Monday, February 8, 2016

6 Strategies to Pay off Debt and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
6 Strategies to Pay off Debt
Go to Bed Early Challenge: Day 6 (PROGRESS!!)



:: 6 Strategies to Pay off Debt



Guest post from Erin of The No Drama Mama:

When I was a little girl I remember bountiful Christmas mornings, but I also remember many occasions on which our lights or cable were shut off because of overdue bills. I remember the constant calls by debt collectors and being warned not to pick up the phone. All of it made an impression on me.

Although I didn't make the connection clearly until years later, I got the point that we weren't on a good financial path.

As an adult, I felt that as long as I wasn't chased after by bill collectors, I had achieved some sort of financial success - but that was only one part of the picture.

It took enough mistakes with credit to make me realize that we would NEVER be successful without first getting out of debt.

Here are 6 surprising strategies that have helped us pay off over $20,000 of debt on one income.

1. Ditch The Debt Denial

Sometimes we don't even want to know how much debt we're in. That denial keeps us comfy and cushioned from our mistakes and allows us to play the "I pay the minimum balance" game, which keeps us focused on making payments instead of paying off debt.

The first thing you have to do is get real with yourself and your spouse. Lay it all out, every balance, every minimum payment and look at it. If that doesn't get you fired up to see how much money you're spending each month on stuff you already "own" I don't know what will.

2. Find a Financial Guru

For me it was Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman that I looked to for advice when I was first staring down our mountain of debt.

Get your butt to the library and check out what the experts have to say. Follow them on social media. Follow their blogs. You'll find helpful advice and inspiration to keep pushing you forward.

3. Get An Emergency Fund… Stat!

Why does Dave Ramsey tout this as Baby Step #1? Because life happens; cars need repair, hot water heaters go, or an unexpected trip to the ER are all bound to happen.

We don't know when or where these things will happen, but I guarantee you they are coming.

In our second year into paying off debt we had both cars taken out of commission in the same week. Without savings, you'll go running straight to credit to bail you out.

4. Start Small

It might seem counter intuitive to pay off the smallest balance first. Why not start with the highest payment or the highest APR? It's because we're creatures that need constant motivation. If we go years before we see our first debt erased, most of us will quit before we get there. Get some quick wins by erasing small balances first and you'll want to keep going.

Similarly, when you're looking for ways to cut your budget, start small. Start by giving up things that don't hurt so much, like eating out once a month, the manicure, or the subscription you don't use anymore.

5. Stop Thinking that Saving Money Is the Answer (by itself)

You can save all the money you want… but if you don't apply those savings toward your debt, it's going to fall through your budget cracks and get spent on other things.

Put together a debt repayment plan. It will help you see at a glance what debt you have, what money you'll use to pay it off and the time frame it'll take you to do it. If you love charts, by all means do those too. Whatever motivates you will keep you moving forward during setbacks.

6. Get Excited!!!!

Looking at debt repayment as a chore will get you nowhere. I know it can be hard because it seems daunting when you're in a lot of debt. It's probably going to take you years to get out. However, you didn't get in debt overnight, so can you really expect to get out that quickly?

Instead, try to find joy in it. I think of each debt gone as one less link in the chains that bind me and our family.

I know some people can't even imagine what it would be like to be out of debt, but I URGE you not only to imagine it, but to know it's going to happen. Let that thought take up residence.

How much debt have you paid off and how did you do it?

Erin Johnson, a.k.a. The No Drama Mama, can be found blogging at The No Drama Mama when she's not wiping poop or snot off her otherwise three adorable kiddos. This frugal, "tell it like it is" mama has NO time for drama, so forget your perfect parenting techniques and follow me on Facebook or Twitter for my delightfully imperfect parenting wins and fails.

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:: Go to Bed Early Challenge: Day 6 (PROGRESS!!)

Go to Bed Early Challenge

Happy Monday! I had a very restful weekend - mostly offline just hanging out with my family and catching up on rest. It was SO good and soul-filling!

Today is Day #6 of the Go to Bed Early Challenge and I'm excited that it's carrying over to my weekends, too - I even went to bed before 10 pm on Saturday night!! I've been doing a great job at my 2-step evening routine and I can really tell that it's making a difference in my sleep and in helping me to just relax. Yay!

Also, this book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace isn't anything like I expected it to be, but it's everything that I need to read. So, so good and messing with me in such a profound way!

Are you joining me for the Go to Bed Early Challenge? If so, leave a comment on this post to let me know how you did with your go-to-bed goal last night.

We're in this together… And if you didn't hit your goal, that's okay! Give yourself grace, don't beat yourself up, and know that you can try again tomorrow!

P.S. Read more about the Go to Bed Early Challenge here. Need some help and inspiration to go to bed early so you can get up and use your mornings well? Download Day 1 of Make Over Your Mornings for free (scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for it!)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

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