Monday, February 5, 2018

9 Books I Read in January and more...

I ended up reading 9 books in January — and most were from my list of 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year! And I'm definitely on track to hit my goal of reading 100 non-self-help books in 2018! 1. […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

9 Books I Read in January

I ended up reading 9 books in January — and most were from my list of 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year! And I’m definitely on track to hit my goal of reading 100 non-self-help books in 2018!

1. Destination Simple

Destination Simple was a very quick read and a good reminder of ways to slow down and simplify. It was perfect for my Year of Slow.

2. The Lucky Few

The Lucky Few was a book that the publisher sent to me back in March when it was released. It sat on my shelf untouched since then and I almost got rid of it since I didn't know anything about the authors.

I'm SO glad that I decided to add it to my list of 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year because it was such a heart-warming read. If you've ever considered adoption, if you've struggled with infertility, or if you've been called to a road that you would have never planned or really thought you wanted, I think this book's story will encourage you.

3. And It Was Beautiful

And It Was Beautiful is written by the late Kara Tippetts — a blogger who passed away from cancer a few years ago. It's beautifully written, moving, and inspiring.

It really challenged me in how I mother. Am I embracing the everyday, ordinary moments? So much of the time, I think that I miss a lot of moments because I'm not not slowing down enough to see them.

One of Kara’s quotes really impacted me: “Keep short accounts and don’t find offenses that aren’t there.” She wrote this on her blog in a post titled, "Five Thoughts on Dying Well." She prefaced it by saying, "Live with deep forgiveness to share and honest repentance with those you love."

It's so easy to harbor anger or hurt or bitterness when we've been wronged by others, but none of those responses will produce healthy results in our lives long term. Choose forgiveness — it's the path to healing, freedom, and joy.

4. You Are Free

I have looked forward to reading You Are Free for a long time since its message is one God has really been working in my heart over the past few years. While it was different than what I was expecting and didn’t go as deep as I was hoping for, there were definitely some truth bombs in it.

I shared a quote here and some thoughts that were inspired by this book here.

5. Courage to Soar

Courage to Soar was an easy read (written more for teens and pre-teens), but it was pretty interesting to hear her backstory. As she appeared so confident and happy at the Olympics, it was insightful, and (dare I say?) encouraging, to read of all of the struggles she went through to get there.

It's so easy to watch someone perform flawless routines and just assume they have natural talent and forget that there is so much hard work that has gone on behind-the-scenes to get to that place where it looks effortless.

Overall, the book was pretty well written and a fast read. It was a little "fluff-y", but it had some good nuggets of wisdom and inspiration throughout it and I think it might be a great book to give to your daughters or a great book to read if you love gymnastics or are fascinated with Olympic athletes in general (I fit into both of those categories!)

6. Not a Fan

Our Community Group is going through the Not a Fan book together and I was supposed to read a few more chapters of it for our group discussion two weeks ago… but then I started reading and just kept reading and reading.

It really challenged me in a lot of powerful ways. I didn't agree with all of it and I thought some of the humor was just overboard cheesy, but many of his questions really challenged me in my walk with Christ.

Here's one quote I loved: "When we try to follow Jesus without being filled daily with the Spirit, we find ourselves frustrated by our failures and exhausted by our efforts."

And another: "The keyword for grace is 'done'. Our punishment was taken by Christ. He has made a way where there was no way so we live with a freedom and appreciation for what has been done. Fans are all about the 'do', but followers celebrate the 'done'." 

7. Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs is a book I’ve wanted to read for a long time since I had heard that it was similar to Dear Mr. Knightley — one of my favorite books! Well, I am sad to say that it was a big disappointment to me. Skip this book and read Dear Mr. Knightley instead.

8. A Daring Escape

I have really loved some of Tricia Goyer’s other World War II novels (The Liberator series were all ones I enjoyed), but A Daring Escape just seemed like it was lacking depth to me.

I had guessed a good deal of the plot before I was a third of the way through the book and, while it was enjoyable and had some beautiful parts, it just seemed so-so and not one of my favorites of hers.


I shared more how this quote impacted me on Instagram:

It's not the perfect parenting book. Or the right chore chart. Or whether we feed our kids enough organic food. Or if we homeschool. Or if we give our kids enough opportunities. Or if we protect them enough…

We can't save our kids, bubble wrap our kids, fix our kids, or transform their hearts.

We can sure exhaust ourselves trying, though. We can stress and worry over them. We can feel frustrated and overwhelmed by their actions. We can live in fear over their futures.

But none of that accomplishes anything worthwhile.

There is one thing we CAN do and that is to pray. And I believe it's one of the greatest things we can do on behalf of our kids

Because — as I am learning anew — prayer changes us. One thing I try to do almost every day is to I start my day on the treadmill running & praying over the day and praying for Jesse and each of my kids.

It's an important piece of my day… to acknowledge my need for God's help in my parenting, to pray for specific areas where my kids are struggling, to thank God for how He's working in their hearts, to release my stresses and frustrations in parenting to God, and to ask Him to give me grace to love each of my kids in a way that makes them feel loved.

