Thursday, August 6, 2015

Do It Yourself: Burlap Produce Bags and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Do It Yourself: Burlap Produce Bags
Making Over My Mornings… As a Night Owl!
I'd love to meet you in San Diego on August 15, 2015!
We Paid Cash: Our Boys' Bathroom Renovation
7 Secrets for Saving Money at Hobby Lobby


Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

:: Do It Yourself: Burlap Produce Bags

IMG_7796 shows you how to make homemade burlap produce bags.

Do you have a fun and frugal DIY idea to share? I'd love to hear about it! Read the submission guidelines and submit it here.

:: Making Over My Mornings… As a Night Owl!

Making Over Your Mornings as a Night Owl

Are you a night owl who wants to make over your mornings but doesn't want to be told you need to get up early to do so? Have you been considering buying the Make Over Your Mornings Course but been scared that I was going to guilt you into trying to get up earlier?

If either of these things describes you, be sure to read April's post on how she's Making Over Her Mornings… As a Night Owl. Here's a snippet:

I get up between 7 and 7:15 these days, but that is not always the case. Right now, Alan is in graduate school, so he keeps later hours than our norm.

I'm one of these people who has to stay awake until everyone goes to bed. I can't help it. I do.

Since Alan stays up later right now, I do too. I've tried to build myself schedules that did not allow for my sleep needs.

Last year, I thought that in order to be a successful home school mom and blogger, I needed to wake up every morning at 6 am. And I turned into heavy-eyelids-unhappy-snappy Mommy.

No, thank you. I couldn't even finish my day. I'd spend from 2 to 4 every afternoon just sort of laying on my bed and staring into space the whole first nine weeks of last school year!

Gradually, I realized that if I want to be a good mom, I need to sleep until 7.

Read the rest of the post here.


:: I'd love to meet you in San Diego on August 15, 2015!


Our team is so excited to be bringing our one-night Say Goodbye to Survival Mode event to San Diego on August 15, 2015!

This evening will be encouraging, inspirational, and actionable. I'll be sharing from my heart and giving you practical steps to take to:

  • Stop living life feeling stuck, exhausted, and overwhelmed
  • Determine your most important priorities & find time to invest in what really matters
  • Break free from the lie that whispers "I'm not good enough"
  • Move past loneliness and build authentic friendships with other women


If you could use a boost to live with more intention, joy, and purpose, you won't want to miss this special one-night event!

San Diego Say Goodbye to Survival Mode Event Details

When: Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT)
Where: Canyon View Church of Christ, 4292 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117
What: A night of encouragement, laughter, inspiration, and getting to meet other local readers. Plus, I'll be sticking around afterward to get to meet and hang out with everyone who comes!

Go grab your tickets here. And invite a friend, too!

Join us for the one-night Say Goodbye to Survival Mode even in San Diego on August 15, 2015!

Psst! We have a special group rate for those who'd like to invite a group of women to come.

Any questions? Submit them here and we'll be glad to answer them for you!

And if you're planning to attend, be sure to RSVP on the Facebook Page here and then share the link with others you think would love to attend, as well.

:: We Paid Cash: Our Boys' Bathroom Renovation

We paid cash!A testimony from Jennifer who blogs at A Healthy Mix

My husband and I purchased our home in July, 2012.

We paid $21,000 for an 1800 square foot home and 2-acres of land. It needed a lot of work, but we made the decision to remodel our home debt-free. It has been a work in progress ever since.

At the beginning of the year my husband received a $1,000 bonus and we knew we wanted to use that money for our latest renovation project - our boys' bathroom.

We weren't sure how we were going to remodel an entire bathroom on less than $1,000, because normally, bathroom remodels are expensive. We began by searching Pinterest for a look we desired and set out to achieve it on a small budget.

Getting Started

We knew we would have to refurbish as many items as we could.

We were able to salvage:

  • the shower
  • the toilet
  • a large mirror
  • the shower fixtures
  • other bathroom fixtures

We searched the internet for hidden treasures. We found a brand new pedestal sink ($25) on a yard sale page. Then we went to Lowe's to match our wants with the right price.



We were able to totally transform the old shower by using CLR and a lot of elbow grease. We decided to change the look of the shower by adding sheets of galvanized tin ($12 each) for the walls.

We used wood trim ($3 each) to finish the look. We soaked the old shower fixtures in bleach overnight, and they looked brand new. We did purchase a replacement shower faucet ($10).

Floors and Walls:

We installed the tile floors ($0.62 each). We painted the walls ($25). We used floor molding for both the floor and ceiling. We purchased the contractor pack ($72) since it actually cost less per unit and the leftover pieces could be used elsewhere in our home. 


We purchased a glass cutter and cut the large mirror in half. We used left over pieces of the shower trim to trim out the mirror that was placed over the pedestal sink.

We splurged on a curved shower curtain rod ($42) since our kids were not getting a new shower. This was an inexpensive way to make their shower feel larger. We also purchased a new shower curtain ($30).

Since our boys had a pedestal sink instead of a vanity, we made holders that attached to the walls out of wood and mason jars that would hold their toothbrushes, hand soap, etc. We used jars we already had and scrap wood so it only cost $2 to create extra storage.

We changed the light fixture in the bathroom by screwing in a Mason jar into the old fixture. It completed the country look and cost us nothing.

We were actually able to complete the project for less than $500! It was amazing to see what was once the worst room in our home be transformed into a nice space on such a small amount of money.

bathroom reno

Jennifer is a wife, mother to three handsome boys, a lover of homesteading on a smaller scale, and an aspiring writer. She loves sharing what she learns with each passing day and encouraging others to chase their dreams while she is busy chasing her own. You are invited to come along on this journey with her at A Healthy Mix.

Have you saved up and paid cash for something - large or small? Submit your story for possible publication here.

:: 7 Secrets for Saving Money at Hobby Lobby


Want to learn how to get the best bang for your buck at Hobby Lobby? Head on over to Passionate Penny Pincher to read her post on 7 Secrets for Saving at Hobby Lobby.

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