Friday, April 6, 2018

I'm changing my morning routine… again! :) and more...

I think I need to overhaul my morning routine… or at least give it a great big tweak. (The word "tweak" feels a lot more doable and grace-filled than "overhaul", so I think we'll go with that!) You see, my […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.


I’m changing my morning routine… again! :)

I think I need to overhaul my morning routine… or at least give it a great big tweak. (The word “tweak” feels a lot more doable and grace-filled than “overhaul”, so I think we’ll go with that!)

You see, my mornings have changed a lot this past year since our kids are in three different schools with three different start times. In addition, we recently moved around 10 minutes further away from their schools.

So, I feel like I’ve been re-learning what works for mornings for us and I’m finding a lot of things that aren’t working and a lot of things that are. And now it’s time to go to the drawing board and map out a plan for the rest of the school year and for summer.

Great morning routines never just happen; they require intention and thought and effort. But they are SO worth the effort because a great morning routine starts your well and a day that starts well often continues and ends well.

One of the things that helps me to plan a good morning routine is to decide how much time I have to invest (when do I want to/need to be up by) and what the most important tasks are that I want to accomplish.

For me, I know that I can’t get up any earlier than 5:30 a.m. (I need 7+ hours of sleep every single night) and we need to be out the door by 7:15 a.m. with lunches, backpacks, homework ready, in order to comfortably get to all three schools by their drop-off times.

I also know that, ideally, I want to have my workout done, my Bible read, my shower taken, and my hair fixed before then. I also know that I want to allow 15 minutes or so to be available to the kids for whatever they might need — a listening ear, help with making a lunch, help with a last-minute project, help finding shoes, etc.

So, over the course of the next 2 weeks, I’m going to be working on tweaking my routine and our family’s routine so that it serves us better. We are all craving a little more consistency in the morning and I know that a good morning routine is what will do it for us.

Would you like to join me in this journey? Could your mornings use some tweaking, too?

Well, in case you missed my earlier announcement, beginning on Monday, I’m going to be hosting a private Facebook Community dedicated to helping you (and ME!) structure our mornings so that we start our days more calmly and successfully.

This coaching group is called Make Over Your Mornings LIVE and we’ll be walking through my entire Make Over Your Mornings course but in a live format.

Click here to read more about it.

Each day, we’ll watch the video of the day (included with the course) and read the workbook section for the day (also included with the course) and then we’ll check in on Facebook with the results from the daily project (listed in your workbook & also on Facebook).

I’ll be journeying through this with you and cheerleading you, as well as sharing how I’m working on tweaking our morning routine, as well.

This private Facebook Community be a place for daily accountability and cheerleading for all of us and I can’t wait to get to interact with you in a more personal way there and cheer you on as you overhaul your mornings (or just tweak them a bit!).

In addition to the daily accountability on in the Facebook Community, I’m also going to be doing 3 one-hour LIVE coaching sessions. 

We’ll go deeper into the material, I’ll share some of my best time management tricks and tips, I’ll share what I’m learning as I’m seeking to tweak our mornings, and I’ll answer your questions and give you feedback and encouragement tailored to your specific situation.

It’s going to be amazing and I can’t wait to go through this together — not only so I can encourage you as you work on your mornings, but so that our family’s morning can improve, as well!

So, to recap, when you sign up, you’ll get:

  • Lifetime access to Make Over Your Mornings, including the PDF workbook, daily lessons, and daily videos!
  • Exclusive access to the Make Over Your Mornings LIVE Facebook group where you can collaborate with others who are making over their mornings, too!
  • LIVE access to me during our 2 weekly Facebook Live coaching sessions designated to help walk you through the course!
  • PLUS, 1 bonus Ask Me Anything live session so you can get all of your burning questions answered!

How Much Does It Cost?

I wanted to make this opportunity really affordable, so we’re offering it for just $15 if you’ve purchased Make Over Your Mornings in the past (making it just about $1 per day!) or just $25 if you’ve not purchased the course before (that’s a $7 discount off the usual price!).

So, what are you waiting for? It all starts on Monday and I don’t want you to miss out! Plus, I’m exciting to have your accountability as I work on tweaking my mornings, too!

>> Sign up for Make Over Your Mornings LIVE! <<

I hope you can join us! Registration closes on Monday evening!

P.S. In this coaching group, I’m not going to give you formulas or one-size-fits-all plans… because I just don’t think it’s possible to fit everyone into one sort of box or plan. Instead, I’ll be teaching you how you can take the principles and apply them to your real, everyday life — no matter what your season or circumstance!