Friday, October 9, 2015

Brigette's $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6 and more...

Money Saving Mom

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Here's What's New
Brigette's $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6
4 Tricks to Help You Actually Finish That Goal You Set
Register for the FREE Mom Conference Online Event!


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:: Brigette's $59 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6



1 large Pumpkin - $2.99

2 Butternut Squash - $2.58

2 Spaghetti Squash - $2.98

2 Acorn Squash - $2.58

1 bunch Bananas (2.69lb @ $0.38/lb) - $1.02, plus receive $0.25 back from Checkout 51 - $0.77

I bag Mini Sweet Peppers - $2.29

1 head Cauliflower - $1.99

1 bag Baby Carrots - $0.99

1 bag Spinach - $0.89

1 3-lb bag Honeycrisp Apples - $3.99

1 3-ct pkg Romaine Hearts - $1.99

1 bag Greens Trio - $1.99

2 5-lb bags All Purpose Flour - $2.70

1 pkg Grape Tomatoes - $1.69

2 32-oz tubs Greek Yogurt - $7.38

2 16-oz cartons Egg Whites - $5.58

1 16-oz Cocoa - $2.19

1 8-oz Baking Powder - $0.99

Total: $46.56


Harris Teeter

1 gallon Milk - $2.99

2 12-oz pkgs Frigo Cheese Sticks (B1G1) - $5.19, used 2 $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - $3.19/2 after coupons

2 8-ct Grands Biscuits - $3.00, used $1/2 printable, plus $1/2 evic, plus receive $1.00 back from SavingStar - FREE after coupons/rebate

2 pks Crab Classics - $3.00, used 2 $0.50/1 printable (doubled), plus receive $0.75 back from ibotta - $0.25 after coupons/rebate

1 box Fiber One Bars - $2.50 - $2.50, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled), plus $0.50/1 evic, plus receive $0.50 back from SavingStar - $0.50 after coupons/rebate

1 box Nature Valley Granola Bars - $2.50, used $0.50/1 printable (doubled), plus $0.50/1 evic, plus receive $0.50 back from SavingStar - $0.50 after coupons/rebate

1 box Pronto Pasta - $1.50, used $0.70/1 printable (NLA) (doubled) - $0.10

3 Larabars - $3.00, used $0.75/3 printable (doubled), plus receive $0.75 back from SavingStar -$0.75/3 after coupons

2 dozen Eggs - $4.58

Total after Coupons and Rebates - $12.86

Weekly Total: $59.42

Weekly Menu Plan


Oatmeal with Fruit (from the freezer) x 2

Homemade Granola (this is what my kids ask for EVERY morning!) x 4

Cinnamon Rolls and Scrambled Eggs


Baked Potatoes with Cheese, Roasted Cauliflower, Apples

Peanut Butter and Honey on Rice Cakes, Mini Peppers, Bananas

Spaghetti Squash with Marinara Sauce and Cheese, Oranges x 2

Leftovers x 2

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Mini Peppers, Tossed Salad


Upside-Down Pizza, Tossed Salad, Homemade Applesauce (we still have apples to use up)

Fried Egg and Cheese Sandwiches (meatless), Roasted Butternut Squash, Orange Smoothies

Venison Roast in the Crockpot, Baked Potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin Crescent Rolls

White Chicken Chili, Pumpkin Crescent Rolls, Carrot Sticks

Eggroll in a Bowl, Fried Rice, Peas

Leftovers x 2


Chewy No-Bake Granola Bars, Apples and Peanut Butter, Popcorn

:: 4 Tricks to Help You Actually Finish That Goal You Set

4 Tricks to Help You Finish That Goal

I have your book Say Goodbye to Survival Mode and I love it. I have noticed lately that I want to and do start everything, but can't seem to finish anything! It seems I can only wholeheartedly focus on one thing at a time, but I want to do so so much!

Just a couple examples would be: I got a planner and used it for a few months then lost interest, I lost 15 lbs but gained 10 lbs back, I started to declutter my house and detailed it on a blog which lasted for a whole 2 months, I coupon in spurts then stop, I spent 3 months reading a few books a month and now I can't seem to finish one.

I could go on and on, and this is all just in the last 9 months! I don't know why I have all these ideas that I want to do, but can't seem to find the motivation to finish anything! Do you have any ideas? I'd love to know what advice you would have. -Becky

Hi, Becky!

I think this is a very common problem for many of us. So know that you are not alone.

And I definitely don't have it all figured out. In fact, I feel like I'm constantly in a battle between my inner disciplinarian and my inner squirrel.

"Focus, Focus, Focus…oh, shiny things!"

I want so badly to be disciplined, but I also have this sort of free spirit inside of me that pops out and wants to do its own thing from time to time. Which is why I've struggled to be a person who follows through with things.

If you were around in the beginning of my blog, you probably remember how I used to constantly start blog series, make ambitious goals for things I was going to do on a daily or weekly basis, and then never actually finish or follow through with what I'd started.

I get really excited about ideas, start on them, but then get excited about something else and move on. I guess you can say it's my nature to be a really great starter, but actually following through and finishing things requires a lot more effort.

4 Tricks to Help You Finish That Goal

I don't have this all figured out, but I have gotten much better at it! For example, recently I started a sort-of book club community on this blog. The old me would have blogged about it and said, "This is something we will be doing every week for the next year and here's the list of all 52 books we'll be reading!"

