Friday, September 11, 2015

5-Day Homemaking Challenge (Assignment #5) and more...

Money Saving Mom

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Here's What's New
5-Day Homemaking Challenge (Assignment #5)
5-Day Homemaking Challenge: Day 4 Results (books & clothes)
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Review (Part 4)
Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama
Why I'm Going to Stop Trying to Be Awesome

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:: 5-Day Homemaking Challenge (Assignment #5)

How to Eliminate 99% of the Paper Piles at Your House

It's FRIDAY! And I'm celebrating! And I'm keeping the assignment very simple today:

Today's Assignment

1. Get dressed in something that makes you feel great.

2. Make a short to-do list for the day.

3. Tidy up your kitchen - do the dishes and wipe the counter tops off.

4. Make your bed.

5. Straighten the main living areas of your home and celebrate the progress you made this week on de-cluttering!

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I'm finishing up the last section of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (pages 174 to 206) and will blog my thoughts on it later today.

Who's joining me? Leave a comment to let me know if you're planning to participate!

:: 5-Day Homemaking Challenge: Day 4 Results (books & clothes)

Homemaking Challenge Results

So, these pictures might make book-lovers want to weep, but I can't tell you how liberating these pictures are to me. I had a revelation about books yesterday and it was so eye-opening and pretty life-changing for me that if this is the one thing that sticks with me from reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up it's going to make a big difference in my life.

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I just recently had gone through our books and pared them down, so I was shocked that I felt inspired and motivated to pare down so much more! Instead of being overwhelmed by all the books I "should be reading", my bookshelves now inspire and empower me.

I look at them and think about the memories that some of the books on them hold for me and then I look at those I have yet to read and am excited to read one or two each week over the next few months. They spark hope and life and joy in me, instead of speaking the message that I am not reading enough, am so far behind on reading, and should find a way to read more each day.

You can watch a little video I did on my bookshelves here, if you're interested. What a difference perspective (and paring down!) can make!
Homemaking Challenge

I also went through my clothes and got rid of a few things. Plus, I toyed with trying the whole stand things up in the dresser drawers idea. And I decided that apparently it's a learned art and I think I'm doing it all wrong.

But I snapped a picture so that at least you could see that I had tried. :)

Did you clean out your books today? Or do any other cleaning? Tell us about it in the comments.


:: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Review (Part 4)

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

So this section of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up was probably the one that was the least helpful or inspirational to me.

In fact, I sort of speed-read through some of the sections.

I felt the most important quote was this one: "Designate a spot for every last thing you own."

And this is why: "The reason every item must have a designated place is because the existence of an item without a home multiplies the chances that your space will become cluttered again."

I've always said I'm a big believer in "A place for everything and everything in its place." However, as I read through this section of the book, I realized how many things I have that don't truly have a designated place.

Or, that sort of have a designated place, but I've been so lax about actually putting them in that place that I might as well have not assigned them a place in the first place!

Empty your bag every day??

Marie Kondo also makes a strong case for why you should empty your purse/bag every day. I'm really torn on this one, personally.

I see the value in cleaning out your purse/bag daily so that it doesn't become a traveling trash can (ahem), but it also feels like extra effort - especially since I only use one bag and don't swap between multiple handbags.

I would worry that I'd forgot to put something in it (like my wallet or something) when filling it each day and it also just feels like extra effort to pack and unpack it each day. What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Did you read along with section 4 today? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it or on what I shared above.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

P.S. If you have a few minutes, you might enjoy watching my latest Periscope video from this morning. I shared more in-depth how reading this book has impacted me and talk about what "spark joy" really means to me and why reading this book is inspiring me to get rid of my massive book pile next to my bed. Watch it here.

:: Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama

Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama

Someone emailed me last week to ask if I were still following Trim Healthy Mama and I realized I probably should write a post about the subject. I've kind of been avoiding it for a few months because, well, I'm not one to be a quitter.

But I also want to be honest here. And since I raved about Trim Healthy Mama, I figured I should also tell you why I quit Trim Healthy Mama.

First, though, let me tell you why I didn't quit it:

1. I Didn't Quit Because It Was Too Expensive

So many of the THM recipes can be made very economically. Plus, I used Amazon gift cards earned free from Swagbucks to purchase a few of the specialty items.

Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama

2. I Didn't Quit Because I Got Tired of Eating This Way

There are SO many great recipes that are THM-friendly. I fell in love with many of them and we still eat some of them just because we loved them so much. The THM Facebook Page shares all sorts of amazing recipes daily in case you need more inspiration.

3. I Didn't Quit Because It Was Too Hard

Yes, I had to learn how to eat this way and yes, I had to make some adjustments - especially when traveling. But overall, I found it to be very, very simple to eat this way.

Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama

Why did I quit, then? Well, it might surprise you, but it's true:

I quit because I was losing TOO much weight!

For real.

I had lost a few pounds when I first started Trim Healthy Mama - a few pounds that had crept on over the past year and needed to come off. I was at my ideal weight and I felt great!

But then, after about five or six months of eating this way, I started struggling with feeling hungry all the time. And I couldn't seem to eat enough.

Even with Crossover Meals. Even with cheats. I kept losing weight. Until I was a few pounds underweight. Since I'm short and small-framed, a few pounds make a big difference for me.

I felt tired and lethargic and hungry all the time. Jesse suggested I start tracking how many carbs and fats and proteins I was eating every day and we quickly realized that I was eating way too much good fat. But I was reaching for the good fat and the S meals because the E meals weren't filling me up.

Unfortunately, all that good fat just revved up my metabolism even more. So, after agonizing about it for a few months and trying so hard to make it work without success, I finally just quit.

