Friday, February 19, 2016

Brigette's $63 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6 and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Brigette's $63 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6
One simple way I get more reading in every day (Go to Bed Early Challenge: Day 15
4 Things to Do When You Wake Up Feeling Exhausted



:: Brigette's $63 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan for 6



1 16-oz pkg Tilapia Fillets - $2.99

1 4-lb bag Oranges - $1.96

1 jar Unsweetened Applesauce - $1.89

2 cans Chicken Breast - $3.38

2 cans Salmon - $3.98

1 bunch Bananas (2.16lb @ $0.44/lb) - $0.95

1 pkg Zucchini - $2.49

2 1-lb pkgs Butter - $5.78

1 pkg Romaine Hearts - $1.99

1 Artisan Lettuce - $1.99

1 bag Mini Sweet Peppers - $1.99

1 32-oz carton Half and Half - $1.89

1 Nonfat Greek Yogurt - $3.89

3 16-oz cartons Egg Whites - $5.97

1 8-ox pkg Mushrooms - $1.29

2 Avocados - $1.18

1 3-lb bag Gala Apples - $2.07

1 Lowfat Cottage Cheese - $2.29

1 2-lb bag Carrots - $0.78

1 Cauliflower - $1.99

Total: $50.74


Harris Teeter

1 14-oz pkg Minute Rice - $2.50, used $0.50/1 Minute Rice Product, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/31/16) (doubled), plus receive 1.00 back from Checkout 51 - $0.49 after coupon

2 boxes Rice Krispies - $4.00, used 2 $0.50/1 printable (doubled) - $2.00/2 after coupons

2 Domino Pourable Brown Sugar - $3.34, used 2 $0.75/1 printable (doubled) - $0.34/2 after coupons

2 bags New York Bakery Croutons (our family doesn't really eat these, but I like to send a bag when I am bringing a meal to someone and including a tossed salad) - $2.38, used 2 $0.40/1 New York Bakery Crouton or Salad Topping, exp. 2/29/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) (doubled) - $0.78/2 after coupons

1 Bag of Grapefruit, reduced - $1.00

1 jar Parmesan Cheese - $2.09

Total after coupons and rebate: $6.70

Weekly Grocery Total: $63.42

(This total includes the 2 gallons of milk which are not pictured but Eirik picked up on his way home from work earlier in the week for $5.98.)

Weekly Menu Plan


Cereal x 3

Oatmeal with Fruit x 2

Scrambled Eggs (Veggie Omelettes for me) and Toast x 2


Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Apples, Carrots x 2

Toast with Almond Butter, Hard Boiled Eggs, Peppers, Bananas x 2

Baked Potatoes with Cheese, Broccoli, Grapefruit

Leftovers x 2


Date Night Out (two weeks in  row! :))

Hamburgers and Hotdogs on the Grill, Veggie Tray, Oranges, Oven Baked Fries

Homemade Pizza, Breadsticks, Tossed Salad with Homemade Caesar Dressing

Pan-Fried Tilapia, Roasted Cauliflower, Applesauce, Drop Biscuits

Chili with Chips and Cheese, Buttermilk Cornbread

Leftovers x 2

:: One simple way I get more reading in every day (Go to Bed Early Challenge: Day 15

One simple way I get more reading in...

People often ask me how I find time to read. It changes in every season, but right now, one way that I'm getting consistent reading in almost every single day is by starting my day with time in God's Word and a little time in a good book.

I usually get up at least 30 minutes to an hour before the rest of the family and this early morning time is a sacred, soul-filling oasis for me.

I light a candle, make a cup of coffee, write in my Gratitude Journal, spend time reading and journaling as part of the She Reads Truth study, pray over my day/for people & situations in my life, and read at least 5-10 pages of an encouraging book.

All of this usually only takes me 25-35 minutes, but it starts my day in such a calming, quieting, refreshing way. It also guarantees that - even if I have a very full rest of the day - I've gotten in a little reading. And those 5-10 pages of reading every day add up to at least one finished book every month!

I just finished Finding Spiritual Whitespace yesterday (it was SO, SO good - just what I needed for this season) and am excited to start Roots & Sky today!

(It's Day #15 of the Go to Bed Early Challenge and I'm happy to report that I was in bed by 10 pm last night and got the best night's sleep I've gotten all week long - yay!!)

How do YOU fit in reading? What are YOU reading right now? 

Are you joining me for the Go to Bed Early Challenge? If so, leave a comment on this post to let me know how you did with your go-to-bed goal last night.

