Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Free Healthy Snack Menu Printable and more...

Money Saving Mom

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Here's What's New
Free Healthy Snack Menu Printable
Join us for a 5-Day Homemaking Challenge! (Day 2 Assignment)
Today's Homemaking Challenge Assignment Results: The Kitchen!
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Review (Part 1)
I dare you to FLY!

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:: Free Healthy Snack Menu Printable

Snack Menu Printable

Meal Planning Mommies is offering a free healthy snack menu printable right now.

:: Join us for a 5-Day Homemaking Challenge! (Day 2 Assignment)

How to Eliminate 99% of the Paper Piles at Your House

Who needs some motivation and inspiration to clear out some clutter?? ME!

So guess what that means? I'm bringing you all along with me. :) I'm going to be clearing out clutter and re-organizing things at our house this week and I'd love for you to join me.

Every morning this week around 8 a.m. CT, I'll post the assignment for that day. Then, at 8 p.m. CT, I'll post my accomplishments for the day! You can either link up your blog posts (if you're blogging about the challenge) or just tell us in the comments what you accomplished that day.

Today's Assignment:

1. Get dressed in something that makes you feel great.

2. Make a short to-do list for the day.

3. Tidy up your kitchen - do the dishes, straighten the fridge, and wipe the counter tops off.

4. Make your bed.

5. Choose one closet to clean out - pull everything out, discard the items you no longer need/love/use, put away the items that don't belong in the closet, and organize the rest of the items in the closet.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I'm also going to be reading through The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (can you believe I haven't read it?) and blogging my thoughts as I read the book this week, too. Today, I'll be reading pages 34-63. I'll have a post up with my thoughts later today.

Who's joining me? Leave a comment to let me know if you're planning to participate!


:: Today's Homemaking Challenge Assignment Results: The Kitchen!

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

So, I had just planned to clean out one or two drawers in the kitchen, but y'all, I got started and I just couldn't stop.

{It also helped that I read the first section of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and she strongly discourages only doing a little bit at a time!}

{Okay, let me clarify: I actually did stop multiple times. I worked in 20-30 minute bursts today and then would rest for an hour or so and then get up and work again. I'm being very intentional about listening to my body and not overdoing it. In fact, I even laid down and took a NAP this afternoon - something that I rarely, rarely ever do!}

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

I had some help!

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

My great grandma painted these - one of my very favorite kitchen items!

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

How short people clean their kitchen cupboards. Notice my total "I'm in lazy mode yoga pant look". I wasn't joking when I said that I stopped and rested repeatedly today!

{Also, if you look closely, you can see the nice bruise that the IV left on my hand.}

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The KitchenScreen Shot 2015-09-07 at 8.08.43 PM

How about the organized look I've got going on there?!? Yikes!

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

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Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

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Homemaking Challenge Project Day 1: The Kitchen

So here's the truth: I had no stinkin' idea that I had so much random stuff in the kitchen that was just taking up space and serving no good purpose. It feels SO amazing to have gotten rid of 4 BOXES of stuff and to now only have items that I absolutely love and use regularly my kitchen.

Okay, well, I'm not sure that the spinach still in the fridge qualifies as something that I love, but I didn't get that ruthless!

Did you do any cleaning in your kitchen today? Tell us about it in the comments or, if you're blogging about it, leave the direct link to your blog post sharing about your accomplishments today.

:: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Review (Part 1)

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I have heard so many rave reviews of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and have been meaning to start it for a number of weeks. But I wanted to wait until I had enough margin in my life to actually put the book into practice, not just read it and wish I could follow through with it! :)

So since I have a quieter week this week, I decided to dive into it - and to be brave enough to blog my thoughts as I read it. (The book is broken up into five different parts, so I'll be reading one part per day this week and blogging my thoughts fresh after reading it.)

Why Can't I Keep My House in Order?

The first section was called Why Can't I Keep My House in Order? And it started out with a bang - not only by making a case for why you need to tidy up your space ("When you put your life in order, you put your affairs and past in order, too.") but on why you need to completely rethink your approach ("Success is 90 percent dependent upon our mindset.")

Marie Kondo, the author, did a great job of convincing readers to give her methods a try. She also did a fantastic job persuading readers why other organizational methods such as doing a little bit at a time, just don't work well.

"If you tidy up in one shot rather than little by little, you can dramatically change your mindset."

Part of me loved her sort of all or nothing approach. I loved that she promises that once you overhaul your home with her methods, it will not only transform your life, but that you will never need to do such an overhaul again.

That alone was pretty impressive to me. We live fairly clutter-free, minimalist lives - or so I thought before I dug into my kitchen today (more on that in my Homemaking Challenge report post tonight!) - but I have to stay on top of the clutter. This means that I have to go through our house regularly and clear out clutter and this also means that at least once a year, I do a thorough top to bottom house decluttering.

So I'm very curious to read more and hear how Marie makes good on claims that once you've done this whole house tidying, you don't need to do much maintenance. If she could save me from needing to spend a week decluttering every year, I would be all over that.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

"The KonMari Method I describe in this book is not a mere set of rules on how to sort, organize, and put things away. It is a guide to acquiring the right mindset for creating order and becoming a tidy person."

One particular nugget in this first section intrigued me and that was the suggestion to tidy by category, not by location. Instead of tidying the girl's room or the living room, she suggests tackling clothing and then books and so forth.

I'm still not sure how that all works out - especially because I feel like I have a number of items that would fall under the miscellaneous category. Again, I'll wait to see how she fleshes the details out more on this.

"People cannot change their habits without first changing their thinking."

So far, I'm loving the book. It's inspiring me, it's challenging me, and it's leaving me hungry for more. I can't wait to read tomorrow's section and let you know what I think of it!

If you read pages 1-33 today, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you read! Tell us in the comments.

:: I dare you to FLY!

I dare you to fly!

My friend, Beth, from RedandHoney.com, gave this mug to me recently and I love the reminder!

"It's not enough to have feathers, you must dare to fly!"

Do you want to make a difference with your life? Use the feathers you were given. The world needs your story, your talents, your gifts.

You'll probably feel scared to jump out and try to fly. Do it anyway.

You'll probably have some struggles along the way. Keep at it.

You'll probably make some mistakes along the journey. Don't give up!

Be brave. Jump out and use the feathers you were given.

Use your gifts. Share your story. Exercise your talents. Dare to fly!

Psst! I shared more about this on Periscope this morning. You can watch my video here for the next 24 hours (just click on the Play button).

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