Saturday, October 31, 2015

6 Reasons Why Blogging Might Not Be For You and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
6 Reasons Why Blogging Might Not Be For You
Gretchen's $62 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan
How I Became an Entrepreneur…And You Can Too!
Want to get organized for Christmas?
Q&A: "What is a successful business idea?"
I'm so glad for the Beans and Rice years - even though they were hard!
Mama Shire's Money-Making Mom Book Review

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:: 6 Reasons Why Blogging Might Not Be For You

Female workplace with laptop, flowers and coffee

Jesenia at The Latina Homemaker has a great post up on 6 reasons why blogging might not be for you. Here's a snippet:

The other day I was going through some of my old blog posts and I noticed how much my writing has evolved. It was one of those proud moments that reminded me of how far I've come in my blogging journey. However, this wasn't always the case. In fact, there were several times that I almost quit and gave up blogging. Why? Because blogging is not easy. And blogging to generate income is even harder. If you're thinking about blogging, I don't want to discourage you. But I do want you to truly analyze if blogging is something you want to pour your heart and efforts into.

Read the full post here.

:: Gretchen's $62 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan


I took the last couple of weeks off from grocery shopping because we were out of town for part of it and I was also trying to use up what I had in my freezer and pantry. It was good to get back to the grocery stores this week though because I kind of missed it. :)


5 cans Black/Chili/Kidney Beans - $0.59 each

2 Cucumbers - $0.69 each

1 Unsweetened Applesauce - $1.69

1 Cinnamon Bagels - $1.69

1 Cauliflower - $0.99

1 Celery - $1.29

1 Rice Cakes - $1.29

1 Half & Half - $1.89

1 Flour Tortillas - $1.19

2 pkg Chocolate Chips - $1.79 each

3 Grapefruit - $0.69 each

1 bag Baby Carrots - $0.99

1 Frozen Orange Juice - $1.19

1 gallon Milk - $2.32

Total: $24.71



1 Fisher Boy Fish Sticks - $3.99, used $1/1 printable (doubled) - $1.99 after coupon

2 Taco Bell Dinner Kits - $2 each, used $1/2 printable (doubled) - $1 each after coupon

1 Hinode Rice - $2.39, used $1/1 printable (doubled) - $0.39 after coupon

2 Challenge Butter - $2.99 each, used 2 $0.75/1 printable (first one doubled) - $1.86 each after coupons

2 Oscar Meyer P3 - $1.59 each, used $1/2 printable (doubled) - $0.59 each after coupon

1 Country Crock Quarters - $1.79, used $0.55/1 printable (doubled) - $0.69 after coupon (We don't normally use fake butter, but I know I'll have a lot of holiday baking coming up so I plan on using it for that.)

1 Hillshire Farm Little Smokies - $2.50, used $0.55/1 printable (doubled) - $1.40 after coupon

0.88 lbs Tomatoes - $1.21

Total after coupons: $12.58



2 Horizon Mac & Cheese - $1 each, used $0.75/2 printable - $0.62 each after coupon

1 Kroger Salt - $0.49

1 Nature's Own Bread - $2

2 Chex Cereal - $1.99 each, used $2/2 mailer coupon - $0.99 each after coupon

3 Lara Bars - $1 each, used $0.75/3 e-coupon - $0.75 each after coupon

4 Tombstone Frozen Pizza - $1.99 each, used 2 $1/2 printable AND received $2 catalina - $0.99 each after coupons and catalina

1 pkg Nabisco Oreo Thins - $2.99, used Free e-coupon (no longer available) and $0.20 Ibotta rebate - Free plus overage after coupon and rebate (I'm pretty sure this was one of my favorite Free Friday e-coupons Kroger has given out!) :)

1 Kroger Unbleached Flour - $1.49

2 dozen Simple Truth Eggs - Marked down to $0.99 each (I almost did a happy dance in the store when I saw this price!)

2 Campbells Soup - Marked down to $0.59 each

1 Kroger Soup - Marked down to $0.49

1 bag Grapefruit - Marked down to $0.99

1 bag Green Peppers - Marked down to $0.99

2 Romaine Lettuce - $0.99 each

1.99 lbs Broccoli Crowns - $2.21

1 bunch Bananas - $2

1 box Kroger Fruit Snacks - Marked down to $0.49

Total after coupons, sales and rebate: $25.52

Total for all grocery items: $62.81

Menu Plan for This Week


Scrambled Eggs, Sliced Green Peppers, Grapefruit x 3

Toasted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels, Bananas

Cereal x 2



Tossed Salad x 2

Mac & Cheese, Carrot Sticks

Fish Sticks, Celery & Peanut Butter, Sliced Apples

Peanut Butter & Jelly Rice Cakes Sandwiches, Applesauce

Baked Potatoes, Cottage Cheese



French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, Grapefruit

Baked Chicken Drumsticks, Tossed Salad, Baked Potatoes

Tacos, Steamed Carrots

Chili, Rolls, Veggies

Chicken Enchiladas, Green Rice Casserole, Tossed Salad

Pigs in A Blanket, Steamed Cauliflower, Tossed Salad

Chicken Pockets, Steamed Broccoli

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: How I Became an Entrepreneur…And You Can Too!

