Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"I need to stop learning and start doing!" and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
"I need to stop learning and start doing!"
How to Stick to a Cash-Based Grocery Budget
31 Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals
A Day In My Life: School, corn dogs (!), YouTube videos, & I found the missing tweezers!
The Ten-Item Wardrobe


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:: "I need to stop learning and start doing!"


The following is a testimony from Evangeline that I thought many of you would find encouraging:

Thank you for your blog. I've been following it for years, and as a young mama of 3 littles, your posts have taught me, sharpened me, and most of all encouraged me when I was feeling overwhelmed. Thank you. You have been such a friend and mentor to me! :)

Today, I put the kids down for a nap and checked what you posted for the day, as I often do. But then I realized something important. I needed to stop learning and start doing.

Thanks to you, I KNOW the importance of routine, of saving money, of stopping and taking the special time with my kids, of doing a load a day all the way through and so much more. But knowing isn't the final step! I need to get to the doing!

Sometimes I'm tempted to just read how great your goals are and not set my own. To see you tackle your laundry pile while my grows as I sit behind the computer. I applaud you grabbing life by the horns, but my dreams and visions just stay on the back burner.

Just wanted to write this because I feel like many of your readers may be in the same place. There are many people daily discovering your blog that have a lot to learn. But I feel that more than them, there are many of us long-time readers that KNOW a lot, have learned a lot and it's time to roll up our sleeves and put it into practice!

photo source

:: How to Stick to a Cash-Based Grocery Budget

How to Keep Your Grocery Budget Low

Jamerrill has a very helpful article up on How to Stick to a Cash-Based Grocery Budget.

If you missed it, be sure to also read my post on 6 Ways We're Keeping Our Grocery Budget Low Without Using Coupons.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: 31 Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals


Kelli from New Leaf Wellness has put together a list of 31 tried-and-true Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals.

:: A Day In My Life: School, corn dogs (!), YouTube videos, & I found the missing tweezers!

A Day In My Life

This morning began, like most mornings do, with me creeping downstairs to light my ePantry candle and enjoy some quiet before the rest of the family gets up. I cherish this morning quiet - even if some mornings it only lasts for 15 minutes or so before someone else wakes up. :)

A Day In My Life

Once the kids were all up around and dressed, we ate breakfast (cereal and oatmeal) and then started in our Morning School Time. We always start with Bible Reading and Scripture memory - we're reading some from Genesis and Luke and memorizing Psalms 8 right now.

A Day In My Life

The kids brought their LEGOs to the table today to build while I read to them. I'm a big fan of letting kids work on something with their hands while I read aloud to them. Honestly, I think kids listen better when their hands are busy.

So I always encourage them to draw, play with LEGOs, create, or play with play-doh while I read. I think we get through twice as much reading with 500% better attention by doing this.

A Day In My Life

We're reading from a few different read alouds for Sonlight right now + we talked about using adverbs in creative writing and listened to some poetry today.

A Day In My Life

I had discovered these Adult Coloring Pages earlier this morning and had to print some off because I wanted to use them and I thought the girls might enjoy them, too. Kaitlynn scooped them up and had fun working on them while listening to me read.

After we were finished with our Morning School, the kids worked on their chores, I did a little clean-up, we ate lunch, and then got ready to head to my chiropractor appointment.

{I've become such a big believer in chiropractors over the past few years and have seen such improvement in my overall health by going to them. Best of all, they are very inexpensive and so worth the investment for the health benefits I've experienced!}

A Day In My LifeA Day In My Life

While the girls finished their independent school with Jesse, Silas came with me to the chiropractor.

It started raining BUCKETS while we were in my appointment. I hadn't thought to bring an umbrella so we got drenched on the way out to the car.

And then, of course, as soon as we got in the car, it all but stopped raining. When we made it safely to the car, Silas exclaimed, "We just conquered the second biggest storm in history." Not sure what the first biggest storm was - maybe Noah's flood?!

On the way home, we stopped by Sonic to buy 3 of their corn dogs that were just $0.50 today.

A Day In My Life

The kids were just a wee bit excited about the corn dogs. It cracked me up that such a simple, inexpensive thing could bring so much fun into their day.

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They told me that they needed to make crazy faces in this photo because "that's what most kids would do if someone were taking picture of them with corn dogs."

{I promise Kaitlynn was not sticking the corn dog up her nose… it only looks like that in the picture!!}

A Day In My Life

After the corn dog excitement, the kids settled in to make LEGO videos. They have hopes of someday having their own YouTube channel and have been practicing filming themselves making various LEGO tutorials and learning how to use the video software.

It's hilarious to listen in from the other room - especially when Silas says things like, "Be sure to follow me on Instagram, comment on my blog, and like my Facebook Page." All without being prompted.

Today, he told me that he's going to "Send his YouTube followers to, so I need to be prepared for some extra comments."

A Day In My Life

While the kids were working on making "YouTube videos", I worked on cleaning out the kid's bathroom cupboards and drawers. I hadn't tackled these in a long time and they were certainly in need of some help!

A Day In My Life

I ended up with a bag of things to get rid of (mostly trash/items needing to be tossed) and some items that needed to be put back where they belonged.

A Day In My Life

I was especially excited to find the missing half of my favorite brush (the handle came off awhile back and I hung onto it hoping that actual brush part would eventually show up!), another brush that had disappeared, and the tweezers that I'd practically turned the house upside-down to find not too long ago! Yay!!

I finished up some blogging work, we had leftovers for dinner, we cleaned up the kitchen together, the kids got ready for bed and went to bed, and then I finished typing this up while Kathrynne stayed up a little later because she was giving me the most amazing head massage (that girl knows how to get her mama to say "yes" to letting her stay up a little later!) :)

My evening routine is done, so now I'm off to hang out with Jesse and maybe get in a little reading before heading to bed around 10:30 p.m…

How was YOUR day today? Tell us about it in the comments!

:: The Ten-Item Wardrobe

You need to go watch this short Tedx Talk on the 10-Item Wardrobe. It's really inspiring and motivating - and just might challenge you to re-think your wardrobe and how many clothes you own.

As you probably well know, I'm a big fan of the minimalist wardrobe. Not only does it simplify my life, it requires less space, it makes packing for travel so simple, and it also saves money since you are shopping much less often, only owning things you love, and wearing the same things over and over again.

Another thing that I've noticed is that I think it makes me more relaxed and able to just focus on people in a situation versus worrying about my clothes since I'm wearing something I love, look good in, and (usually) have worn many times before.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the video. Did you agree with the idea? Did you think it was crazy? Did it make you think of your wardrobe in a different light?

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