Thursday, January 18, 2018

World's Easiest Breakfast Casserole

Looking for a quick and easy breakfast recipe? This simple Breakfast Casserole one is one we've loved for years. My mom used to make a Breakfast Casserole at Christmastime that we always looked forward to. Her breakfast casserole recipe had […]

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World’s Easiest Breakfast Casserole

Looking for a quick and easy breakfast recipe? This simple Breakfast Casserole one is one we’ve loved for years.

My mom used to make a Breakfast Casserole at Christmastime that we always looked forward to. Her breakfast casserole recipe had a few more ingredients in it, but this version still brings back memories of those Christmas brunches.

This pared down version of my mom’s Breakfast Casserole is one we ate often in our lean law school days. Any time I found a really amazing deal on cubed ham, I’d buy it up and package it in little baggies in the freezer to make this recipe. Then, I’d look for a deal on eggs and cheese and I had the makings of this casserole.

We didn’t eat a lot of meat in those days, so this felt like a really extravagant meal, but it was one I could make for $3 or less per pan by shopping sales and it would make enough for us to get three dinners from. We’d serve it with whatever fruit I’d gotten on sale that week and it’d be a special dinner for us!

My target price for dinners in those days was to shoot for $0.50 to $1 per meal per person and this meal fit that bill. We had such fond memories of it — and it’s one we still make today, even though we’ve raised our grocery budget quite a bit!

I love that this recipe is so versatile! You can add in chopped onions or peppers or spices to jazz it up. If your family likes spicier foods, you can serve it with salsa or hot sauce.

If you’re gluten-free, you can just use gluten-free bread. If you’re dairy-free, well, I can’t help you there. I’m just sorry that you have to live in a world without cheese!

What’s YOUR favorite frugal breakfast recipe?




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