Saturday, October 24, 2015

5 Keys to Celebrating Simple Traditions and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
5 Keys to Celebrating Simple Traditions
Reader's Choice Magazine Sale: Pick 2 Titles for $10
Q&A: "Is it really possible to find a healthy work-life balance?"
Honey-Roasted Brussel Sprouts (I can't believe how amazing these are!)

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:: 5 Keys to Celebrating Simple Traditions

simple traditions

Guest post from Elizabeth of

As parents and grandparents, we want to celebrate holidays and other occasions in memorable ways for our children and grandchildren. Observing traditions year after year serves as an anchor for their yearly rhythm, and ultimately, their memories.

Unfortunately, when we think of traditions, we often envision something elaborate, time consuming, and expensive. But the simplest traditions can be the most meaningful and the source of your child's richest memories.

Consider the following five points when weaving traditions into your family's lives. My hope is that they will help you keep them simple, meaningful, and memorable!

1. Simplicity

We adults can take a lesson from our children and remember how joy is found in the simple pleasures of life. Trying to cram too much symbolism or significance into any occasion can leave us feeling more emotionally empty than full.

Children sense when mother is stressed, taking away from the festive, loving atmosphere we are trying to create. When a tradition is simple, it will be something to look forward to every year not dread.

2. Food

Food is a way we all celebrate special occasions. Even the most meager fare served with love can bring warmth to any occasion.

It often isn't what we serve so much as how we serve it. Saving particular dishes, not necessarily expensive, to eat only during particular celebrations will bring excitement to the occasion. For example, homemade cinnamon rolls don't cost much to make, but serving them only on birthdays makes them extra special!

3. Activities

We don't need to travel far or spend large amounts of money on excursions to make special moments.

As a child, due to my parents' work, we almost never traveled. However, I do remember enjoying lots of picnics at local parks. Children love doing something out of the ordinary - even a local outing can be an adventure!

4. Stories

Great memories can be created around stories - imagined stories, stories from your family history, or a favorite book you read over and over again.

My family loves to pull out the box of Advent and Christmas books at the beginning of every December. I have wonderful childhood memories of being read to and hearing stories. Some of my favorites were stories my parents told of their childhood. These stories become a part of you, build a family heritage, and strengthen relationships.

5. Relationships

Above all, focus on building your relationships with your family. Remember why you want to make the occasion special.

If celebrating a particular tradition brings stress because it is too much work or is too expensive, you are not focusing on the ultimate goal.

I hope these tips and ideas will help you and your family celebrate traditions that are simple, stress-free, frugal, and memorable!

Elizabeth is a dairy farmer's daughter, devoted wife, and homeschooling mother to four little blessings. She blogs about homeschooling, faith, homemaking, and self improvement all through a Catholic lens. Find her at

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:: Reader's Choice Magazine Sale: Pick 2 Titles for $10

Readers ChoiceThis magazine sale is a great opportunity to get subscriptions to your favorite magazines at a great price, pick 2 for only $10!

There are over 50 titles to choose from, go here to see all of the titles included in this sale!

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You can purchase magazine subscriptions as gifts, for yourself or even to renew existing subscriptions! This sale will end Sunday night, October 25th,  2015, at midnight EST.

(Note: The links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Q&A: "Is it really possible to find a healthy work-life balance?"

Are you discouraged by the ever elusive idea of balance that it seems the whole world is always stressing as being so important?

I don't think anyone will ever truly find the perfect balance in life. In fact, my idea of balance requires continual shifts, changes, and adjustments along the way.

There will never be a point where you wake up one day and say, "This is it! I have arrived!" Rather, you will constantly need to make tweaks to how you do things, shifts to your schedule, and changes in your priorities. Watch the video above to learn more about my idea of balance.

Looking for more tips & advice? Sign up for my FREE 5-day How I Make a Full-Time Income From Home course!

:: Honey-Roasted Brussel Sprouts (I can't believe how amazing these are!)

Honey Roasted Brussel Sprouts

So here's the honest truth: For years, I thought brussel sprouts were absolutely disgusting.

There are very few things I can't stomach (thanks to my mom always making me eat everything on my plate!), but brussel sprouts were on my very short "Things I Hope I Never Have to Eat Again" list.

That plan was going great until we went over to someone's house a few years ago and they served us roasted brussel sprouts. I ate them because I wanted to be polite, not knowing that my whole opinion of brussel sprouts was going to completely flip on its head as a result of my effort to be polite.

Let me tell you: there is a major difference between roasting something and boiling something - at least when it comes to brussel sprouts! Once I'd had a bite or two of these roasted brussel sprouts, I promptly reneged every last thing I'd said about how much I despised brussel sprouts.

I was hooked. How come I had gone years of my life not knowing about this amazing-ness??
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So recently, when I saw this recipe in the latest issue of All You magazine, I ripped it out and set it on the stack of recipes Jesse had on his desk to use for planning next week's menu. And I hinted around at how amazing they looked.

But that was that.

Until two days ago, when I get done with an afternoon meeting and Jesse brings me this…
Honey Roasted Brussel Sprouts

And I about squeal.

My man knows the way to his woman's heart, that's for sure.

Also, I still cannot believe I am swooning over brussel sprouts! It almost feels like I need to apologize for that. Or wonder if I'm on the verge of a midlife crisis or something?!

Honey Roasted Brussel Sprouts

I posted this picture on Facebook and Instagram and so many of you requested the recipe that I wanted to share it here. Since I don't want to keep a good thing to myself.

{Plus, I'd like to introduce you to this addiction of mine not only because these are so amazing, but also so that maybe the trend will catch on and become more mainstream. Then, maybe, just maybe, I'll feel less self-conscious about my incessant obsession with brussel sprouts! :)}



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