The older and wiser me said, "This is fun. Let's try this out and see how it goes. I'm really enjoying it."

Many of you hopped on board and it's been a blast, but it's also nice to know I didn't make a promise or commitment to all of you that I might not be able to keep later on down the road if I get too busy to continue with the book club.

{FYI: I took some time off while I was in South Africa but hope to re-start it soon!}

So yes, I've gotten smarter about the expectations I set for myself. I've also discovered 4 tricks that help me actually finish the goals I set:

1. Set ONE Goal.

So much of the time we set ourselves up for failure by making a huge list with tons of different goals. Our lives feel out of control, so we decide to overhaul our lives overnight.

But the truth is: it's not possible to overhaul your life overnight. Oh you can try, alright, but you'll quickly crash and burn.

Instead of trying to change everything all at once, decide to focus on ONE THING for the next 2-3 months. Yes, you'll have other basic daily tasks and responsibilities you need to complete too, but focus on this one particular area that you want to see a significant change in.

Not sure what one thing you should choose to focus on? I recommend picking the one that you think will make the biggest difference in your life overall. Maybe it's getting up early to exercise, going to bed earlier, creating a time-blocked to-do list each day, or investing in relationships.

Once you've decided on your one goal that you will focus on, be sure to set a concrete time frame for that goal. Start with a time frame that feels manageable. This will look different for everyone, but I always say 3 weeks is a good starting place. It's long enough to help you develop the habit or routine, but it's also short enough that you will be able to stick to it without falling off the bandwagon.

At the end of the 3 weeks, decide if it's making an impact on your life. Do you need to tweak it, redo it, or keep going with it for another 3 weeks if you're happy with the direction it's going? It's important to constantly re-evaluate where you're at with your goal and what kind of impact it's making on your life.

As you think of other things you want to change in your life, write these down and keep a running list of future goal ideas, but only focus on one at a time. This simplifies things and allows you to really focus and turn that goal into a lifestyle - not just a short-lived ambitious idea.

4 Tricks to Help You Finish That Goal You Set

2. Find accountability for that goal.

This is one of the most important parts of goal-setting. You must have accountability. We were made for community, and it is tough to stick to a goal on your own without someone keeping you accountable for it.

Figure out what kind of accountability you need. Maybe it's another person checking in with you, a chart on your fridge, an app that you check each day (like the Commit app), or even just posting publicly on Facebook. You could even ask a friend to call you each day at a certain time to ask if you followed through with your goal for the day.

For me, blogging about my goals is huge accountability. Putting all of my goals out there for you all to see motivates me to follow through with them.

4 Tricks to Help You Finish That Goal

3. Reward yourself regularly.

You have to reward yourself in order to stay the course. If you go, go, go and never take time to celebrate your success, you'll end up exhausted.

Figure out some sort of small reward that will keep you highly motivated, and put that in place. Maybe at the end of 3 weeks, you'll have coffee with a friend, buy yourself a new book, hire a baby sitter for a couple of hours, go shopping, or indulge in a treat. Pick something that you love, and give yourself permission to do it once you've reached your goal.

The reward doesn't even have to be something you buy or go do at the very end of reaching your goal. It can be something you do along the way that motivates you daily. Maybe just tracking your progress motivates you internally and keeps you on course.

I also recommend setting your reward based upon your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 5 pounds, it's probably not a great idea to make the reward eating chocolate cake!

And be sure to make the reward match the goal in size. If it's a smaller baby step, make it a smaller reward. If it's a huge monumental success, have a huge celebration when you reach the finish line! Life is too short to not take time to celebrate your wins and successes!

4 Tricks to Help You Actually Finish That Goal

4. Give yourself grace.

Don't be a total goal-setting slave driver. Don't be your worst critic and fill yourself with wrong, shameful messaging if you get off course or are going slower than you'd hoped. Beating yourself up because you haven't hit all of your marks is not going to inspire you to stay the course.

Instead, give yourself grace. Understand that life will happen and there will be hiccups along the way. There will probably be certain circumstances that make it okay for you to set your goal aside for a day. For example, you might skip exercising one day if you have a child who was up sick all night long.

That said, don't give yourself too much grace to the point that you fall off the bandwagon. However, it's very important that you don't exhaust yourself and burn yourself out by relentlessly chasing goal-setting success at the expense of your health, family, and sanity.

Have you ever struggled with following though with goals you've set? What has helped you to stay motivated and actually accomplish your goals?


:: Register for the FREE Mom Conference Online Event!

The Mom Conference Free Registration

If you need some extra encouragement as a mom, check out  The Mom Conference (it's FREE)!

This conference is all about helping moms maximize the beautiful stuff while minimizing the hard stuff. The Mom Conference will inspire mothers with practical encouragement and inspiration on topics such as: discipline, sibling rivalry, health, fitness, and so much more. You'll come away with concrete ideas and inspiration that will help you be the mom you really want to be.

The Mom Conference is three days full of fabulous online interviews with 20 speakers, authors, and bloggers - including myself! You will be able to watch for FREE online October 13, 14, and 15.

I'll be sharing some insights, ideas, and inspiration from my new book, Money-Making Mom.

You can go here to register for this online event for FREE.

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