Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sign up for my 10 Days to a Happier Mom Challenge (it's FREE!)

Recently, so many of you have asked if I could talk more about motherhood and parenting and the radical journey I've been on the last few years that has completely transformed the way that I parent. I have such a passion to help moms parent from a place ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Here's what's new:

Sign up for my 10 Days to a Happier Mom Challenge (it’s FREE!)

Recently, so many of you have asked if I could talk more about motherhood and parenting and the radical journey I’ve been on the last few years that has completely transformed the way that I parent.

I have such a passion to help moms parent from a place of rest and peace and joy instead of stress and frustration and exhaustion.

With this in mind, I created a free 10-Day Challenge for you moms called 10 Days to Be a Happier Mom.

Sign up for the challenge here for free.

It launches in a few tomorrow and I don’t want you to miss out!

Here are more details:

Starting January 4, 2021, I will be sending you a daily video to encourage you on your journey to enjoying motherhood more. Each video will be less than 5 minutes long and is designed to give you hope, inspiration, and practical help to fall more in love with motherhood.

In addition, I will be giving you a daily challenge. This will be a simple but actionable project/challenge for you to complete that day — usually something you can do in around 5 minutes — to help reframe your focus and parent from a space of joy.

Because I don’t want you to go it alone, I’ve created a private community for you to interact with other moms who are also signed up for this. I hope that this Facebook Group will provide encouragement, accountability, and motivation for you as you go throughout these 10 days.

Want to join me? Sign up here for free before the doors close!