I've noticed that this time in prayer for my kids not only calms me and helps me to rest in Christ's finished work on the Cross, it also changes my heart and attitude toward my kids, too. You see, I'm much more apt to respond to them in grace and love when I've just prayed that I can love them well and walk with them well! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here was another quote I loved that really impacted me and here was yet another quote. Suffice it to say, this was hands down my favorite book I read in January and one that I highly, highly recommend!

She Reads Truth Bible (I'm using the Bible reading plan at the back of this Bible this year.)

How I Find Time to Read

People are always asking me how I find time to read. Honestly, it's because I love to read, because I've chosen to prioritize it, because I don't have a lot of other hobbies, and because I can't not read. Also, when you love something, you usually can find ways to get creative to find time to fit it in — even if it's in the little nooks and crannies of life.

I wrote a post on 3 ways to find more time to read — even when life is busy. And here are 7 more ways to find time to read.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)


Free Printable February Menu Plan

Download a free printable February Meal Plan of 28 different casseroles for winter.


A Peek Into Our Lives This Past Week (we went to NYC & closed on a house!!)

Welcome to my weekly post I share a peek into our lives, talk about things I'm loving, share links to interesting articles or helpful ideas I've collected throughout the past week, and just talk about whatever is on my heart! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

It was a BIG week at our house! We not only went to NYC for the New York Stock Exchange Closing Bell Ceremony with Inspire Investing (I’ll share a detailed post on our whole experience we had there later this week), but we also closed on our new house!

I also came down with a head cold in NYC and was pretty miserable the rest of the week and spent most of the time resting and reading and trying to get healthy. Gratefully, I was able to get out for an hour to go to the house closing and then I started getting my energy back this weekend and am hoping to be back to normal by tomorrow.

I got a box from Stitch Fix last week and thought it was going to be a dud… until I tried this outfit on. And I promptly fell in love. In fact, I have already worn it twice in the last five days!! It’s so comfy and fits me like a glove!

By the way, it looks like Stitch Fix may have again extended their amazing offer to get the styling fee waived on your first order. Be sure that there’s a turquoise bar at the top of the page when you go to that shows this offer.

(You can also watch my latest Stitch Fix unboxing here. This was before I had tried on the above outfit and I thought I wasn’t going to like anything in my box.)

Did you see my post all about how you can get free books from My Reader Rewards? If not, be sure to check it out here.

I just thought you needed some more Quill pictures! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kaitlynn decided to teach herself a new kind of drawing yesterday. She watched some YouTube videos and then freehanded these… she constantly surprises me with the things she teaches herself!

Since we closed on our house on Friday, I started working on decluttering/packing on Saturday.

Our lease isn’t up for two more months and we were unable to get out of it, so we decided to just have a slow-paced move over the course of the month and then be all moved by the end of February/beginning of March. I’m planning to just slowly go through sections of our house over the next three weeks and decluttering… because there’s nothing like a move to motivate you to declutter!

Our plan is to not pack any boxes — but to just slowly move things over to the new place in little loads at a time and then move all of the furniture/large items one day near the end of February. We’re starting with storage items and things we only use every few months. Then we’ll move on to items we can’t survive for a week or two without.

We’ve never moved slowly like this before, but my hope is that it makes it simple and means we’re able to pretty well live our normal lives without having to take a lot of time off to pack or unpack. We’ll see how it goes!

A Word of Encouragement on Fear

At the beginning of this year, God called me to step out in faith, let go of an area in my life that I'd been holding with clenched fists trying to control, and face a big fear head on.

Y'all, I was scared. Sick scared.

But I'm here to tell you that none of my fears and worries about how this might have disastrous consequences and how I might get hurt came to fruition. In fact, the opposite happened: this thing I was terrified of has become an amazing blessing and gift to my life and to our family.

I miss out on so much when I cling tightly to what feels safe and secure, when I try to control my life and my circumstances and the outcomes.

"Lord, give me the courage to live with my hands outstretched — fully relying upon You. Let me be willing to jump from what I think feels like comfort and security and let You be my Comfort and Security — even when I'm scared and there are so many unknowns."

2018 Goals Update

Personal Goals

1. Read 100 non-self-help books that will build me up/encourage me/inspire me/recharge me. (Fiction/story-driven/biographies/inspirational living books/devotionals.) See the list of 44 books I plan to read this year.

**Progress: I think I’ll be at 10 books read so far by tomorrow (look for a book update coming tomorrow)

2. Read through the entire Bible.

**Progress: I'm using the Robert Murray M'Cheyne plan and am on Day 28 — yay!

3. Write one handwritten note to someone every week.

**Progress: 6 notes written total this year so far

4. Run 500 miles.

**Progress: 51 miles run so far

Marriage Goal

5. Go on an overnight trip with Jesse without the kids. Jesse and I went to NYC together in January.

Family Goals

6. Read 10 books aloud with the kids.

7. Take the kids to South Africa.

8. Go on a family road trip.

Financial Goals

9. Save up to pay cash to finish off an office for me and workout room for Jesse and me in the basement in our new house.

10. Replenish our Emergency Fund (we dipped into it to replace my car when it got totaled because of the carpet beetle infestation.)

Business Goals

11. Increase our gross income from the business by 8%.

12. Launch 5 new courses.

**Progress: 4 Weeks to a More Productive Life launched in January and we're currently working on finishing Content Creation 101 — a new YourBloggingUniversity course!

Links You Should Check Out:



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