How I Became an Entrepreneur

Stephanie at Six Figures Under has a great post up on how she became an entrepreneur…and you can too! Here's a snippet:

Being an entrepreneur is in my blood. Growing up I watched my mom use her creativity to help supplement my dad's income. As a professor, he didn't usually get paychecks during the summer, so my mom's income was very helpful.

Ever since I can remember, she has taught dozens of piano students. She has done freelance calligraphy work and has taught children's singing and art classes. In the pre-Etsy days, she sold crafts and patterns at a local boutique. She has taught everything from tie-dye to cake decorating. She is one of those people who not only excels at everything she puts her mind to, but has a knack for teaching it too!

Read the full post here.

:: Want to get organized for Christmas?


The Intentional Mom is hosting a series starting on Monday (November 2) to work through my Make Over Your Mornings course and get your life in order before the busyness of the holiday season hits.

Go read more about the series she is hosting and how to join here.

:: Q&A: "What is a successful business idea?"

The first part of the answer to this question is to know what exactly a successful business idea looks like.

You need a target to aim for before you even get started, and I think this target may look a little different for various types of businesses.

That being said, watch my video above to learn what 3 marks I think every successful business idea will hit.

Looking for more tips & advice? Sign up for my FREE 5-day How I Make a Full-Time Income From Home course!

:: I'm so glad for the Beans and Rice years - even though they were hard!

It's hard to believe

I was going through old photos earlier this week and discovered this photo - it's of my husband and I and our daughter Kathrynne in the early years of our marriage. My husband was in law school, I was trying to help us stay afloat and stay out of debt by making money online, and we were both trying to figure this parenting thing out.

Those years were simple, but stressful. We didn't have any extra money so that kept life very, very simple. And sometimes we miss those days.

But at the same time, life was stressful because we never knew how we were going to manage to pay our bills each month. We ate a lot of beans, we stayed home a lot, and we prayed a lot!

I look back on those years and realize that we learned so much and grew so much as a result of them. It was hard. It was stretching. But we learned to be creative, to be content, and to think outside the box. And it was those character traits that laid the foundation for the successful businesses that we have today.

My new book, Money-Making Mom!

I loved getting to reminisce on those years in my new book, Money-Making Mom. I share some of the stories from when I was a child and the lessons my parents taught me, as well as the lessons my husband and I learned early on when we were first starting an online business.

We didn't have a clue. We made so many mistakes. And we look back and wonder, "What were we thinking??"

But little bit by little bit, we started to discover a few things that worked. We'd make $1 here and $3 there. And then $10 here and $20 there.

The little trickles became a stream that became a river that became a rushing torrent.

All because we didn't give up. We kept going when it felt discouraging. We kept pressing on through mistake after mistake. And we kept learning and growing.

And I'm so thrilled to have the opportunity to share more in-depth than I ever have before in my new book, Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference.

This book is for you if you are:

  • Struggling with getting a business off the ground.
  • Wishing you could find a mentor to hold your hand.
  • Wondering whether there's a way for you to earn more
  • Hoping to find better work-life balance
  • Or wanting to use your gifts to make a difference

It's the manual I wish I had had when I started my very first online business 10 years ago. It's practical, inspirational, and relatable.

I can't believe that I've been in business for 10 years!

Pre-Order By November 2 & Get These Bonuses!!

If you've not ordered a copy yet, you'll want to do so today because for the next few days only (through November 2, 2015), you'll get the following when you pre-order:

  • Make Over Your Calendar: 7 Day Online Course-a comprehensive course to teach you how to simplify, streamline, and organize your daily schedule & to-do's.
  • My Top 10 Favorite Productivity Tools Tip Sheet-a printable PDF with links and information on all my favorite tools for better time management.
  • An Exclusive Live Q&A Call-an invitation to join me for a special Q&A call to ask any of your Money-Making Mom questions

To get your bonuses, order a copy of the book here and then go here and fill out the form to get your free bonuses!

So what are you waiting for? Go order your book here - and grab your free bonuses while you can! They are only available until November 2.

And I hope that you have an amazing story in 5 or 10 years from now as a result of reading this book! I can't wait to hear it and I'll be cheering you all the way!

:: Mama Shire's Money-Making Mom Book Review

Money Making Mom Book Review

Robin at Mama Shire shares her review of Money-Making Mom and how it's impacting both her and her daughters. Here's a snippet:

My daughters and I all have home businesses that we have started over the past several years. We love our work and have learned so much already. What's exciting to me as a business owner is that Crystal puts things in such a clear way that it is helping me to understand the business side of our work in a much easier light. It's also helping me to have a greater vision for what we are doing with our work and how to bless other through it.

Read the full review here.

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