Friday, March 2, 2018

One of the lowest places of my life and more...

Thanks for your patience with me as I've not been posting as much in the past two weeks. We're almost completely done with moving and I hope to be back to normal life and a normal blogging schedule on Monday. […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.


One of the lowest places of my life

Thanks for your patience with me as I’ve not been posting as much in the past two weeks. We’re almost completely done with moving and I hope to be back to normal life and a normal blogging schedule on Monday. Today, I worked on all sorts of odds and ends of moving projects and also packed up to leave for a weekend retreat with my Discipleship Group. So instead of the lengthy post I had hoped to write, I’m going to share something I posted on Instagram last night in hopes that it might encourage some of you.

Some of you may not know this, but when I started, I was at one of the lowest places of my life.

Jesse had lost his job, I had just gone through a really difficult pregnancy, I was trying to figure out how to juggle a business & a toddler & newborn, I had postpartum depression, we were new to the area and desperately longing for more friends and community, our marriage was hanging on by a thread, our bank account was almost drained dry, and we were just so d-o-n-e.

We were tired of living on beans and rice.

Tired of the stress of not having wiggle room in our budget.

Tired of wondering if we'd ever have a stable paycheck.

Tired of the constant frustrations in our marriage.

Tired of trying to build an online business.

Tired of feeling like we had worked so hard and scrimped so long and we had very little to show for it.

Yes, I started because people had been begging me to blog more about how we were living on such a tiny budget. But I also started it because I was hoping we could turn it into some desperately-needed extra income.

I look back and realize that were it not for being in such a hard place, I never would have been inspired to start this blog.

I never could have imagined that this same blog would end up being our family's main income source, that it would open up the doors to book deals and speaking opportunities and dozens of amazing relationships and getting to support a ministry near and dear to our hearts in South Africa, and allow us to pay cash for a house… and would put us in a position that Jesse wouldn't need to work outside the home and we wouldn't have to stress about a paycheck or bills!

If you are in a really rough season right now, if you just want to give up and throw in the towel, if you are so tired and done and over it, can I just encourage you? Don't give up! You never know what this seemingly awful place might be preparing you for!

By the way, you wouldn't be reading this post right now if it weren't for that intensely dark and lonely season of our lives! 🙂


Top Things to Stock Up On in March

Frugally Blonde put together a list of Top Things to Stock Up On in March.