Saturday, March 28, 2020

The 3 Books I Finished Last Week (+ the 1 classic movie we watched) and more...

Welcome to my weekly book update post where I share what books I read this past week + my honest thoughts and star ratings of them. A Word on My Star Ratings The star ratings I give the books I read are based on a 5-star rating system. I rarely will ...
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Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

The 3 Books I Finished Last Week (+ the 1 classic movie we watched)

Welcome to my weekly book update post where I share what books I read this past week + my honest thoughts and star ratings of them.

A Word on My Star Ratings

The star ratings I give the books I read are based on a 5-star rating system. I rarely will ever give a book a 1-star rating (maybe never?), because my philosophy is that if a book is only worthy of one star, I’m more than likely going to quit reading it. 🙂 In the same vein, you’ll also notice that I’ll rarely give a 5-star rating as I reserve those for only my very, very favorite books.

Want to see all of the books I’ve read so far this year? Check out my Good Reads page.

The Fourth Trimester

I was really excited to read this book as I thought it would be great for me to prep for birth and postpartum recovery — especially since I’ve struggled with postpartum depression/anxiety after all three of my pregnancies and I think a lot of it was because I didn’t take time to properly rest and heal.

Going into reading it, I need the book wasn’t written from a Christian perspective and had a lot of influence from other religions in it. Unfortunately, I had a hard time getting past a lot of those sections. So much of the advice just felt so self-serving and humanistic…  and some of the advice to ask for so much help and set such strong boundaries after the birth kind of felt like it was encouraging you to come across as a jerk. (Just being honest here!!)

That said, my big take aways are that rest, good nourishment, and limited movement for the few weeks after birth are really important — and those are my hopes for this postpartum period and what I’ve spent the last few months prepping to make happen!

Does anyone have suggestions of a good book for postpartum that encourages these things that might be a better fit for me (or something for me to recommend to others)?

Verdict: 2 stars

The Lazy Genius Way

I have heard of Kendra Adachi’s podcast (The Lazy Genius) but, truth be told, I’m not a listener. I think I may have have heard one episode way back when or maybe have heard her on another podcast. But that’s about the extent of my knowledge of her.

Despite that, I really loved this book! It’s well-written, funny, practical, and realistic. Kendra has the perfect balance of truth, humor, and grace sprinkled throughout it. She also makes you feel like you can actually get your home and life in better order (notice I didn’t say “perfect order” just “better order”? I think Kendra would approve of that language!)

I love her approach to be a genius about those things that truly matter to you and your family and to be lazy about those things that don’t. I also found her light-hearted footnotes throughout the book to be a fun addition.

While I’ve read a LOT of time management, home management, and life management books, I still found so much fresh perspective and inspiration in Kendra’s book. And now I’m thinking I need to check out her podcast!

Verdict: 4 stars

The Gospel Comes With a House Key

Okay, I was a little scared to write this review, because it seems everyone I know absolutely adored this book. And, while I really loved parts of it, there were other parts of it that I just couldn’t stand behind wholeheartedly.

Let’s start with what I loved: I loved the author’s desire to encourage what she calls, “radically ordinary hospitality”. It is a lost art in our usually-busy worlds and I think it is one of the biggest building blocks to genuine community and Christlike love.

I also loved that the book shone a light on foster care and the need for Christian families to prayerfully consider being involved in this ministry. You all know how passionate I am about foster care!

That said, what bothered me in the book was that she presented hospitality almost as a one-size-fits-all sort of thing. That it’s only in the context of your church and neighborhood and that it pretty much always involves opening up your home for a meal. While I think opening up your home is fantastic and serving food is great, I think hospitality can also be inviting a friend to the park or to coffee or to join you in a walk or reaching out to the lonely-looking person sitting on the sidelines at your child’s baseball game or inviting your co-worker to lunch… and a thousand other things.

For me, I believe hospitality is going to take on many different forms — because we all have different giftings and different spheres and circles we run in. I wish she would have talked much more about this.

The second thing I didn’t like in the book was that she was super honest about situations they’ve been through with other people — the good, the bad, the ugly. And in many cases, she shared a lot of details about conversations that I felt were private and not ones to be shared in a published book that anyone in the world might read. I feel like there’s good chance some of the things she shared openly and in detail about very personal hurts and situations could very well hurt relationships in her life — some of those that might be ones she’s seeking to practical “radically ordinary hospitality” to.

Maybe she got every single person’s permission to share what she shared and maybe each person was 100% okay with it… even then, I think many of the examples and conversations could have been omitted and the book would have still been as powerful. For me, it would have been even more powerful.

