Friday, September 18, 2015

A few words on trolls, negative comments, and cyber-bullying and more...

Money Saving Mom

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Here's What's New
A few words on trolls, negative comments, and cyber-bullying
Simply Tuesday: Community, competition, and cheerleading
48-Hour Giveaway: Cub Snacks Box (7 Winners)
Costco Price List Updated for 2015 with 900+ Items

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:: A few words on trolls, negative comments, and cyber-bullying

I live in a different part of the country that speaks a different language. I've been wanting to start a YouTube channel in that language, but something is holding me back. I am afraid to show my face to the world, because I am not sure how I will handle criticisms. I am an introvert, and I'm not sure it's worth putting myself out there.

How do you manage to be a public figure, yet not let the mean comments and the cyber bullying get to you? Since you are an introvert, what suggestions would you give to fellow introverts who are trying to put themselves out there on the Internet? -Uma

Hi, Uma!

This is such a great question, and it's an issue I have been dealing with quite a bit recently since starting my Periscope videos on a regular basis. The trolls on Periscope are frequent. They come on almost daily and call me names or make trouble.

Most of the time, the names they'll call me or the things they'll say are things I've heard before - maybe in a comment that I deleted on Facebook or an email someone sent in - but not usually things that are being said out there in public display for everyone to see.

I can block the trolls on Periscope, yes, and I do. But not until after they've already said something that was inappropriate or uncalled for.

Trolls and Cyber-bullying

The truth is, whether it's YouTube, Periscope, blogging, or something entirely different, there will always be someone who says something that can prevent you from succeeding or discourage you. This is a hurdle to be expected when pursuing any goal in life and really anything worth doing.

It's so important to not let the trolls and bullies and critics of this life hold you back from the goals you have - whether it's blogging, a business endeavor, or a personal goal.

When you let them hold you back, you are choosing to give them power over you. There will be moments when people's comments sting or hurt, but you have to learn how to not let them crush or defeat you.

When the trolls show up in your life, you can decide to listen to them or you can decide to tune them out and keep pressing on. It's YOUR choice.

No matter where you are in life or what you do, you will have instances when you want to just run away due to fear. If you stand strong and withstand the criticisms or the cruel comments, you will reap the rewards. You will also encourage other people to be courageous, as well.


So my advice is simple: Ignore the trolls. As I heard Dave Ramsey say one time, "I am not responsible to someone I don't have a relationship with."

Personally Speaking…

I disappoint people every day. That's part of this blogging thing. When you put yourself out there online, people are going to tell you things about how you're falling short, how they don't like this or that, that you're an idiot, or that you just plain should quit blogging or scoping.

In almost every one of these cases, when I've been told things like this, they've been drive-by comments from people who don't know me or my family. These weren't comments from people who had spent time investing in my life and building a relationship.

I have people in my life who have built into my life, who are my mentors, and who have earned the right to be truth-tellers in my life. These are people who love me enough to say hard words to me when I need to hear them and who want me to be the best version of myself that I can be.

I respect and listen to these people - even when I don't necessarily want to! - because I know they have my best interests in mind. They aren't random strangers on the internet who have never met me in real-life. They've spent weeks, months, and years of their lives walking beside me and getting to know our family.

In my view, it's okay to disappoint random strangers on the internet who haven't invested in you or built a relationship with you. Just tune out their disapproval and criticism, because no matter how hard you try, you're never going to be able to please them all.

I want you to be courageous. I want you to jump out and FLY! Don't let trolls and anonymous comments on the internet dictate your behavior or hold you back from experiencing amazing things.

Don't let trolls hold you back from what you have to give to the world. The world needs your gifts, your talents, your story. The world needs YOU.

What advice and suggestions do the rest of you have for Uma? I'd love to hear your thoughts and input!

:: Simply Tuesday: Community, competition, and cheerleading

Simply Tuesday

So, I'm a bit behind on my Simply Tuesday posts. Here are a few of my thoughts on Section 3 (chapters 7, 8, & 9):

Emily writes about competition: "The thing about competition is that there is no time to connect with your competitors. You don't face them; you try to beat them. You're happiest when your back is to them because that means you're winning."

Ouch! I've struggled with this before and I think maybe some of you will be able to relate to this very honest video from one of my Periscopes this week where I talk about friendship and community and how I've struggled with comparison and jealousy at times. Watch it here.

Let's be a community of women who are FOR others, who celebrate others, who cheerlead others!

I also loved this quote: "The truth is, people need our with-ness. They don't need for us to impress them with how spiritual we are. They need to know they aren't alone."

Many times, the greatest gift we can give someone else is just the ministry of our presence.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and on how we, as women, can better foster community and relationships that are free from competition. How do you do this in your own life?

Later today, I'll be sharing about what learned from Section 4 (chapters 10, 11, and 12) of Simply Tuesday.


:: 48-Hour Giveaway: Cub Snacks Box (7 Winners)

Cub Snacks

If you're looking for an easy and convenient way to provide healthy snacks to your children while also spending quality time with them, Cub Snacks might be something fun for your family to try.

Cub Snacks was created by Andy Kavanagh, a reformed junk food addict and health food enthusiast. Cub Snacks has taken inventory of the obstacles that parents feel stand in the way of getting their kids to eat healthy foods. With this in mind, they created their Cub Snacks Boxes that aim to help time-pressed parents educate their kids about healthy foods through fun, active learning baking projects.

Cub Snacks Boxes

Cub Snacks makes it easy by providing everything in one all-inclusive box that you need to bake healthy foods with your kids. Each box comes with all of the ingredients and instructions you need for a recipe, plus some fun additions like kids' aprons, chef's hats, fun foods facts sheets, and quizzes.

As a Cub Snacks member, you can subscribe to one box per month to gradually build up a recipe book of healthy snacks your kids love: cakes, muffins, fruity desserts, cookies and more. All Cub Snacks recipes are made with real, non-processed ingredients with very few allergens and low sugar content.
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Cub Snacks Review

Cub Snacks Review

We had so much fun trying out the box that Cub Snacks sent to us. The recipe was simple, the instructions were easy for the kids to follow, and they had fun making it together.

If you want to give Cub Snacks a try, readers can get $8 off one box with coupon code MSM8OFF at checkout - valid through October 18, 2015.

For more information on Cub Snacks, you can check out their website or follow them on Facebook.

Would you like to win a Cub Snacks Box? Click on the graphic below and type in your name and email address. 7 winners will be chosen and posted next week. Giveaway ends Friday, September 18, at 11:59 pm, CST.

Enter the Giveaway

:: Costco Price List Updated for 2015 with 900+ Items


Queen Bee Coupons has a super helpful Costco Price List that has been updated for 2015 with 900+ items included. This is a great way to compare unit prices with your local grocery store.

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