Monday, August 24, 2015

Boosting Your Fertility on a Budget and more...

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:: Boosting Your Fertility on a Budget

boosting fertility

Guest post from Sally of Getting Pregnant Faster:

Trying to get pregnant can be not only stressful, but also expensive if you're truly focusing on maximum health for yourself and your future pregnancy. I know that when I was trying to get pregnant I focused more on high quality foods than I did when not seeking to be as fertile as possible.

I'm going to share with you some things that I did to help improve my fertility (and overall health) while staying on a tight budget. Let's save money and focus on boosting your fertility as much as possible, shall we?


Getting enough protein when trying to conceive is important, but how do you do it on a budget? Usually, protein means meat, right? Well, meat is important, but there are plenty of other high-quality protein sources as well that can help your wallet as well as your fertility.

Beans, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, and fish are all great sources of protein. Beans can especially help you save money, particularly if you buy dry beans in bulk. You can make it a complete protein meal by adding corn bread.

Eggs are a complete protein in themselves, but they can be pricey if you choose eggs from pastured hens. Eggs can be stretched further if you make omelets or scrambles that include lots of veggies and/or rice.

Additional ways to save on protein is to eat smaller portions and limit your meat consumption to only once or twice per week, eating cheaper proteins like beans the rest of the time.

Salmon is not only a great protein source, but it's also loaded with fertility-boosting omega-3 fatty acids. To include salmon in your diet, you can purchase canned, which tends to be cheaper than fresh. For less than $3 a can, you can provide a protein-rich meal for 4 people by making salmon patties or blending in with a rice dish or stir fry. Canned salmon is also good added to scrambled eggs, which will stretch both foods further.

Liver is a fairly inexpensive meat and is very nourishing for fertility. Many people don't like it, but you can incorporate it into your diet by cooking it and crumbling it into soups and mixing in into other ground meats such as beef to mask the flavor.

Eat Green

Green leafy vegetables are especially good for fertility, so eat plenty of them, but also try to eat the rainbow.

You can soak your non-organic fruits and veggies in vinegar water for 15-20 minutes in order to get rid of most of the surface pesticide residue, making them healthier to eat.

Avocados are another excellent fertility food that you can incorporate into a lot of dishes, including smoothies, sauces, and salads.

Buy in Bulk, Pick Wild, or Grown Your Own

Consider "gleaning" as a possibility to save money. There are many fruit trees in my area that go unpicked. If you pass by and notice fruit falling on the ground, chances are that the owners either don't have time, interest, or ability to pick the fruit. Stop and ask if you can pick some and offer to pick for them as well in return. You may be surprised how much food you can acquire this way.

Red raspberry leaf and stinging nettles are two excellent herbs to increase fertility in women. In order to save money, you can either buy in bulk or grow your own. The best time to pick raspberry leaves is after the canes have finished producing fruit (note that the berries are also excellent for female fertility).

You need to take special care with nettles if picking your own, as the thorns are savage! Thick work gloves are sufficient, however, and they lose their sting once cooked or dried. I have enjoyed both herbs as infusions (which is an extra-strong tea).

If you're struggling to get pregnant (or just desire to eat healthier), eating more fertility foods is possible even on a budget. Focus on eating the most nutrient-dense foods possible and seek to de-stress on a daily basis.

Sally is an author and fertility coach who delights in helping women improve their fertility and get pregnant more quickly. She also seeks to save money for her family while providing fresh, wholesome meals and natural remedies when needed. Connect with her at Getting Pregnant Faster where you can read her advanced-age infertility story.

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:: How to Create a DIY Planner


Lynn from Lynn's Kitchen Adventures has a great post up on How to Create a DIY Planner.


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