Saturday, May 23, 2015

If Our To-DO List Was a To-BE List and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
If Our To-DO List Was a To-BE List
Gretchen's $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan
The Real Reason For My Clutter


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:: If Our To-DO List Was a To-BE List

to-be list

Guest post from Lisa of True and Faithful

I have a confession. I'm not an organized, work down the list kind of gal.

I'm the second-born child and I'm pretty sure my older sister got every Type-A gene in our family. The hand-me-downs from her boys are spotless, birthday cards arrive early and she has Christmas presents bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving. (Best of all, she never makes her Type-B sister feel bad!)

While I'm learning routines to organize my time and house, my to-do lists and I still struggle on many days. As I added to my to-do list today, I thought, you know what I really want? I want to make a to-BE list.

What if my days were governed by a to-BE list rather than a to-DO list? I began to imagine what that list would look like.

To BE present.

One of the things I like least about a busy schedule is that it keeps me from savoring moments with my kids. I say "hurry" too often and brush past the day's simple treasures with my children.

I want to soak in Annalise's expressions as she shows me the insect she found outside. I want to pause my agenda and listen to my college girl's heart when she calls. I want to forever imprint the scene of boys playing basketball barefoot on the driveway.

To BE content.

Oh how this would change my days. To be satisfied, not striving. To be content in this house with its quirks and flaws and in this season right now.

To be at peace with the kind of mom I am rather than wishing I was the fun mom, the energetic mom, the crafty mom, or the (imaginary) mom that has it all together.

To BE kind.

How about a day where one of my chief goals is to be kind to every person I deal with? Those in my house, first of all.

To instruct and discipline in kindness looks much different than instructing and disciplining when it affects me and my tasks.

My to-BE list would include being kind to the cashier who mixes up my order and patient with my elderly neighbor's conversation.

To BE grateful.

How different my days would look through the lens of thankfulness. When picking up books or shoes left out, I want to be thankful for curious and healthy kids rather than irritable at the mess.

Instead of begrudging the scratches on my stovetop, I want to be grateful for a full pantry and working kitchen.

To BE brave.

Some tasks on my to-do list never get done not because of time, but because I'm scared to tackle them. Maybe it's a hard phone call or financial decision. Or that big, hairy audacious goal that seems overwhelming.

I want courage to do the hard things, to get off go, and to take manageable steps today toward those big goals.

What about you?

What would be on your to-BE list?

Lisa Appelo is a single mom to 7 and recent widow writing about the faithfulness of God and the crazy good lessons she's learning everyday at True and Faithful.

photo source

:: Gretchen's $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan



The milk from Dillons accidentally got put in this picture.

2 pkg Strawberries - $1.29 each

1 pkg Roma Tomatoes - $1.19

1 loaf Bread - $0.99

2 cans Green Beans - $0.49 each

1 Grape Jelly - $1.45

1 pkg English Muffins - $0.99

1 Half & Half - $1.89

1 dozen Eggs - $1.29

1 pkg Rice Cakes - $1.29

Total with tax ($1.01): $13.66


1 gallon Milk - $2.24, used $0.20 Ibotta rebate - $2.04 after rebate (This is pictured in the Aldi picture.)

2 Yoplait Greek Yogurt - Marked down to $0.49 each, used $0.30 Ibotta rebate - $0.34 each after rebate

1 Knudsen Juice - Marked down to $0.99

1 Santa Cruz Juice - Marked down to $0.59

1 pkg Driscoll's Raspberries - $2.50

1 Green Leaf Lettuce - $0.99, used $0.20 Ibotta rebate - $0.79 after rebate

1 pkg Blueberries - $2.99

1 pkg Kroger Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts - $6.99

1 Green Pepper - $0.89, used $0.20 Ibotta rebate - $0.69 after rebate

3 pkg Gevalia Coffee K-cups (18 ct each) - Marked down to $2.99 each (I was so excited to find a whole shelf of these marked down to only $2.99! I was almost out of coffee so it was perfect timing!)

Total with tax ($2.14): $29.67


Homeland Trip #1

Homeland only doubles 1 like coupon a day so I went two days in a row to take advantage of some of the best deals. 

