Saturday, August 22, 2015

5 Ways to Give on a Tight Budget and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
5 Ways to Give on a Tight Budget
Reader Tip: Similac Formula Guarantee

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:: 5 Ways to Give on a Tight Budget

5 ways to give

Guest post by Kelly of Kelly Cox At Home:

Giving to others is a joy. Often I hear people say that they can't afford to give, but I think that we can all give something. In fact, you can do this without spending money!

Ever thought of that idea?

Here are a few ways to give (joyfully!) and not blow your budget in the process.

1. Your Time

We can all give of our time. I know it's precious and we have busy schedules; however, all the more reason to give some of it up to someone else!

Can you help a friend move? (We were the thankful recipients of this gift not too long ago!) Do you have the time to pick up a shut-in and drive them to an appointment? How about visit an elderly person in a nursing home?

There are SO many ways to give of your time. I can assure you that the person you assist and bless will find it worth the weight in gold.

2. Garden Veggies

If you garden, consider sharing your veggies with neighbors, family and friends. What an amazing way to bless others!

Recently, my husband came home from work and had a bag full of vegetables that a coworker had given him. I was thrilled, and this small gesture meant so much to us.

3. Coupon Gifts

I use coupons for food, toiletries, makeup and just about anything else. One thing I learned as I began to coupon is that I get a lot of freebies. YAY! I think it's fun to give some of these things away to our friends and family. Consider giving a "coupon present" to someone, full of products that they can use in their home. I bet it makes them smile!

Further, my husband and I have been able to give more to food pantries and other programs through our church because of coupons. We've had fun as we incorporate this into our giving and stewardship goals.

4. Hand-me-downs

I am a huge fan of hand-me-downs. In fact, I have a friend that has passed along so much to me over the years. She's blessed me with jewelry, clothes and even baby items that she no longer needed. She has a giving heart, and I've been the happy recipient of all sorts of things that could be used in our home.

Never underestimate that you may have something that would bless someone else.

5. Meals

The gift of food is a big blessing. Consider taking a meal to a new mom or a family that lost a loved one. In fact, if you are tight on money, you could make a 9×13 pan and split it into two 8×8 pans. Your family could eat that evening and so could another.

Get creative and find ways to bless others with a meal during their time of need.

What a joy to give!

Please, never feel that a tight budget means that you can't share, give and bless.

We are on a continuous journey to give and be good stewards of the resources that God has given us. After all, "it is more blessed to give than receive."

Kelly is a Christ follower, blessed wife and a lover of all things home. She blogs over at Kelly Cox At Home about her journey at home and passion for debt-free living. She hopes to encourage others in that goal, while sharing tips on how to manage and enjoy all things that make up HOME!

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:: Reader Tip: Similac Formula Guarantee


Amy emailed in the following tip:

I recently found out that Similac offers a "Tummy Care Guarantee".  If you need to switch formula types (within the Similac family) you can purchase the new formula, fill out the form on the website or on paper and they will refund the cost of your new formula up to $32 dollars!

There is a limit of 2 rebates per address, but this could definitely help if you're struggling to find the right formula for your baby.


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