Thursday, August 10, 2017

East Coast Road Trip: Our Last Day! and more...

Welcome to my 14-day series on our East Coast Road Trip where I share our adventures along the way, how we're doing this on a budget, honest reviews of attractions & restaurants we visit, and money-saving tips and ideas. If […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

East Coast Road Trip: Our Last Day!

Welcome to my 14-day series on our East Coast Road Trip where I share our adventures along the way, how we're doing this on a budget, honest reviews of attractions & restaurants we visit, and money-saving tips and ideas. If you missed it, read Day 1 here, Day 2 hereDay 3 hereDay 4 hereDay 5 here, Day 6 hereDay 7 hereDay 8 hereDay 9 hereDay 10 hereDay 11 here, Day 12 here, and Day 13 here.

Our 14-day East Coast Road Trip came to an end on this day, but we went out with a bang for our last day in Cincinnati!

We started the day with Tom + Chee (our first time ever to go to this restaurant — we loved it and we’re SO excited to discover they have one in Nashville!! Apparently we’ve been living under a rock!).

I got a salad (sorry! I know!), but it was a Grilled Cheese Salad and had squares of grilled cheese on it (like croutons) and was amazing!

And then we headed to Smale Park to eat our lunch and enjoy the beautiful surroundings (thank you to everyone who recommended this park to us!)

You all will be very happy to know that we did indeed stop at Graeter’s for ice cream. That was the one place everyone said we HAD to go to in Cincy and it didn’t disappoint.

I was going to split a cone with Jesse and was hoping he might go for the Raspberry that you all recommended, but we compromised with Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Yum!

We spent the afternoon and early evening at the Ark Encounter. We really enjoyed our time there! It was our big splurge of the trip and one of the things we had planned our trip around. I will say that it was pricey (and we even got half-price tickets from a friend of a friend who works for the company!), but we would highly recommend it if you get a chance to go!

And then we hopped in the car and drove the 4ish-hour trip home! It was good to be back in our beds!

It was such a good trip for so many reasons and I feel like we all have been stretched in really valuable ways as a result of it. We will carry so many memories and lessons with us in the months and years to come.

I came home feeling closer to Jesse and the kids because of the conversations and experiences we had, grateful for the simple rhythms and routines of our life that I sometimes take for granted, and inspired to be more adventuresome in my every day life right in TN.

(Thank you so much for letting me share our trip with you all here and for being so helpful and encouraging as we traveled. Our trip was so much better and richer because of you all!)


Join me for a FREE event for mompreneurs (Nashville, TN)!

Are you a mompreneur? Do you live within driving distance of Nashville, TN?

If so, I’d love to invite you to join me on August 17, 2017 for a FREE Dream + Do event put on by my friend, Sarah from Rise and Rally.

I’ll be speaking on a panel with Sarah and Kristin and we’ll be sharing lots of practical encouragement for fellow mompreneurs! Plus, there will be treats, prizes, and more!

Join me for a night of inspiration, practical business equipping, community building, and treats. 🙂

RSVP for this FREE Event here.

And let me know if you’re coming! I’d LOVE to meet you there!



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