Last week was a good week. I did a whole lot of resting. And even thought that was hard for me, it was already so good for me.
This whole giving myself grace, taking time off, and taking it super easy has taught me a lot! It's given me so much more compassion for others. And it's taught me the beauty of slowing down.
I'm so grateful that near the end of the week, we discovered that the antibiotics I was on for the infection I contracted after my surgery were making me really sick and tired. Once I got off of those, I started to feel world's better.
Yesterday morning, I woke up and called Jesse (who was already serving at the early morning service at church) and said, "I think I FEEL NORMAL!!! I forgot what it feels like to wake up and not feel completely nauseous and gross and tired! THIS IS AMAZING!!!"
Anyway, I'm so, so, so grateful! Thank you for all of you who have prayed so much for me over the last three weeks. You all bless me so much!
I'm keeping my goals simple again this week so that I can continue to rest - especially since we are headed to South Africa next week and I want to be all rested up for that!!
This week's goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
Personal Goals
3. Get at least 7.5+ hours of sleep every night.
4. Read and blog through Simply Tuesday.
Business Goals
5. Finish special downloads for my book launch.
6. Speak at MomCon (are you going to be there! If so, I'd LOVE to meet you at one of my two sessions!)
This week's goals:
Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals
1. Write a love note to Jesse.
2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.
3. Prep for our family trip to South Africa next week!!!
Personal Goals
4. Get at least 7.5+ hours of sleep every night.
5. Read and blog through Nourished.
Business Goals
6. Finish special downloads for my book launch. {I cannot WAIT to tell you more about these!!}
How did you do on last week's goals? What are your goals for this week? I'd love to have you share your progress on last week's goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you've blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let's cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.