1 Sure Deodorant - $2, used $1/1 coupon from the 5/3 SmartSource insert (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 Cocoa Puffs Cereal - $2.50, used $1/1 printable (no longer available) (doubled) - $0.50 after coupon

1 Multigrain Cheerios - $2.50, used $0.75/1 printable (doubled) - $1 after coupon

2 cans Hormel Chili - $1.25 each, used $1/2 printable (doubled) - $0.25 each after coupon

2 pkg Glad Snack Bags - $1 each, used 2 $1/1 coupon from the 5/3 SmartSource insert (1 doubled) and $1/1 Ibotta rebate - Free plus overage after coupons

1 Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal - $3.05, used $1/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - $1.05 after coupon

1 Colgate Toothpaste - $1, used $0.50/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 (5 lbs) bag Potatoes - $2

1 pkg Kraft Shredded Cheese - $1.66, used $0.30 Ibotta rebate - $1.36 after rebate

3 Kraft Salad Dressing - $1.48 each, used $1/2 printable (doubled) - $0.81 each after coupon

1 Sargento Balanced Breaks - $2.50, used $0.75/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - $1 after coupon

1 Angel Soft Toilet Paper - $1.59, used $0.45/1 coupon from the 5/17 RedPlum insert (doubled) - $0.69 after coupon

Total with tax ($1.65): $11.19


Homeland Trip #2

1 Sure Deodorant - $2, used $1/1 coupon from the 5/3 SmartSource insert (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 Multigrain Cheerios - $2.50, used $0.75/1 printable (doubled) - $1 after coupon

1 Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal - $3.05, used $1/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - $1.05 after coupon

1 Colgate Toothpaste - $1, used $0.50/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 Sargento Balanced Breaks - $2.50, used $0.75/1 coupon from the 5/17 SmartSource insert (doubled) - $1 after coupon

1 Carefree Liners - $1, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - Free after coupon

1 Super Snack Pack Pudding - $2.89, used $1/1 printable (doubled) - $0.89 after coupon

1 Wheat Thins - $1.67, used $1/1 printable (doubled) - Free plus overage after coupon

Total with tax ($0.95): $5.13

Total for all grocery stores: $59.65

Menu Plan for This Week


Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches x 3

Toast & Eggs, Fruit x 2

Cereal x 2


Peanut Butter & Jelly Rice Cake Sandwiches, Fruit, Veggies x 2

Cheese/Crackers/Veggies x 2

Baked Potato Bar

Macaroni & Cheese, Steamed Peas



Oven Fried Chicken, Butterhorn Rolls, Tossed Salad

Cereal and Fruit (My husband is out of town this night and I just decided to do a super easy dinner.) :)

Hamburger Vegetable Soup, Crackers

Chicken Fajitas, Steamed Corn (from the freezer)

Venison Roast, Potatoes, Green Beans, Tossed Salad

Homemade Pizza, Tossed Salad

Date night (Out to eat)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: The Real Reason For My Clutter

real reason for my clutter

Guest post from Ashley of Lies About Parenting

Hi, I'm Mom. Otherwise known as the Finder Of Stuff.

We could never find anything, because clutter was a way of life. If there was an empty spot in my house, we found a way to fill it.

I had enough cleaning supplies to run the hospital's sanitation program. Not-quite-right beauty products piled under every bathroom sink. Closets vomiting clothes, shoes, and bags. My garage was piled high with stuff, the kitchen full of outdated spices, and there was an endless cycle of always-dirty laundry.

My partner is a we-might-need-it-one-day kind of person, and I'm a this-is-old-and-special kind of girl. Our clutter just got worse with the birth of our daughter.

Sunday afternoons were often spent in the garage (or closet) sorting, stacking, and trying to create some order. Pinterest, Real Simple, and Martha Stewart never had a solution to my problem of having too much stuff.

I bought so many storage systems, that I'm still waiting for my thank-you note from The Container Store stockholders.

I found myself organizing my organizing. Like a teenager who can't decide between two identical pairs of jeans, I was stuck, sorting through options that were not going to change.

Sick and tired of the last-minute hunts that made me feel resentful towards my family, disappointed in myself, and unhappy with my home, I read a book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, by Marie Kondo, that solved my clutter problem with one simple explanation.

Guilt is why I have clutter.

Why was I keeping things I didn't love, use, or need? The answer was guilt, whether from the expense, a gift, or a poorly executed plan (Pilates reformer, anyone?).

Guilt was making me stockpile my possessions.

Clothes that never fit cost money, gifts from loved ones were supposed to be special, and family heirlooms were meant to be cherished.

I took a deep breath, and just let go.

It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 90% of my closet is gone, and I'm left with what I love (and wore most of the time, anyway). A handful of favorite books remain, surplus furniture is out, and holiday decorations got to stay only if they made me smile.

Decluttering worked this time, and my partner is now working through the decluttering, and de-guilting, process.

A surprising benefit is we clean less, because there's less to clean.

By focusing on decluttering my belongings, I now breath happy, dust-free air. Try it. Just let it go, and you won't be disappointed.

Ashley loves honest talk about parenting and life choices. She blogs about the good, the bad, and the funny at Lies About Parenting. She is known for debunking popular parenting advice that just doesn't work, and is a passionate believer that clean homes create clean minds. She'll consider herself a parenting success if she can, somehow, manage to raise kind and compassionate kids.

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