn’t want to leave when we had to because they were closing. Jesse was shocked that I was so into it and kept stopping to read all the plaques (that’s not my usual personality; he’s usually the one wanting to read everything and I’m trying to patiently wait for him!). I found it so fascinating and interesting that I couldn’t help myself… I wanted to read everything and learn all I could! Maybe the non-crazy-busy-Crystal loves museums and I just didn’t know it because I was so focused on productivity before??

I’m going to devote an entire post to the museum because we enjoyed it so much and I took so many pictures. Plus, it is FREE so am amazingly frugal family activity! Look for that post coming in the next week or so.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week4. Facebook Live

I decided to start a daily morning show on Facebook Live this past week and I am just loving it! I’m still doing the Morning Motivation Show on Periscope around 8:15 a.m. CT every morning, but that show is focused on inspirational and encouraging content — kind of a shot of motivation to get your day going.

I wanted to do something more money-saving and frugal-related for Facebook Live, so after some thought and a little experimenting and then getting ideas from other people, I launched the Money Saving Mom LIVE show. It starts right around 8:30 a.m. CT (once I finish up my live show on Periscope) and I share what’s coming on the blog that day, a money-saving tip of the day, and the best deals of the day. I also throw in other fun things — like unboxing my first Rocksbox (see below).

I’d love to have you join us — you can leave comments, ask questions, and interact with the other viewers in real-time. You can see an example by checking out Friday’s LIVE show here.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

5. This New Bracelet from Rocksbox (get a FREE month!)

I absolutely adore this new bracelet I got in my first Rocksbox. I never would have thought I would like this style, but I really do!

I’m trying out Rocksbox in order to write a really honest review of my experience (look for that soon!) In the mean time, you can check it out and get an absolutely FREE month when you sign up at Rocksbox and use my code moneysavingmomxoxo.

(I will share pros and cons in the upcoming post, but I definitely think it’s worth trying out for free. Just please put a reminder on your calendar to cancel the subscription before the 4 weeks is up in case you decide it’s not for you. I’d hate for you to get charged for something when you expected it to be free!)

Note: Want more information about Rocksbox? You can watch my Unboxing Video here to see what was in my box and hear more about this service.

Frugal Family Fun

“Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

What are YOU loving this week? Tell us in the comments!


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