Monday, January 9, 2023

FREE Target Baby Registry Gift Bag ($100+ value!) and more...

If you are pregnant or adopting, you can get a FREE Target Baby Registry Gift Bag! I got mine a couple years ago when I was pregnant with Kierstyn and was so impressed with what was in it! Psst! Looking for more baby freebies? You can also get a FREE ...
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Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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FREE Target Baby Registry Gift Bag ($100+ value!)

If you are pregnant or adopting, you can get a FREE Target Baby Registry Gift Bag! I got mine a couple years ago when I was pregnant with Kierstyn and was so impressed with what was in it!

Psst! Looking for more baby freebies? You can also get a FREE Walmart Baby Box and FREE Amazon Baby Box. And be sure to check out all the great Baby Deals we’ve recently posted.

Pregnant and adoptive mamas, don’t miss out on this really fantastic baby freebie! Get a FREE Target Baby Registry Gift Bag — full of coupons, samples, and freebies (a $100+ value)!

How to Get Your Free Target Baby Registry Gift Bag

It’s so easy to get your free gift bag. Just go here and set up a free Target baby registry account. (Psst! You don’t even need to actually add things to your registry to qualify!)

After you register, you’ll get a bar code you can print out and take to the customer service desk at your local Target to get your free Target Baby Registry Gift Bag.

Note: My sister said you don’t even have to register. She said you can just go up to the customer service counter, tell them you are having a baby, and they’ll give you the gift bag. (If you’ve tried this and it worked for you, let us know!)

Free Target Baby Registry Gift Bag
what's in the Target baby registry gift bag

What’s in the FREE Gift Bag?

I’m sure that the gift bags vary some by store and by year, but here’s what was in my gift bag:

  • Aveeno Baby Lotion sample
  • Johnson’s Bath Wash sample
  • Cocoa Butter Stretch Mark Cream sample
  • Water Wipes
  • Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Bottle
  • 2 Up & Up diaper samples (size 1)
  • Aquaphor Baby sample
  • Lansinoh Nursing Pad samples + Breastmilk Storage Bag samples
  • Babyganics Lotion sample
  • Avent Bottle
  • Eucerin Eczema Relief sample
  • NUK Pacifier
  • Pampers Swaddler Diaper sample
  • Honest Diaper & Wipe sample pack

A couple years ago when I got my gift bag, it was an $80+ value, but now they’re saying it’s a $100+ value! (I don’t know if that’s due to inflation or the addition of more products.)

Starbucks coupon in baby gift bag at Target

Also, you’ll get some great baby coupons to use at Target — my coupon book had a coupon for 50% off any drink at Starbucks!

Target Baby Coupons

If you aren’t pregnant or adopting, but you know someone who is, be sure to share this post with them so they can get their free Target Baby Registry Gift Bag!

Know of any other great baby freebies? Let us know in the comments!


52 Weeks of Organizing: My Purse + Closet

I set a goal for 2023 to spend 5 minutes every day decluttering/organizing. I’m sharing 5 minute projects on Instagram each week day, if you’d like to follow along. And thought I’d do a recap post here each week with a peek into the organizing/decluttering I did this past week.

Monday: Organize Your Purse/Hand Bag

I recently got a new bag that functions as both purse and diaper bag. It’s big enough for me to put a change of clothes for Micah + a few diapers/wipes in it if I’m taking kids out. It’s also big enough to put my laptop/book/notebook in, too. So I love it!

And when I switched to it, I came up with a system to keep it clean. Basically, that everything in it has a place and that I clean it out every time when I come home. This has been working so well — and I didn’t really even need to clean out my purse because it was almost fully clean.

Tuesday: Go Through the Hanging Clothes In Your Closet

I have more clothes in my closet than usual right now because I’m between sizes because of being six months postpartum. And it’s harder to decide what to get rid of because I’m not sure what will fit and whether I’ll love it still when it does fit… especially since it’s been over a year or more since I’ve worn a lot of items. But, I did find quite a few things to get rid of:

Here was my pile to get rid of! Most of these are things I’ve worn over and over and over again and it’s just time to retire them because they are really worn out.

Wednesday: Go Through Your Shoes

While I have a lot more shoes than many people do. I wear all of these shoes (save the hiking boots, etc.) very regularly. In fact, I would say most of these shoes have been worn at least a hundred times or more!

But I did find this one pair to donate. I’ve had these for a few years. holding onto them for when my other pair of flip flops (that I LOVE!) get too worn out. And I decided to stop holding onto them and just let them go!

Thursday: Clean the Floor of Your Closet

Our closet floor was in really great shape. There were just two sections that needed a little straightening…

Friday: Go Through Your Socks and Underthings

I went through the sock basket that is full of socks that don’t have a mate and I got rid of a bunch of socks!

Overall, I didn’t feel like my cleaning/organizing efforts made that big of a difference this week, but it did encourage me to see that these habits and rhythms I’ve been working on the past two months are working and allowing my purse and my closet to not be in overwhelm shape, as it has often felt in recent years.

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