Some mornings are much easier to get up than others. One morning just a few weeks ago, when my alarm went off, I felt sort of a dark cloud over me. I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep.
I felt crabby. However, I knew I had gotten plenty of sleep the night before, so I told myself that I just needed to get up and get moving. I went downstairs and did what I do every single morning when I get up - I spent time reading God's Word.
Every morning, after I spend time in God's Word, I take a moment to write in my Gratitude Journal. On this particular morning, I realized that I needed to change my attitude and start focusing on the many blessings in my life.
The day before, we had a pretty long day and I had dealt with some difficult things. I knew that's why my heart was feeling heavy. And honestly, I didn't feel like writing in my gratitude journal.
I wanted, instead, to stew over the struggles and frustrations. I wanted to sulk about what had gone wrong. I wanted to sit and worry about things outside of my control.
But I knew in my heart that none of these things would accomplish anything productive. So I reminded myself: I just need to focus on the good.
There are always hard things in life. There are always struggles. How we respond to those struggles is often the only thing we have control over.
Every morning, I have a choice to wake up and choose to focus on the frustrating or choose to focus on the good. Getting out my Gratitude Journal and deciding to focus on what is right in the world, what my blessings are, and what is good in my life can radically transform my outlook on life.
Developing the habit of writing down a line of blessings every morning is one of the BEST ways for me to start my day - even on days when I wake up feeling crabby. Here are three reasons why:
1. Gratitude Changes My Perspective
Instead of focusing on the hard things or discouraging things in life, writing down my blessings causes me to focus on the blessings. A simple change in perspective is so effective in changing the way your day goes.
Ask yourself:
- What's right in my world?
- What happened yesterday that was good?
- What am I encouraged by right now?
- What's one thing I have to smile about?
2. Gratitude Slows My Racing Mind
When I woke up feeling crabby on that morning recently, my mind was racing all over the place. I was not only thinking about different situations in my life, but I was also feeling overwhelmed by what I needed to get done that day.
Taking the time to write in my gratitude journal slowed down my thoughts and helped me to focus on the good instead of being brought down by stressful thoughts.
3. Gratitude Challenges My to Think About Something Other Than Myself
Writing down things I'm thankful for gives me something to think about other than myself. It stops my mind from focusing inward and encourages me to focus outward
It's easier to be Eeyore with the gloomy outlook on life, but it's so much better to be Pooh, who always sees the rosy side of things. Writing in my gratitude journal helps me to focus that is on the good that's right in front of me.
Your Turn: What are YOU Grateful For?
You don't have to write a long list of things that you are grateful for, but I challenge you right now to think of at least one thing. Write that one thing down and then find a way to share it with someone else. Don't keep your gratitude to yourself.
- Leave it in a comment on this blog post
- Put it out on social media
- Write it on a sticky note and put it on your mirror
- Jot it down on a whiteboard
- Text it to a friend
- Send it out in an email
Whatever works for you, share that thing you are grateful for. This way, you'll have a reminder of the good things in your life. When you want to focus on the frustrating things today, remind yourself, instead, of what you're grateful for. It might end up changing your whole perspective!
Tell us at least one thing you're grateful for in the comments!