We're in this together… And if you didn't hit your goal, that's okay! Give yourself grace, don't beat yourself up, and know that you can try again tomorrow!

P.S. Read more about the Go to Bed Early Challenge here. Need some help and inspiration to go to bed early so you can get up and use your mornings well? Download Day 1 of Make Over Your Mornings for free (scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for it!)

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: 4 Things to Do When You Wake Up Feeling Exhausted

When You Wake Up Feeling Exhausted

Have you had those mornings where you wake up feeling utterly exhausted? I definitely have! It has been a goal of mine to make sure I'm getting enough sleep every night so that my body isn't tired when I wake.

There is more to waking up feeling tired. I often find that we confuse being physically tired with having hit a point of burnout. Maybe the feelings you are dealing with in the morning have little do with your sleep habits, and everything to do with your mind habits.

If you are rolling out of bed each day already feeling defeated, it is no wonder you want to pull the covers over your head and dip out of existence for a while longer.

I want to give you 4 things you can do when you wake up feeling exhausted.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

I know what you are thinking, "What does comparing myself to others have to do with exhaustion?"

Well, it has a lot to do with it! We can exhausted spending all day long trying to live up to what we think everyone else is doing.

Have you ever thought: What is my problem? Why can't I get my act together? Why can't I be doing more? I should be doing more like that person over there. Look everything that person can do. Why can't I be like that?

We can exert so much mental energy beating ourselves up for not measuring up. This does nothing but make us more tired and worn out. As an introvert, I have a smaller capacity to go-go-go than extroverts do. I cannot just pour, pour, pour into other people all day long and not take time to slow down, breathe, and have some quiet. 

By getting over the guilt of being an introvert, I can take the time I need to replenish myself which allows me to live life feeling much more refreshed and energized.

Accepting who I am has allowed me to understand that we all have different needs, and it is okay if I can't get as much done as someone else. Everyone has their struggles that they are dealing with. And that person whom I'm looking at and wishing I could be like is probably feeling like they don't measure up in some areas, too.

What to Do When You Wake Up Feeling Exhausted

2. Replenish Your Supply

All of us have people whom we pour into on a daily basis. This could be your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, your extended family, your friends, and on and on the list goes. You have to be intentional about filling yourself up if you want to have something to pour out to others. 

Filling yourself up might be:

  • Reading a book you enjoy.
  • Listening to a podcast that you find interesting.
  • Playing uplifting music.
  • Counting your blessings.
  • Taking time to write in your journal.
  • Enjoying a cup of coffee in the quiet.

What fills your soul? Give yourself permission to make that a priority.

I know you are thinking, "I have too much to do each day to spend time on myself". I get that, and for a long time I tried to run like crazy without filling myself up back up.

Guess what? My health took a toll, my marriage felt the strain, and my kids were getting leftovers instead of my best. I've been able to handle things so much better since I find ways to rejuvenate myself each day.

How much of your day are you spending doing things that drain you? Are you doing anything in your day that puts life back in you?

Even if you take just 5 minutes a day to do something that energizes you, it is worth the effort. You'll be amazed at how much of a difference it can make!

What to Do When You Wake Up Feeling Exhausted!

3. Let Some Stuff Go

People ask me all the time how I get so much done in a day. Honestly? There are a lot of things I choose not to do so I can give more focus to a few things.

While I was writing and launching my book, Money-Making Mom, Jesse took over a lot of the cooking and menu-planning. He wanted to try it and we discovered that he's really good at it and really enjoys it.

My kids help out with laundry and daily cleaning. We pay to have a cleaning service come in once a week and deep clean our house. And we recently hired on a mother's helper to come in two mornings a week to help with tasks around the house, watch the kids while Jesse and I have meetings, oversee some of the homeschooling (she has her degree in education!), and to even enable Jesse and I to get in a lunch date now and then.

I can't do it all. I don't do it all. In order to say "yes" to something, you are saying "no" to something else. Figure out what your main priorities are, and let some of the other stuff go. 

4. Give Yourself Grace

Finally, give yourself grace. There is no way you are going to get everything done in a day. No matter how much you accomplish, there will always be other projects and tasks that need to be completed in the days to come.

Instead of focusing on all of the things that you didn't get done, focus on your progress. Celebrate what you accomplished - not what you didn't get done.

Give yourself some breathing room in life. Even if you have a mountain of things that need to be done, take a few minutes to rejuvenate yourself. In order to break the vicious cycle of feeling exhausted all of the time, you will need to learn your limits and stick within them.

What helps you on those days when you wake up feeling exhausted?

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