Did you set a 2019 goal to exercise more — maybe even every day?
Finding the motivation to work out every morning can be a challenge, especially during the months when it’s cold outside and you just want to stay in your bed or you just want to get a little more sleep.
If you’re struggling to stay motivated, here are my top tips…
1. Have a plan.
It’s not enough to say “I want to work out.” That’s a good first step, but then you have to decide what you’re actually going to do in order to follow through with that desire. You have to plan how and when you’ll work out each day.
When deciding how you want to work out each day or what activity you want to commit to, I encourage you to pick something you really love doing. When you pick an activity you’ll actually enjoy, you’re way more likely to follow through with it!
Don’t choose a certain kind of workout just because it’s what everyone else seems to be doing or you feel like it’s what you should be doing. Find something you love!
Maybe it’s going on a run or a brisk walk, committing to a workout DVD or YouTube workout every day, dancing around the house, going to a workout class, or getting together with a friend to work out each day.
Whatever that looks like, do what feeds your soul and make sure it’s something you’d really enjoy.
I’ve found over the years that the best way to guarantee I’ll actually stick with working out is to do something I enjoy.
2. Go to bed early.
It’s really hard to get up in the morning when you don’t go to bed on time and get enough rest. Going to bed on time will make it SO much easier to get out of the bed the next morning. And when you’re well rested, you’ll have a lot more energy to work out!
3. Dress warmly.
During the winter months, make sure you dress warm enough. If you’re trying to work out in a tiny tank top and shorts and it’s freezing cold outside, you won’t want to get out of bed!
I typically wear layers. I start out with lots of layers and take layers off as my body warms up throughout my workout.
So keep yourself warm when you first start out so that you don’t have the excuse of it being too cold.
4. Pair it with something you love.
Make your workout even more enjoyable by pairing it with something you love!
Maybe that’s music, your favorite playlist, a podcast or audiobook, or even your favorite sports drink or a cup of coffee while you walk.
I use the treadmill every morning and I love checking in on Instagram while I walk. I typically respond to Instagrams DMs via video while I’m on the treadmill walking, and I always look forward to my time on the treadmill because of this!
When I was running on the treadmill more often, I loved listening to a podcast or watching a tv show while I ran.
5. Know how it will make you feel.
Maybe you don’t feel like working out right now, but try to remember that once you work out you’ll be SO glad you did it!
Remembering how it will make me feel once I’m finished is a huge motivation for me. I always look forward to the energy I’ll have after my work out — which makes it so much easier to tackle my day!
So even if you wake up and have zero desire to workout, think about how much more energized you’ll feel after the fact. That might motivate you to start!
6. Find some accountability.
Accountability is a HUGE help when trying to commit to any daily habit — especially exercise!
Find some accountability! Maybe it’s an app or a checklist, or maybe it’s a workout partner that you check in with every day.
Right now I’m loving the MyFitnessPal app for accountability. I log what I eat, how much water I drink, and my daily workouts. It helps motivate me to make healthy choices through each day!
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