And now I’m going to go duck from all of the rotten tomatoes I’m going to get thrown at me! 😉

Verdict: 3 stars

Classic Movie We Watched Last Week

The kids decided — all on their own — that they want to start watching one old classic movie per week together as a family in 2020. They are helping me choose the list of movies and I’ll be reporting here what we watch each week and their thoughts on it.

I plan to do a big classic movie round-up post at the end of the year with their verdict on the best and favorites of the ones we watched. (Thank you for all the great suggestions for must-watch classic movies!)

Last week, we watched Mr. Bean’s Holiday — a movie Jesse and I had watched together a long time ago together and thought the kids might enjoy. They did enjoy parts of it, but they found it a little on the slow side and thought it drug on — especially toward the end. (Note: I don’t think this actually qualifies as a “classic movie” since it came out in 2007, but oh well, we’re going to say it is since it was the movie we watched last week!)

What did you read this past week? Any books you think I really need to add to my long to-read list??


Brigette’s $88 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6


Thankfully, our store was pretty well-stocked the day we went shopping. There were no fresh meats, and there were limits on most items – but I got all the essentials on my list.

2 pks Broccoli Crowns – $3.06

1 carton Baby Artisan Lettuce – $2.39

2 cans Green Beans – $0.76

1 pkg Baby Bella Mushrooms – $0.89

1 pkg Button Mushrooms – $0.89

2 cartons Strawberries – $1.98

1 bag Green Grapes ($0.59/lb!) – $1.09

1 bag Red Grapes ($0.59/lb) – $1.19

1 bag Baby Carrots – $0.89

1 bunch Bananas ($0.15/lb!) -$0.42

1 3-lb bag Jazz Apples – $3.49

1 bag Mini Sweet Peppers – $2.39

1 Cauliflower – $2.19

1 bag Mini Cucumbers – $2.09

1 carton Blackberries – $0.99

2 cans Diced Tomatoes – $0.72

2 cans Tomato Sauce – $0.38

1 pkg frozen Mixed Vegetables – $0.57

1 3-lb bag frozen Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts – $5.59

1 3-lb pkg 73/27 Ground Beef – $7.19

1 16-oz pkg Deli Meat – $2.85

2 cans Chicken Breast – $1.99

1 pkg Beef Hot Dogs – $2.39

1 pkg Kielbasa – $2.35

1 pk Deli Sliced Cheese – $1.33

1 2-lb bag Shredded Mozzarella Cheese – $5.19

1 pkg String Cheese – $1.99

2 cans Pinto Beans – $0.98

1 can Baking Powder – $0.99

1 jar Bread and Butter Pickles – $1.38

1 pkg Taco Seasoning Mix – $0.29

1 can Baking Cocoa – $1.79

1 gallon 2% Milk – $0.97

1/2 gallon Unsweetened Almond Milk – $1.59

1/2 gallon Orange Juice – $1.59

1 can Whipped Dairy Topping – $2.65

1 32-oz carton Plain Greek Yogurt – $3.45

5 individual cartons Flavored Greek Yogurts – $2.94

2 dozen Eggs – $1.96

1 large box Corn Flakes – $1.09

1 large box Crispy Oats – $1.15

1 large box Crunchy Granola Raisin Bran – $2.19

1 box Clubhouse Crackers – $1.69

1 box Cheese Crackers – $1.49

1 bag Gluten-Free Pretels – $1.85

1 loaf Sandwich Bread  – $0.67

1 bag Mini Marshmallows – $0.89

Weekly Grocery Total: $88.85

Weekly Menu Plan


Everyone is responsible for making/cleaning up their own breakfasts. Choices include:

Fruit, Cereal, Smoothies, Oatmeal, Toast, Fried/Boiled/Scrambled Eggs, Yogurt, Veggie Omelets, French Breakfast Puffs


Deli Meat/Cheese Sandwiches, Apples, Cucumbers x 2

Crackers and Peanut Butter, String Cheese, Strawberries, Carrots x 2

Leftovers x 3


Chili, Cornbread

Leftover Chili/Shredded Cheese over Baked Potatoes, Broccoli

Italian Chicken, Tossed Salad, Green Beans, Biscuits

Hot Dogs on the Grill, Broccoli, Baked Potato Wedges

Chicken Gravy Over Rice, Mixed Vegetables, Easy Italian Breadsticks

Homemade Cheese Pizza, Tossed Salad

Venison Roast in the Crockpot, Grapes, Roasted Cauliflower, Creamy Milk Rice