Friday, September 7, 2018

Making a full-time income from blogging (+ a free class for you!)

I'll never forget the day I woke up and realized I could actually make a part-time income from blogging. I had been dabbling in blogging and affiliate marketing and online entrepreneurialism for two years and making a small amount of money from it. But ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Here's what's new:


Making a full-time income from blogging (+ a free class for you!)

I’ll never forget the day I woke up and realized I could actually make a part-time income from blogging.

I had been dabbling in blogging and affiliate marketing and online entrepreneurialism for two years and making a small amount of money from it. But it definitely wasn’t enough to put a roof over our heads or buy our groceries for the month.

But then, after months of research and effort and work. After trying and failing and fighting so much discouragement, something clicked… and I made over $3,000 in one week as a result of blogging.

Say what???

I was shocked, overwhelmed, and humbled! And I realized that maybe this blogging thing really could be a viable income source for our family.

Fast forward another year and we were making a full-time income from blogging — yes, enough to pay our rent, buy our groceries, pay our other expenses, and put a little bit into savings.

It felt so surreal! But it didn’t stop there!

Now, 13+ years of blogging later, blogging not only allowed my husband to leave his stressful job and come home full-time, but it’s allowed us to pay cash for our house, travel internationally, and give generously to needs in our community and around the world.

I’m so passionate about blogging because I’ve seen how much it has blessed and benefited our family. And I want to help others share their voice with the world and find financial freedom for their family through blogging.

Join me for a FREE Blogging Class!

And that’s why I want to invite you to join me on Wednesday evening for a live blogging class I’ll be teaching sharing more of my story, how I make a full-time income from blogging, and how you can get started on your blogging journey, too!

Sign up for the class here.

In this class, I'll teach you:

  • The one habit you should begin today if you want to set up a successful blog (it might surprise you!)
  • The few key things you need to have in place to get your blog up and running (it's a much shorter list than you might expect!)
  • 5 simple ways people are making a part-time or full-time income from blogging (& how you can, too!)
  • Plus, I'll be hosting a LIVE Q&A at the end of the class to answer your burning questions!

Don’t miss this opportunity! Sign up for FREE here.

P.S. Can’t make the class live? Go ahead and sign up and we’ll send you a replay afterwards!