Why I Quit Trim Healthy Mama

I learned so much while eating THM. I learned that I could live without sugar. I learned that I loved protein more than I realized. I learned that I don't need to always be reaching for homemade sugar-y carbs like I used to.

I stopped using sugar in my coffee. I learned to savor flavors more. I tried a lot of new recipes. And I am guessing I will forever eat better as a result of eating this way for so many months. I crave much healthier foods and I find that I don't enjoy super sweet desserts like I once did.

If you are struggling with your weight and looking for a great plan to help you slim down and feel good, I definitely recommend reading Trim Healthy Mama. You can also follow their Facebook Page for more inspiration and encouragement.

I can attest to the fact that this plan really works. In fact, in my case, it ended up working too well! :)

Want to eat better, lose weight, and feel great?

For the next 5 days, you can download The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle at the low, low price of $29.97. That is 97% off the $1900+ value!

This bundle is filled with inspirational ebooks, e-courses, and free bonuses to help you feed your family better, get healthier, and feel more energetic.

Here a few of the products included in it:

Plus, much, much more! Get all of this for just $29.97 for the next 5 days only.

Grab your Healthy Living Bundle here.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

:: Why I'm Going to Stop Trying to Be Awesome


So you noticed how I skipped doing the Homemaking Challenge yesterday and stayed in bed instead? As I shared on Periscope this morning, that is a big deal for usually-driven-push-hard me.

And it's all part of my new mantra to do a better job of listening to my body, of giving myself grace, and of taking time to rest. Because the health scare of the last two weeks was a real wake-up call for me.

I finished reading For The Love by Jen Hatmaker last week and I was so challenged by many parts of the book, but especially by the first chapter. In that chapter, she talks about how we try so hard as women to be the best, do the best, and impress other people. In the process, we end up exhausting ourselves.

She sums this up perfectly with a quote that jumped off the page at me and stuck in my head all week long:

"We need to quit trying to be awesome, and instead be wise."

What exactly does this mean? What does it look like? I've been mulling over that the last week.

For me, it means giving myself grace and doing what is best for me and my family. I can invest so much energy in trying to give my all - as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, as an employer, as a blogger, as a homemaker, as a homeschooler - and I can easily burn myself about by trying to be "awesome" in every area of my life.

But the truth is, when I try to be awesome in every single area, I end up so exhausted instead that I'm not really able to be anything to anyone.

Why I'm Going to Stop Trying to Be Awesome

So I am working on doing a better job of reminding myself of this. And I easily forget.

Take last week, for instance. Even while letting this quote resonate in my mind, I had a moment where I tried to choose awesomeness over wisdom.

As you know, the last few weeks I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and worn down. I had a lot of projects on my plate, to-do's on my list, and people who were needing extra investment. As a result, I hadn't been getting enough sleep or taking care of myself.

During a moment of sitting at home feeling like I was barely hanging on or keeping up, I received an e-mail from a reader that said, "I used to love your blog, but I don't anymore, and here's why…" She then listed all of the reasons why she no longer enjoys my blog.

I get e-mails like this from time to time. I have learned over the years of blogging that I can't please everyone. I will always disappoint someone, because I am only one person and I can't be all things to all people.

But this e-mail came right at a time when I was already feeling like I was failing big time. I was discouraged, and this e-mail felt like a gut punch while I was already down. It felt like I was pouring every last drop out and it wasn't enough.

One of the reasons why this reader said she didn't like my blog anymore was that I no longer hosted regular challenges - like the homemaking, cleaning, or freezer cooking challenges I've done in the past.

As soon as I read this, I immediately started looking at my calendar and trying to plan out when I could do challenges multiple challenges in the next few weeks, all because of this one e-mail. I mapped out a plan to do three different challenges - including a challenge last week right before my surgery.

I didn't think about how exhausted I felt or how full my week already was. I was moreso just focusing on the fact that if I didn't do these challenges, I was failing my readers.

When I told my husband about my plan to do a challenge last week and then this week and the following week, he looked at me like I was nuts. Because I was!

And then he spoke some truth to me, "Maybe you can another week, but this week you just need to rest."

I knew he was right, I mean, I was worn out and worn down plus I was scheduled for surgery, but there was that part of me inside that was yelling, "But I'm going to disappoint my readers! I have to figure out a way to make this happen!"

And then I remembered that quote. I had to remind myself to stop trying to be awesome, and instead be wise.

Why I'm Going to Stop Trying to Be Awesome

I'm so, so glad that I listened to my husband because last week ended up being a really hard week for me. Not only did I end up in bed with a fever for a few days and then have some serious nausea the day before my surgery, but then surgery recovery ended up being a lot harder than I expected.

My husband gave me permission to plan a simple challenge this week because I felt like I might go stir-crazy with all the resting! But he made me promise to take it easy, keep it simple, and skip any day that I didn't feel up to it. Which I did yesterday!

I share this in hopes that it will encourage you to think of areas in your life where you might be trying to be awesome when you need to step back, cut back, and be wise instead.

Now, yes, when you start choosing to be wise over trying to be awesome, you will also have to be okay with disappointing some people. Because not everyone is going to be on board with you saying no, cutting back, or not being as available.

But it's okay to disappoint people - provided they are the right people. I don't want to disappoint my God, my husband, or my kids. There are a lot of other people I will have to disappoint in the process in order to not disappoint those who are my greatest priorities right now.

So today, my challenge for you is this: Think about the areas you're trying to be awesome in and decide if you need to dial back and say "that's not wise for me right now." Do what works for you and what is best for your family. Be okay if it's completely different than someone else.

You are not them, you are YOU. Do what works for you!

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