Saturday, February 6, 2016

Making Date Night Affordable and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Making Date Night Affordable
Slow Cooker Meatballs {Game Day Appetizer}
Reader Tip: How to Save 20% on Gift Cards!



:: Making Date Night Affordable

date night

Guest post from Lisa of Eclectic:

Over the years, my husband and I have always prioritize time together… even when money was tight, we just got creative with how to make date night affordable.

After all, the purpose of date night is to relax, to have some fun, and to reconnect with your spouse. None of these things require money. A date that achieves these goals is a success, and it doesn't have to be expensive!

If you're looking for a few ways to make date nights more affordable, these suggestions might help!

1. Swap Babysitting with Friends.

We are blessed to have friends from church who live nearby, and about once a month they babysit for us, and then we babysit for them. This way we both get regular dates, save money, and know that our kids are having a fun play-date with a family we trust.

2. Save Money Eating Out.

If you choose to go to a restaurant, there are lots of ways (in addition to couponing) that you can save. My husband and I frequently share an entrée. Sometimes we order an appetizer, entrée, and dessert, and share all three dishes. The point isn't to stuff ourselves, but to enjoy tasting different dishes and having conversation. If we're still hungry when we get home, we have a snack.

Sometimes we eat dinner at home, and just go out for dessert. Planning our date for lunch hour can also cut costs.

And though we both enjoy a good glass of wine, we usually skip alcohol at restaurants and wait to enjoy our wine at home.

3. Try an Activity Date.

During financially tighter seasons of our marriage, we've skipped the restaurant altogether. One of my favorite date memories was when my husband was out of town for work all week. When he came home for the weekend, I asked a friend to watch our kids, and I packed a picnic dinner in a cooler. We walked through a park, found a bench overlooking a river, and ate and talked there. It was one of our most romantic dates - and totally free!

One year for our anniversary we purchased two pieces of dessert from a local country store, took those to the park, ate them together in a pavilion, and then walked around. It was a special, relaxing date for under $10.

Our most recent date was only $2.50! We browsed the small shops in the Old Town near us, ending at a coffee shop where we shared a cup of tea.

There are so many activity dates outside the restaurant you can try for little cost - dancing, hiking, or seeing a matinee movie are just a few ideas.

4. Stay Home!

Last year when I was pregnant and then caring for an infant, going out of the house often seemed like too much trouble. Instead, we perfected the art of stay-at-home dates. The older kids went to our friends' house, and we enjoyed a few hours of quiet without them.

The rule is to turn all your work off! This is time to catch up on each other, not your projects.

Ideas for a fun stay-at-home date include a candlelight dinner in the dining room, a board or card game, a movie on the couch, etc. etc.

Don't let budget constraints stop you. We all know there is no price tag on love, relaxation, and happiness. No matter how much or little you have to spend, you and your spouse can prioritize meaningful time together.

What are your best affordable date night suggestions?

Lisa Adams lives in the Shenandoah Valley with her husband and three children. She home schools, teaches part-time, reads, and blogs at Eclectic. But most importantly, she loves Jesus and lives to worship Him.

photo source

:: Slow Cooker Meatballs {Game Day Appetizer}

Slow Cooker Meatballs

Need a game day appetizer? Here's a super simple recipe that you can make using RAGÚ® (available at HEB stores and other stores).

HEB carries a few different varieties of RAGÚ®, including: Cheesy Alfredo, Old World Style Traditional, or Chunky Tomato, Garlic & Onion. I used theRAGÚ® Chunky Tomato, Garlic & Onion for this recipe.

Slow Cooker Meatballs

Slow Cooker Meatballs
Slow Cooker Meatballs
Slow Cooker Meatballs

If you want to try this recipe, be sure to head into HEB to stock up on RAGÚ® and the rest of your game day party essentials!

What are your favorite quick and easy appetizers?

{This post was underwritten by Lunchbox. Read my disclosure policy here.}

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Reader Tip: How to Save 20% on Gift Cards!


Kristen emailed the following tip:

I was recently tasked by the parents of my daughter's class to purchase a gift card for the teacher. I was originally going to spend the $100 I had received from the parents to purchase a $100 gift card. But, then I found a discounted eGiftCard online.

The price was $79 for a $100 gift card. That's a savings of 21%! Whoo-hoo!

I loved being able to stretch those dollars a little farther so she would have more to spend. I was able to give her a larger gift card - and only spend $100!!

I then realized, I've had "gift cards" filed under "gift ideas" in my brain. There is no reason I shouldn't take advantage of these awesome deals, too! Also, I generally plan a least a day ahead when/where our family is going to eat out, and I know when I am going to go to a particular store to shop. Why not purchase an egift card and save that 5-20% right off the top?

So, I searched for stores/restaurants that I regularly shop at…almost all of them were there, with substantial savings!

Discount Gift Card sites have gift cards for Starbucks, Home Depot, Target and many more! The AMC Cards are 20% off, at the time of this post. That's an awesome bargain, because last I checked, movie theaters weren't offering sales!

From now on, I am doing no shopping or eating out until I find out if they have a gift card online.

A Few Discounted Gift Card Sites

GCSPREAD ::  GCSpread offers both printable vouchers and actual gift cards, so you just need to be aware which kind you are purchasing. Especially, if you are in a time crunch and waiting for the mail is not acceptable.

CARDPOOL :: This is a really popular site and is user-friendly. You may purchase physical or eGiftCards on this site. The turnaround for an electronic voucher is approx. 1 day.

GIFT CARD BIN :: This is probably the biggest seller of discounted gift cards out there. They have an amazing variety of cards with great deals.

GIFT CARD GRANNY :: Not as huge a selection as Cardpool, but great deals.

RAISE :: This site looks sharp, and the nice thing about this site is they also offer an app, so you can purchase your eGiftCard from your phone. Remember, it can take 24 hours to receive your electronic voucher or egift, so you can't purchase the voucher moments before making a purchase. I would say the discounts are not as deep as they are on GCSpread or Cardpool.

EBAY :: There are people on Ebay who sell discounted gift cards. I did a quick search and a few deals popped up, such as a $100 gift card for $88. But, there were also sellers listing Target gift cards for the same amount as the gift card was worth + shipping. I have no idea why anyone would purchase this. Just be aware of what you are purchasing and make sure it is from a reputable seller. The downside for me would be wasting my time searching (& bidding) on Ebay when I could go to a dedicated discount gift card site, do a quick search and purchase immediately.

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