A few years back, I wrote a post about how I stopped yelling at my kids. Little did I dream that that post would be viewed by hundred of thousands of people and would spark some of the initial concepts I shared in my new book, Love-Centered Parenting.
Because so many of you have written me and said you’d love for me to share more practical ideas and advice on how to stop yelling at your kids and be a more patient mom, I put together a special pre-order bonus called the 5 Days to Yell Less & Love More Challenge.
In this 5-day challenge, we’ll:
- Dive into the why behind your frustration and anger and talk about how to nip it in the bud
- Discuss what to do when you feel like you’re going to lose your cool
- Develop practical ways to lean in and love your kids instead of lashing out
- Design a plan of action to build stronger relationships with your kids
Most of this content will be brand-new and is extra content not shared in Love-Centered Parenting.
This challenge is FREE when you pre-order a copy of Love-Centered Parenting. It’s my thank you gift to you for supporting the book and believing in this passion project of mine.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Five day’s worth of short videos from me to walk you through this challenge. Each video is designed to give you practical help and ideas + inspiration on your journey. I want to be your coach and cheerleader as you go through this challenge.
- A simple project to complete each day to help you yell less and love more. These will be simple and doable — even in the middle of a very full life!
- Bonus: Because I don’t want you to go it alone, you’ll also get access to a private Facebook community for you to interact with other parents who are also signed up for this challenge. I hope that this Facebook Group will provide encouragement, accountability, and motivation for you as you go throughout this challenge. Note: Facebook is not required — all videos and challenges will come directly to your inbox! It’s just an extra bonus if you’d like to participate there for more interaction with other parents who are going through the material together.
To sign up for the challenge, follow these two steps:
- Pre-order a copy of Love-Centered Parenting here (or any online retailer of your choice). If you’ve already pre-ordered, you can skip this step!
- Fill out this form here. (Just copy and paste your confirmation number in the space provided.)
- That’s it! You’ll receive an email after signing up with details on how to join the Facebook Group (if you choose to do so!) and how to access the videos and projects.
Any questions or have any issues signing up? Leave a comment on this post or send an email to crystal@moneysavingmom.com and I’ll help you out.