Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Do It Yourself: Homemade Crackers and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Do It Yourself: Homemade Crackers
25 Quick and Easy Gluten Free Dinner Recipes
Go To Bed Early Challenge: Day 17 (Choosing joy on little sleep!)
How to Show Up & Give 100% (even when you don't feel like it!)



:: Do It Yourself: Homemade Crackers


MelissaKNorris.com shows you how to make homemade crackers with only 5 minutes of prework.

Do you have a fun and frugal DIY idea to share? I'd love to hear about it! Read the submission guidelines and submit it here.

:: 25 Quick and Easy Gluten Free Dinner Recipes

25 Quick and Easy Gluten Free Dinners

Lynn from LynnsKitchenAdventures.com has a great list of 25 quick and easy gluten free dinner recipes.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Go To Bed Early Challenge: Day 17 (Choosing joy on little sleep!)

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You often can't choose your circumstances nor can you choose how other people respond, but you always have a choice in how you will respond to a situation.

Good morning! It's Day #17 of the Go to Bed Early Challenge.

I had trouble winding down last night. I did all the usual things - getting ready for bed early, reading to my kids, reading, taking a bath, lying in bed with my eyes closed, praying, listening to music, even taking a supplement that's supposed to calm you down and help you sleep. But despite all that, I didn't actually fall asleep until well after midnight.

I'm excited - and a little nervous - about all the filming we'll be doing today and tomorrow at our house for our new Make Over Your Evenings course and that's mostly why I was having trouble falling asleep. I finally did fall asleep around 1 am and then woke up with a start at 5:45 am.

We spent time in prayer and quiet this morning and I feel much calmer and ready for today! I'm going to choose joy, choose gratitude, and choose courage - even if I didn't get enough sleep last night!)

How was YOUR night last night? What helps you to fall asleep when you're struggling to wind down?

Are you joining me for the Go to Bed Early Challenge? If so, leave a comment on this post to let me know how you did with your go-to-bed goal last night.

We're in this together… And if you didn't hit your goal, that's okay! Give yourself grace, don't beat yourself up, and know that you can try again tomorrow!

P.S. Read more about the Go to Bed Early Challenge here. Need some help and inspiration to go to bed early so you can get up and use your mornings well? Download Day 1 of Make Over Your Mornings for free (scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for it!)

:: How to Show Up & Give 100% (even when you don't feel like it!)

Wherever You Are, Be All There

Print available here from WhatThePrint shop.

Do you ever have those mornings where you just wake up and you don't feel like doing life? Maybe you're going through a really trying time in life, or maybe you're just having a rough week.

If you're feeling discouraged right now, here's some encouragement on how to show up and give 100% even when you don't feel like it…

1. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

I can't stress this enough. Really think about what is going to matter in 10 years from now.

If you set yourself up for failure from the get-go by making a massively long to-do list or over-committing to too many things, you'll be too overwhelmed to want to show up and give it your all.

Decide what your top priorities are, make sure those are on your list, and be okay with taking other things off your list that really aren't going to matter.

2. Take care of YOU.

If you want to have the energy to pour out to others, you have to be sure to take care of yourself first. You can't give from an empty tank. Prioritize filling up your tank.

Think about what will nourish your soul, spirit, and body. When you live from a nourished place, you'll have more energy to be able to show up and give your all.

3. Wherever you are, be all there.

This is the best way to give 100%. Strive to be completely present in whatever moment you're in. It's so easy to think about where you have to be next, what you have to do, or even what you'll say next in a conversation. Listen fully, dwell in the present moment, and be with the people surrounding you.

For me, it helps to compartmentalize. I have a marriage to invest in, children to homeschool, friends to spend time with, a business to run and manage, social media accounts to keep up with, a blog to write, and so much more.

I could let it overwhelm me and can feel like I'm losing my mind if I try to multi-task. When I compartmentalize and focus fully on one thing at a time, I'm able to do all of these things and do them well.

What motivates you to show up and give 100% each day in life?

P.S. If you want some more encouragement, I highly recommend Hands-Free Mama and Hands-Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford to challenge you in being fully present in your life every day.

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